Other urls found in this thread:’s-heavy-hand-on-haiti’s-vulnerable-agricultural-economy-the-american-rice-scandal/

But she royally fucked over the Haitians with the Clinton Foundation and the cell phone mogul. This will backfire so gloriously.

>Dems Call Haiti a shithole
>Libs Get angry
>look into haiti to prove its not a shithole
>find out it is in fact a shithole
>Look into the politics of haiti and who caused the shithole to become an even bigger shithole
>Clinton Crime Syndicate BTFO

Checkmate Libtards,
Trump Truly is the Most Stable Genius

Trump literally setup this domino on purpose.

Monday the OIG report comes out.

Wednesday the fake news awards.

that dosnt look like hilary.

she died lads? did hilary died? woooohooo ding dong.

thats 100% a body double, they sacrificed her in that fire a week or so ago

Anderson Cooper snatching Haitian child

Don't ask what happened to his shithole

Her arrest and conviction will no longer satisfy me. I want to see her publicly executed.

When a devastating earthquake leveled Haiti in 2010, millions of people donated to the American Red Cross. The charity raised almost half a billion dollars. It was one of its most successful fundraising efforts ever.

The American Red Cross vowed to help Haitians rebuild, but after five years the Red Cross' legacy in Haiti is not new roads, or schools, or hundreds of new homes. It's difficult to know where all the money went.

Don't you think someone that was going to do nefarious things with a foundation would name it something other than their own fucking last name? Do you think everybody is as stupid as you are?

>shitholier than thou

Did President Clinton and other recent White House tenants condemn Haiti to a future of endemic poverty through a self-serving U.S. rice export policy? An examination of Haiti’s economic liberalization strategies of the 1980s and 1990s indicates that the answer in part is “yes.”’s-heavy-hand-on-haiti’s-vulnerable-agricultural-economy-the-american-rice-scandal/

Shills coming out HARD today...

the whole point was to have their name on it because the name clinton is synonymous with "prestige," "high class" and "respectability." It's her turn, everyone knows it and she has 110% chance of winning in 2016.

it's name is CUNT.

Placed and ready

>babbys first mspaint

This is really cringe, dude.

>implying the dumb whore isn't a CUNT

doesn't matter whether it has your name on it or not from a legal perspective. if you were in charge of a foundation and it does something illegal AND someone wants to press charges, you're fucked.

from a branding perspective, putting your name on it is invaluable when your husband is a former president, you are a senator/former senator/secretary of state/former secretary of state (various title depending on times), and you're in line to become the president.

clinton foundation donations dropped to shit once hillary had no political influence left to give. everyone talks about oh maybe she does 2020 but they will not make the mistake of superedelegating her to the dem nominee again after the trainwreck of 2016.

Glumpf BTFO!!!!

>haiti is not a shithole
Stop the lying.

Isn't that bitch dead yet?