Was Saddam really a bad guy or was that all fake news?
Saddam Hussein?
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9/11 was a new pearl harbour to get the USA to destroy Iraq
Saddam was a strong leader who launched SCUD missles at Tel Aviv.
He was a bad guy, but unfortunately in Middle East the alternative to bad totalitarism seems to always be absolute chaos.
He was a dictator, but did well for his country.
>Men and women never have seen such levels of eqaulity since.
>Majority of Iraqis received top quality education.
>Economy was booming before the Air occupation after Kuwait.
America literally destroyed one of the more developed middle eastern countries and we wonder why its a shithole.
>Was Saddam really a bad guy or was that all fake news?
he was worse than stalin
How you define bad guys unless you are some "bad guy" expert.
Hitchens in full neocon mode.. sad
Well considering he was a CIA asset and a business partner with the Bush family, I'd say fake news.
The point of the Iraq war was to destabilize Iraq and create a base for al CIAduh now Isis
He was /ourbadguy/ to a large extent. And a good one.
Saddam was our guy.
Of course the (((US))) spergs out every time the middle east is somewhat stabile and the mutts had to go get rid of him.
He was literally a socialist, user.
Bush did nothing wrong.
He was a bad man but the world would be a better place with him still alive.
>le 9/11 consbiracy meme
>attacked Tel Aviv
You say that as if it were a good thing.
>le it's America's fault if shitskins can't behave meme
>le terrorists are poor victims who are only responding to American aggression meme
Fuck off, you liberal faggots.
Bush did nothing wrong.
Except 9/11
Prove it, retarded memer.
Not liberal, I took some classes and that was one my thesis papers was societal development under Socialist Iraq/Syria/Libya. They did much more for their countries than any other party did, turned them into some functioning nations. Part of the reason why you had no refugees in Europe and shitskins in America.
>wasted billions of US dollars in the Middle East
>involved us in two unwinnable wars
>weak immigration policy
Nope, Bush and his (((neocon))) pals can choke.
Was in Al Anbar in 2008, civilians didn't think we were there to help but they all said Saddam was a piece of shit and life was a lot better without him. Al Anbar is sunni which is the group he catered too as well, so should say something thats what average civi thought at the time-T US Marine
>not liberal
>just a socialist
"Neo-con" is just liberal hateful labeling.
Legit piece of shit.
Nope a capitalist. Just in my studies noticed socialist dictatorships mixed well Arab populations which required strong leaders. It also helps they were trying to move away from Sharia and other stupid Arab shit. In those countries there were many women with PhDs as well as men. Now they are goat fuckers again.
"Netanyahu "If You Take Out Saddam I Guarantee Positive Reverberations""
But the Iraq invasion is unlawful. They were not involved in 9/11 nor did they have WoD. America was the country that misbehaved.
If given the chance to shoot a communist or a neocon, I would kill the latter. Traitors are a bigger danger than enemies.
he was a dictator for sure, but arabs are savages and he kept them in line with his tyranny. we weren't wrong about him being a tyrant, we were wrong about removing him being a good thing
He was a piece of shit, but he was also one of the only things holding the region together. The state the Middle East is in now is all because of America's hunger for oil and war. Oh and a bunch of dumb ragheads.
ask the kurds
He kept Iraq stable, that's all I care about.
>Men and women never have seen such levels of eqaulity since.
>thinks this is a good thing
It helps nobody, you fucking boomer cunt. cucklord. Inequality is not abuse, nor does it necessitate abuse.
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."
He was our guy, muslims were shitting their pants
You forgot (((something))) you worthless nigger faggot.
>He walked into a meeting and personally shot a general in the head
>When he rose to power he had 50% of the politicans murdered by the other 50% who he assembled into firing squads
>He murdered a loyal general by blowing up a helicopter
>Gassed the kurds
>Protected his fucked up son who murdered a butler with a turkey cutter
>Held Western children as hostages
>Tried to assassinate G H W Bush in Jordan with a massive truck bomb
>Had people forcibly dissapeared and melted in acid in Abu Ghraib (yes that Abu Ghraib)
>Other fucked up torture like forced rape/incest
>Beating the soles of feet
>Electrocution, flaying skin etc
Well, most were forced into brothels even if they had PhDs from our sanctions. Honestly it was a fairly decent society compare to the Sharia shithole they have now. If we didn't fuck with them, we wouldn't have the problems we do today.
It might be one of those memory hole things, but I am 100 percent sure I read that he was born a Christian.
Is this true or am I being memed?
Also I am 22 you fucking kike neocon.
Memed. he was a Sunni
Better than goatfucking and pedophilia? Yes. But ideal? Hell no. I don't think we should have invaded, if that's what you assumed, I just took issue with your characterization of the place.
>calls me a neocon
Do you even know what that means?
It's even worse you're 22 and still believe in the functional equality meme.
>the amerimutt strikes out in pain as he stikes you
Haha legitimately kill youself my man.
And motherfucker?
Even if you believe the US are kike shills it's on them for being such bootlicking faggots.
He made a deal with the (((US))) and carried out their tasks and fight against nations the (((US))) didnt like.
The only bad thing he every did was trusting amerimutts to not backstab him.
Saddam Hussein was a bad guy running a nation full of even worse people than he was. He was a dirty cop in a nigger hood.
My bad, thought you were this fag.
As far as equality. I believe 10-20% women can compete with men in male dominated fields. I don't think they should be discriminated against or should they be promoted to 50% parity. In all honesty if a women wants to pursue studies she should be able to. If she wants to marry at 18 and have five kids thats fine too.
He wasn’t a piece of shit you faggot. He fought for his people and even though he wasn’t successful he died trying to save his people from ZOG. That’s heroic, and more than a little faggot like you could ever hope to achieve in life.
my bad again, not him this one.
He commissioned a koran in his own blood, and now muslims have no fucking idea what to do with it because a koran written in blood is supposedly haram, but so is destroying a koran.
His sons where totally insane.
I think regardless of western involvement he still would have ended up dead.
Was a lot worse than Gaddafi and Assad .
>I believe 10-20% women can compete with men in male dominated fields.
Yeah, probably. But they shouldn't be encouraged to do so unless they have exceptional talent in the area. Otherwise it's too easy for every woman to be tricked into thinking she's part of the elite.
And some areas need to be shut off entirely, like the military.
Literally /ourguy/
Yeah I agree. I don't think they should be treated as special. If they can handle the work load and perform then I don't see a problem with them being there. Military stuff I agree except in a time of war were increased support staff is needed.
>t. brainwashed inbred 56%
Sounds like every Arab society, just missing the public beheadings like Saudi Arabia.
Saddam was a bastard but the pretext for invasion was bad news. Destabilizing Iraq would have been worse than leaving him be.
Just like Gaddafi, we should have left him be, but the oval office got trigger happy and now we've destabilized an entire region for the worse.
He was a filthy Marxist. He was only marginally better than having ISIS running around.
He probably did amount to more than any of us ever will but he was still a piece of shit fascist who committed genocide, torture and all kinds of other fucking atrocities on top of stripping a way the liberties and freedoms of his citizens.
And sure he may have been against Israel but in what way are those atrocities necessary? If you support them then frankly your're too far gone and there's nothing I can really say to change your mind.
Iraqi economy was in shambles after Iraq-Iran war. They financed that shit with massive loans from other Sunni-Arab states. After the war ended Kuwait and Saudis asked Iraq to start paying their debts. As quick fix Iraq occupied Kuwait, that made a spike in oil prices and hurt US economy a bit.
The man was pure good. And Whiter than Dubya for that matter
Yeah that war really fucked things up for Saddam. There was a great growth from 60s-80s though.
>Fires missiles are kikes
>not a good thing
Do you see the flaw in your logic now or are you actually retarded?
America literally bombed the shit out of the country on a fabricated casus beli. How is that "shitskins not behaving?"
While Saddam was in place, the refugee flood was controllable.
And ISIS never could rise under his rule.
It's almost as if someone wanted all those bad things to happen and removed him on purpose.
Nah that's bullshit.
Maybe 10-20% of women can compete with average men, but for that segment there exists 10-20% of men who are way ahead of these women.
There is no reason to put women in the work force. Their function is natalism; anything else is dereliction of duty and a crime against posterity.
Imagine if we said 10-20% of men didn't need to get jobs and can just laze around on welfare. Or if we said 10-20% of the infantry could just go out and party and didn't need to train.
Women belong in the kitchen.
If you do not put them there they will not respect you and they will fill the power vacuum with multiculturalism and Mohammed's "Refugee Welcome" dick.
Fuck off cuck.
>Was Saddam really a bad guy or was that all fake news?
It doesn't matter if he was or not. He's not White and part of a non-White country. Therefore White countries should've had nothing to do with him.
If you look the bell curves 10-20% of women can outperform the average man. I also said if they can do the work and perform well I see no reason to deny them if they want to do it. I never said anything about them being cunts and sitting around not doing jack. I have work with some women who are very high performing individuals and others that are shit. The shit ones shouldn't be there, but muh forced diversity.
Also I said women shouldn't be in the military unless in times of war where their is a manpower shortage...
The Jordanians are the most ruthless fuckers in the mukhabarat and their Bedouins and have the best intelligence agency after the Jews. But since their king is a trekkie plebbit couldn't give a fuck. They pull out nails and "dissapear" people all the time.
>What is the gulf war
>What is Kuwaiti Propaganda
> what is protecting Americas only ally in the middle east
They did economically fine until their re-enactment of WWI with modern weapons with Iranians, that started because Saddam thought he could get away with fast landgrab as Iran was in chaos due to Islamic revolution and half of their generals had fled after military dictatorship fell. Iraq was also getting more prominent in Arab world and it became the biggest threat to Israel.
Now that Iraq and Syria are in ruins and not threats to Israel for few decades, Israelis are trying to get US to invade Iran. If US does that. Next in line are Saudis as they aren't completely kosher for Israelis if Iran is removed, as Iran is the main regional competitor for both Saudis and Israel.
Dude, who gives a fuck what crimes Saddam committed?
America isn't exactly squeaky clean. You did murder millions of people across Korea and Vietnam, and your dirty CIA has left a hidden trail of mass murder and torture across central and south America. Not to mention funding and supporting Jewish genocide against Palestinians.
But suddenly Americans care about muh human rights in Iraq?
Fuck off hypocrite.
America had nothing on Saddam. He was just another thug you had no problem supporting when it suited your country.
But after the Cold War when America needed a punching bag to show the world how big their dicks were they choose Iraq.
They had to deceive Saddam into invading muh Kuwait then lying about it in order to launch a catastrophic war which destroyed Iraq and set the precedent for an unstable, refugee-rich Middle East.
Nice going 'murica.
The winner writes the law, and is above it. Might makes right in the real world.
Of course the US cheated, but who's gonna put them straigh at the time ?
>Republican flag
>Defending Israel
Jesus fucking Christ, how new are you?
Challenged the petrodollar and was hanged for it after losing in a war America fought in the side of the Rotschilds.
For Sup Forums this man should be a hero.
>Everyone who doesn't support endless war is a liberal
Wow wtf I love neoconservatives now. Dubya, what a guy, lemme tell ya!
He was another fallguy of the elite, just like the rest of them, all part of the new American century plan.
A woman doing "work" is equivalent to doing nothing, because her primary function is furnishing us a posterity, period. If she's not doing that, she's a traitor, and you cuck, an enabler.
I never once stated that women should be in the military. No genius, I COMPARED a woman in the workforce to a soldier not doing his job, ie a simile. Look it up.
My first post addresses all your other objections, you just need to read it again.
I guess neo-liberal is just hateful labeling too. It's just a word that classifies a measure of reality.
>>Gassed the kurds
kurds are fucking commies, nothing of value was lost
I've come to learn he wasn't so evil. He kept that country in order. Before being executed he urged his people not to live with hatred in their hearts towards americans. It says a lot about his charachter that he was able to do that. The guys who executed him hung him before he could finish his final prayer in a sickening display.
Yep, the Iran-Iraq war is quite fascinating actually. Tried to do a blitzkrieg that failed spectacularly. Yeah Western intervention in the Middle East has fucked up things spectacularly as well.
Considering I know females that are extremely productive and out do their male peers. I have to say your sample size has been small. They tend to be more in the elite level of society though. Granted their are always males that can do it better, but there exist females that outperform the vast majority of men.
As I said, re-read my first post where I address that.
> B-B-But muh women in da workforce be smart n sheeeit!
He was a bad guy
You don't give a reason why whatsoever that they shouldn't if they want to be. You basically just said the top percent of men can outperform the top females that is all.
He reigned over mud people with an iron fist and liked swords. net he would be fun to watch anime with.
Also you were implying they couldn't handle the work. I stated otherwise.
He wasnt "nice"
But compared to ISIS and the rise of Jihad he wasnt that bad
M8 I agree with all of that. This was my previous comment:
I did give a reason; women belong in the kitchen.
Whether or not they can handle a man's job is as irrelevant as whether or not a soldier can drink two six packs and put away three joints.
A woman whose a great lawyer (lol) is still a shit woman. You don't judge a tea cup by how effectively it makes a hammer. You judge it by how well it contains tea.
Why is it ok for a woman not having children?
Why do you think it's ok to have 10-20% of a population unemployed?
Mabey, i have a iraqi friend, iraq was one the most prosperous and well developed country in the whole region, it was on par with many european countries
They guy migth have been a petty sadistic asshole but the entire region was alot better with him around
Well first off forced reproduction creates a shit ton of unwanted children and increase in crime as seen in Communist Romania where women were forced to have two children.
Are implying that it will cause 10%-20% of unemployment among males? That is completely wrong considering economics is positive sum, not zero sum. Basically those 20% of women will be having income and spending it in the economy and driving other markets and create jobs in those markets. Seriously read a fucking a book.
Anyone that kills Parthians is ok in my book
He's a big guy
White people need all the children they can get.
No, I'm saying that 10-20% of women working a man's job is 10-20% of women unemployed to having children. Why is that a good thing considering our demographic situation?
You cannot maintain a society filled with inbred sociopaths without having the biggest Sociopath at the top willing to beat some order into them once in a while.
The question is . Can modern western society afford to freely share their advancements in technology with the rest of the world when that rest of the world consist of gung-ho brainlets.
braindead """conservative"""
Ok you are saying that all white women need to do their duty and have children. A female lawyer can have children. She will provide extra income and produce better educated and better whites. My own mother was a doctor. As far demographic decline in the US. I think it will reverse. The Hispanic population birth rates will equal whites in a generation and blacks are too busy killing each other.
This link shows that ones born in the US have less children or equal to whites even since whites are back to 2.2 children per person I believe?
Good night, sweet prince :-(