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oh shit, never finished this animated japanese cartoon
How could I forget?
That was the show that got me into anime at the time
The ending made me cry bitch tears and left me depressed for a week.
I thought it was a happy bittersweet ending.
the MC got the happy ending while she got the bittersweet ending. it was a mixed bag of emotion for me I actually didn't know how to feel for a while
you know I enjoyed it, but definitely my expectations after the first few episodes were too high
that said I barely remember it now.
I went into the anime expecting complete trash due to my experience with the author's other works, however thanks to the damn good animation and soundtrack, and the plot not being too awful it ended up being pretty fun.
> but definitely my expectations after the first few episodes were too high
was it the loli death? did you want to see more? lolis aren't for killing user.
is the manga ending he same?
Koreans are masters of the abusing women thing.
>>is the manga ending he same?
I don't know, I haven't read it. The endings to most of his works are shit or are left without an ending at all.
Yeah, but I was 15 at the time when it aired, and I really liked the main girl and wanted her to end up with the guy, so it was basically a sad ending to me. Still remember that last scene when he's on his deathbed and that "bonding" thing that connected them disappears.
>that webm
everytime. I knew what it was going to be but I still went for it. god I hate truck-kun, nothing infuriates me more than this shit, I even started double checking checking before I cross the street
I felt like their relationship was growing like more brother/sister. but honestly I liked the ending cause the childhood friend won the MCbowl and I forgot, was she a teacher or just older than the MC?
Is he magically extracting an ovum?
Kuro is the closest thing I've ever had to waifu. Even though thread will undoubtedly die soon, I'm glad to see she at least got one.
I dropped it twive.
And is not a particulary bad show, I've seen far worse but for some reason I always ended bored half way
I'm pretty sure my opinion would change on this show if I rewatched it now, I just keep it untouched for nostalgia sake.
I think she just lookes older than him, but they're around the same age.
I would read it, rather than watch it. The anime changed WAY too much. For example, they change the MC from a college student (trying to become a programmer) to a high school student (with no real goal) for no reason at all. They also change his personality completely. Kuro's fighting style doesn't even seem like it's boxing in the anime from what I saw, which is kind of important since she learned it from an ex-fighter that let's people kick his ass for money on the street.
don't blame you, doubt anyone here remembers the actual plot except for a few good moments like
>kurokami's brother vs anyone
>the ending
>loli death
the wiki doesnt say her age and it looks like the childhood friend marrying the MC might be anime only.
>trying to become a programmer) to a high school student (with no real goal) for no reason at all
>high school student
this shit again. what is thier hard-on for high school?
Her and the MC did not get along well for a significant portion of the series. By completely changing him into a generic MC, it pretty much eliminates a lot of the development in the series, as well as the entire structure of the story.
Are all the chapters of the manga translated? It seems like it has ~140 chapters but I can only find ~116.
Don't bother, it starts good but turned to shit.
It was released by jew press so translations stopped
I watched the anime quite some time ago and was just curious about the manga. Shame about the translations.
they still didn't really get along in the anime either
and hes a computer programmer, he's not much use.
So what's our friend Im Dal Young doing nowadays? He got tired of abusing women?
>So what's our friend Im Dal Young doing nowadays
Still writing Freezing
>by completely changing him into a generic MC
How different was he in the manga?
He was a self centered asshole like pretty much every other Im Dal Young protag.
yeah, i dropped you after one episode
>Still writing Freezing
new story arc weird as fuck. just progress stella further and stop the pain