he has a point folks
He has a point folks
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What's his point, that all black men are faggots?
why are niggers so fucking gay? You don't get raped like that in nordic prisons.
>bragging about wanting the white mans cock
>try to make a point
>destroy it with atrocious grammar
I thought only good boys who dindu nuffin get sent to jail because of the racist criminal justice system, so why would they rape?
Daily reminder blacks have the highest percentage of self identified faggots. Sage.
did this guy just low-key say that black guys knowingly treat black women like trash?
So he's straight up admitting that black men are all gay rapists? Those are his heroes? Those are the people he looks up to, who will show da wypipo who's BAWSS?
Do white people not have other concerns that don't involve black people? The approval of friends and family? Personal achievement? Self improvement?
Is it all about keeping the black man down?
Nothing of value was lost
Dont forget we have to work so our money can be stolen and given to incompetent island niggers such as yourself.
What kind of island nation cant handle a fucking hurricane? One filled with pathetic savages, apparently.
Everything anyone needs to know about puerto ricans is summed up with the fact that they actually idolize niggerdom.
Not too far from the truth.
fuck you cracker
Black "people" are so desperate for the masters attention they will say anything. If you notice joggers only think of simple things, ass, money,weed. And attention from white people. Like children they act out and get angry when they do not get attention.
So you be sayin.... We wuz black wammin?
ok shitholer
Just means 90% of blacks are lying . Go look at Craig's list, how many niggers with a girlfriend want some "down low" duck in the butt.
>some literally who says something on Twitter
>I'm supposed to care
I have no idea who this is. He could be retarded, schizophrenic, a retarded schizophrenic, a troll, anyone. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's valid.
Better a fucking leaf than a memeflagger
>Daily reminder blacks have the highest percentage of self identified faggots. Sage.
And the highest percentage of trannies, too.
you don't get raped like that in American prisons either, unless you are a rapist or some pervert. It happens, but not some interracial shit.
Nigger pucci was mad for white cock they all deep down want to serve and be dominated by a strong white man they want to be taken care of like only the white man can. Can't blame them really
>the only time canadian men come together in a time of need is playing soggy biscuit.
reminder that blacks literally go to prison in order to be faggots without scrutiny from "the homeboys"
False. This is jewish television propaganda. Whites run jails since the 70's fucking idiots
male male black aids transimission is like the highest in any group ever because they don't use protection and they spread it to their women, it's seriosully the only reason black women get aids so much is their boyfirends fuck other men. Subsaharan men are about 30% aids right now.
>become the become the
>this becoming
And this is a spokesperson nigger?
Friendly reminder that the jews put the leaders of white prison gangs in ADX meanwhile black prison gangs are in eternal civil war
Whites and Blacks are segregated in prisons.
Das right whitey not only do we stealz your womynz but we make you our bitches also hahaha
The US Center for Disease Control estimates that 50% of gay black boys already have HIV, or will get it during their lifetime.
are you blaming rape victims shitlord
And you're right about black women. They have a 1 in 48 probability of getting HIV, as opposed to 1 in 880 for white women.
Truly a dirty, diseased people.
>white people going to jail
niggers destroy everything they can get their hands on.
Just more black Twitter fantasy larping. Unless you're some kind of fuckup, you will not get raped by blacks in prison, because that's kind of shit that starts funtime in the yard. They have their own boys to turn out, and do it at rates all the statistics suggest. They're less intelligent, more obese, more likely to be gay, more likely to be trannies, more likely to have STDs, etc. Everyone else stays away. Why they triggered by hearing this outside is a mystery, because they all know it to be true.
Anybody with half a brain would choose Aryan Nation of any other shit gang in the pen.
The others are loud, overt dick-measuring faggots. Even in prison whitey wins.
it's a jew, idiot.
you're all so retarded.
niggers are animals. they are not politically active on twitter. those are larping jews.
Maybe it's their high-T and reduced frontal lobe capacity. I have known a bunch of black guys who want the ding, more than white guys for sure.
it makes it weird about aids, i was taught everyone might have aids at an equal chance ok HIV which could become AIDS. But in reality white women , and in particular white women i would sleep with are about 1 in a million likely to have aids. If they have had a black boyfirend then maybe 1 in a thousand.
You guys know this kekistani faggot is actually just a shitposting leaf hiding his flag, right?
Prison rape is a meme. If there is sex it's consensual. And anything violent would be done in-race or it'd lead to one hell of a riot.
That's exactly why they get they booty blasted out by the bbc when they do actually show up here
They also have high estrogen, just more hormonal in general
>Voluntarily going to a war
>Still crying about it 50 years later.
Kek, never change militaryfags.
miss him
Yeah if the niggers aren't fucking each other in prison then where are they finding the time to get all this AIDS?
I am guessing that graph is not adjusted per capita
Not many rapes because there's plenty of willing inmates. Black dude once asked if I wanted to get gay with him in the pen, but he was cool bout it lol. I was like, "naw, man" and he never brought that shit up again.
No more! delet these immediately!
dude lmao i kno rite fukkken kkk nazi's what's gone up their skin?
so what he's saying is... don't go to jail because it's the domain of black men and they will rape you. Also a felon is the equivalent value of a black woman?
Very confusing argument for a black supremacist to make.
Yeah sure you did you fucking faggot , I am certain he railed the fuck out of you like the little bitch you are.
>what's the scariest part about the white man in prison
>you KNOW he did it
this nigger must've never been to a prison. it's not a constant interracial orgy where the white devil is being raped by the black kang. luckily he'll figure that out firsthand in the near future I'm sure, being that he's a nigger.
I thought they became white supremacist neo nazis.
It's a sympathetic reaction actually, the higher your T the higher your estrogen. That's why raiders get bitch tibbies
>Posters go up January 21st at night on campuses & public spaces
>bonus points for feminism related areas
>don’t vandalize or do anything illegal
>translations are available for over 25 countries
>only use posters from the official website:
>condemned by the SPLC:
>promoted by the following:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes (retweeted this Dec 9)
>Tara McCarthy
>Peter Sweden
>LA Werewolf
>Jack Posobiec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)
Haven't seen a good JGL thread for a while.
I have a point too. OP is a massively underrated faggot 99% of the time. Saged for not politics
This is the black mans fantasy.
We all know Kap was kneeling to suck that BWC
Kek what is the context here?
What happened to you guys man , like really you lost most of your bantz hell even the cancuck are beating you and thats fucking embarrassing.
the black hetrosexual. white hetro women really points it out, once you black you are highly likely to contract a life changing disease in relation to the per capita risk.
Gee it's almost as if there's more than one person with an Australian flag
black men are obsessed and tsundere with white people. all they ever talk about is fucking white dudes in the ass in prison, fucking white bitches in the club, etc. Then they complain about every little thing white people do or don't do. It's actually very uncomfortable for everyone involved.