White nationalism is starting to become increasingly more mainstream, and this means that racial tensions in America are just going to worsen from here on out. Realistically speaking, when will an all-out race war start?
How long before the US falls into lawless violence?
soon I hope
You are the only hope now. Make that ethnostate. Make it great.
We are already a lawless nation. Our government is completely corrupt and illegitimate. The question is when will a significant percentage of the population realize this?
>race war
When will this meme die
>jews jew with impunity
>satanists abuse children without punishment
>big business perpetuates the greatest economic lie without consequence
The only law being acted on is the law of the jungle.
>whites america actually doing something
>whites in america
Soon I hope, I'm spreading as much jew hate as I can. We can't make this about niggers primarily, the jews are the biggest problem.
Yes, and ironically the first white victims will be the ones supporting the blacks.
>White nationalism is starting to become increasingly more mainstream
This isn't actually true. Being real about the future of our country is becoming more mainstream, as is calling people who see it "racist."
We will win. We aren't racists, only Americans.
It already started, tho
Faggots dont fight. They bitch and cry
It will coincide with a financial collapse. That will be the spark. A bunch of people have guessed for it to happen around 2033.
Either immigration is reversed and we become a white nation again, or we go to war. There are no other options. We can’t afford to babysit the world.
Once the cities start to riot they'll get beat the fuck down. A few years later they'll be sent to the showers.
Make sure you throw in some hate for women too. Yes, especially white women. Unless you like being cucked by feminism, you would shill against it.
And don't give me some bullshit about them not being responsible for their actions. Take away their rights so they don't have the opportunity to do it again.
dude the cities might get crazy but the suburbs and rest of the country will just become numb and more secluded. segregation will be on never before seen levels.
Decades still. Things will have to get worse before Amerifats do anything.
It's inevitable, just like the war between Islam and Europe is inevitable
>How long before the US falls into lawless violence?
We need economic pressure. Most normies are too selfish to take up the banner of their people without having a reason to.
Automation + immigration should give that to us. Hopefully the budget will crack under the boomers' weight, too.
The optimum timeframe imo is 15-20 years from now for the start of fighting. Too soon, and we risk not having enough numbers. Too late, and the shitskins will far outnumber us regardless.
with your current debt its rather soon
Will it be our WW2 lads?
Long after you have, when either the white race regins or the mutts of the world vanquish us...
White nationalism is not mainstream.
Charlettesville was less than a thousand faggots
Sooner the better
That Warski livestream with Richard Spencer was #1 on trending.
one goal of the Jews is to reduce the intelligence of their enemies by genociding smart people as they did in Russia and China.
one has to wonder how much black people were also hurt by the jew.
there will eventually be a unification of the goy against the enemy...
Agreed, that's when the DotR begins.
calm down peeper
As soon as the niggers start shooting
Soon I hope.
Not only a race war but a war against liberal white people too.
When the petrodollar recycling scheme unravels and crypto replaces the USD in international trade standard.
That's what I'm thinking.
Crypto is an actual threat to their entire financial system.
When the weather cools