Le Kebab Removers are back xDD

Looks like Sup Forums's favourite shitskins are back at their barbaric sperging.

Pic related: Top is white, bottom is kebab


Other urls found in this thread:


This is the face of the guardians of Europe xDDD

B-but they're Christian right?

Where are the white serbs? Are they ashamed of their patriotic brethren? Come on Mile, tell the world this is cherrypicking.

holy shit they look arab, not even turkish

The Turks imported them from Romania to work our fields, they're really Turkogypsies as we call them.

>trust me I’m white

Whiter than you Jamal Smith

lol this is actually a german gypsy with mental illnesses that used to post on anthro-forums 24/7

he was a smart guy but depressed and tried to constantly get classified as indian or white in general

It's truly a shame that Islam has ruined the culture and lives of the whites on the bottom of the pic.

he's still active on theapricity, he's a serbian gypsy living in germany.

Ruined? They had 5 children on average before communism hit them Alejandro, WASPs struggle to maintain 1.

kinda sad, considering he is smart enough to read and understand racial classifications he could pull himself together, lose some weight and just do well in life

but i doubt it's gonna happen

The goys are back in town the goys are back in town

the moment EU collapses all bosniggers and albozergs will be genocided down to the last infant, and there's nothing you can do about it this time.

Support from America, one step closer from reclaiming Constantinople

Top kek, I look like this dude and I'm Chinese.

ah the daily buttblasted Jamezdin posting gypo pics... when I remember people here actually didnt want to join the war to exterminate you all I just feel sadness



>tell the world this is cherrypicking. and the bottom picture isnt? you posted 3 pictures with literall gypsies

The eternal (Albanian) immigrant is at it again

just a random pic of some serb soldiers

here's another

This is a turk according to Sup Forums.

obviously a turk, even though he is slightly white he will never be THIS white

Belgrade will become the second Gaza, and there's nothing you orthoniggers will be able to do from your shithole of a nation.

You people bended over backwards when Russians defended themselves in ukraine, ukraine had the help of Obama & the U.S.

You think trump is going to want to defend a bunch of Muslim fucks from Russia? The Muslims are going to be the ones seen as terrorists this time little shill

Russia? Take the flag off you illiterate greek fuck, are you this dense?

>having an entire folder of carefully picked "Serbian" pictures
>making montages of "Serbian" pictures
>making threads about Serbs every single day

Imagine how fragile your idea of national identity has to be that it revolves only around Serbs

Albanian ? Bosniak ? A Croat perhaps ? Whoever you are, get a life

looks like a dinaric guy with 5 guys around him being less tanned
again guy with rifle looks dinaric and the guy holding ammo looks more med

you are against cherrypicking so you post a pontid with light hair

dont get it whats ur point op

>a slav subhuman who can only think off rape and killing infants

yep good job

wew, some bosniak sperg is really mad this time. What's wrong mudslime nigger, are you scared? Because you fucking should be.

>the eternal Albanian never resides in Albania

Are these Turks too?

Yeah look at that skull, european as fuck. Just give up Milan, enjoy the welfare.

no just more dinaric/pontid people aka balkanites

still dont get it. you all look the same yet you make threads on whos more/less white??? the logic is baffling

>can't handle a single critique
>sees himself a victim as soon as it doesn't conform him

no surprise here too

Scared of what? Le Russian superpower? I know a guy who imports whores from your country and rents them out for $20 an hour. Those are YOUR women Yuri, but communism has probably taken the sense of Volk away from all of you commie fucks. You should volunteer when shit breaks out in Bosnia again, I'll make sure I do too.

The point is that Sup Forums states that EVERY Bosniak is somehow less whiter than a Serb simply because they are Orthodox.

show me how a skull from balkan should be then lmao


>oh look another albanian dipshit

>acuse someone of raping babies
>defends himself

the state of Albania

The cromagnon originated in the Balkans. The original proto-europeans carried the haplogroup I2a. The difference between cro magnon and neanderthal skulls is MASSIVE, and the subhuman nigger holding the ammo is evidently extremely neanderthal.

You think Germans are the Aryans. Pffff
The Serbs are the true Aryans this pic proves it.

you people are delusional af...

Sounds pretty legit to me you jewish fuck


The amount of mongrelization they're willing to take to preserve the dead kike on a stick meme is insane.

>I am not mad
Jesus, you guys are fragile as fuck. No wonder it's so easy to genocide you

>he actually believes jews are neanthertals
>he actually believes the skull meme
>he actually compares supermodels to average people

oh boy, it must be Albanian. Croats and Bosniaks aren't stupid

Glorifying genocide, rape and infanticide. Disgusting but off topic. Stop derailing my thread you degenerate subhuman.

>''wahhh why wont people let me behave like a subhuman without consequences!!!''

>commieflag, yes slavic shit keep sucking marx dick, your jewish masters really love when you use their ideology while they exploid you

when will they realize anabolic steroids make them grotesque and fat?

>accuse Bosniaks and Croats to be traitors because they are not orthodox
>worship a kike on a stick even though the original South Slavs were pagans
Just Serbian things

yup, 100% Albozerg
no doubt

they guy holding the ammo has a weak chin, its not uncommon kek, the state of balkans is hilarious..

>implying there's any other way to deal with kikes n mudslimes

sure thing, mr. atrocidad

>pedorapist worshipper calling someone esle a degenerate subhuman
Do world a favor and suicide yourself, kek

Serbs are the niggers of Europe.


Not to mention that the Serbian orthodox church is heretical compared to the Bulgarian and Montenegrin one

seriously though lol
with that much effort i'd be able to make a claim that fucking icelanders are non white

I told you fuckers to watch the Balkans. ISIS have a new network there after sending 35,000 fighters to Europe as "refugees". Shits gonna go "hot" in a few months time.

I guess a serb nigger such as yourself has never taken a statistics class? I'll stick to traditional wisdom regarding this subject.

Remove Kebab or defend Kebab
I don't even know anymore

Do my cousin Serbs need help?


>Serbian orthodox church
>compared to the Montenegrin one

It's the same church fag

What do you mean right? France just had its special forces in Syria trying to hunt down Isis refugees & kill them before they return home to France, because it's easier to kill them in the Middle East than politically/legally deal with them in France

All the Muslim fighters from the collapsed caliphate are returning home as refugees through the balkans

Albanian mutt

>Alboturks cherrypicking gypsy """"serbs""""

Meanwhile the average alboroach looks like a gypsy and Serbia has the tallest soccer team

There is no "network" in the Balkans - especially not in Bosnia. They pass through Serbia and they don't stay there, they want the EU gibs.


Even this cherrypicked pic contains a shitskin serb lmao

I saw this same discussion with the same images posted a few months ago, this is weird.

>this is weird
This is Sup Forums, people just circle jerk the same shit over and over again. This discussion happened a thousand times, same shit arguments, same copypastas, same "redpills"

Sup Forums doesn't put new things to the table, it recycles old ones until they are de facto true

Oy vey those Serbs are black, just look at this! It's anudda Shoah

More black Serbs! Look at it!

Nice try shill but those are traditional Christian Orthodox scarves

I remember seeing this guy on Apricity

sure deformed alboturk

Who is the whitest on this pic?

Far right.

Serbs are white
Pic related

Nope, he is a bosniak and therefore a turk
Kolarov is a pure Aryan Serb

you're literallly a muslim Serb
And you ARE the rapebaby, Bosniaks are offsprings of the Ottoman occupation. Serbs are what wasn't raped, Bosniaks are what was raped and turned muslim
How else do you think Bosniaks ended up where they are know ? Allah descended them from the skies right into Serbian lands ? You popped from the ground or grew like carrots ?

Bosniaks are truly retarded

>literally Serb
>Turkish rape baby
It's all so tiresome

Huehue fucking zergs

Holy shit, how the fuck did you degenerates ever lose the war when you had all that sweet ass synthwave soundtrack? Shame.


if you would return to your ancestoral serb-orthodox/croat-catholic religion everything would be fine, turković

you could be the whitest person in the world but being muslim makes you a turkroach no matter how white you are


>30% serbs/population gained 50% of Bosnia = Republika Srpska/Serb Republic
>Republika Srpska - Zagreb 80km
>lost the war

hrvoje avarović


What if I am an atheist?

> Republika Srpska/Serb Republic
getting rid of them soon inshallah

VPN or a retarded amerimutt. hard to tell. BASED kebab that removes other kebab and wants to stay in their homeland and defend it even if they do look like kebab. or kebab that spreads and tries to take over Europe and murder scandinavians, germans and everyone else.

>evil white genociding communist countries had higher fertility rates than the rest of Europe

huh... this really makes me think..