Where did it go wrong, Sup Forums?
It's not exactly a fantastic show but it's far from really being shit, what are you complaining about?
that storm episode where everyone gets hurt
The fucking melodrama. Chidori was an annoying cunt because autistic childhood friend didn't give a shit about her, Tenga lost his chill personality because autistic boy made Chidori cry, the lesbian girl became autistic because muh dead friend, the ex-fatty was an annoying fag.
The only genuinely nice characters were autistic boy, Nico and the masochist guy.
Stupid premise.
I liked watching Chidori get wrecked though
The itai part really went overboard.
Tenga/Chidori could have been cute but they had to stunt her development for the plot to work.
Who else noticed that Chitose kept getting NTR'd.
the best girl won, everything's right with the world
From the premise alone. So, did they expect to operate the kizuna system on the entire world population? The way the pain would distribute would make everyone not feel pain at all, which means that harmful activities would be done through other mediums, such as property destruction.
The whole idea of world peace is fucking ridiculous in the first place. No one would approve of this fucking experiment.
You mean best boy.
it was a fun watch
>sloppy seconds
I think the idea was to have everyone share pain with people in their immediate communities. Maybe family only? They thought that if everyone was forced to feel the suffering of others everyone would become super empathetic or something and would stop being asshole, not that the pain would be a deterrent.
Still retarded but well
>sloppy seconds
Choose one.
do you really believe that
I don't remember the autistic boy doing anything with her. You're free to bullshit this into making sense though.
He was the worst though.
It was a nice show, at least it was different enough to everything else
What was the fucking point of the masochist. After his introduction he didn't do shit except for sit around and softly smile while other characters bitched about their problems to him.
He was the token gay
When it only had 13 episodes to try and cram as many characters and developments together as possible. Show could have been pretty good if they'd given each character a couple focus episodes.
Hey mods, stop being fucking faggots. You've been warned! Also eat a dick. You've been warned. Also lick my balls, you've been waned. Also Kiznaiver is the best anime of the decade. Haterz have been warned
Being one of the few characters that wasn't shit after the storm
Yeah, but he was shit from the moment he was introduced, so it didn't really matter
Somewhere around episode 1
reminder that this show was so shit that it killed Boom Boom Satellite