Sup Forums btfo again by twitter kids


It's funny to see them in a circle jerk of confirming their own biases instead of actually addressing the issue at hand.

Leftists. Not Even Once.


>critical thinking, self-critique, and open discussion are what high education is all about

Funny coming from the people who do everything in their power to block out those with different opinions.

Conservative students aren’t the ones harassing others, stopping classes, and vandalizing the campus.

Smug alert

lol. What are these sophmores?
The professor are dopes. It's not until you get your own PhD that you see them for all the flaws and failed ideologies. The issue is academia thrives on grants and so academics become big government supporters. Additionally, most live in well-to-do areas and come from well-to-do families. They have little idea of the plight on the bottom outside of the spoiled minorities that come in and spend more time crying than working.
If anyone tells you that they have a PhD and it means you have to take their word on something outside of their opinion on their specific sub field of the field they work in, then they're an arrogant faggot who shouldn't be listened to. And there are lots of arrogant faggots with PhDs. Trust me.

>Liberals crying about being told they are too sensitive
LMAO 10/10 bait OP its an abstract Liberal Asshurt.

>PhD in something that doesn't require advanced mathematics

Into the trash.

Handing you your ass in a debate is not shutting you out.

>t. College dropout

You don't debate though. You cry about oppression and safe space, and push to ban anyone who disagrees with you. There's a reason your ideology only survives in forums like Reddit and college campuses that can leverage social pressure.

>using the term "circle jerk"
go back to fucking reddit.

Awwwh. Someone is mad.
> PhD in Physics
Bet you failed your Physics courses, if you even attended post-secondary.

Here is a great example. No reason to address his point at all, just shun him as a "dropout" and move on. Social pressure and in-group/out-group ideology is all you have.

>Conservatives can't handle the fact that college professors are unique individuals who think for themselves
>All my professors agree with each other on everything. Haha wow look at that Drumpf BTFO.

No it's because anything that isn't the (((Frankfurt school))) is wrong.

>race and IQ topics are not allowed
>discussion about gender roles and differences between men and women are not allowed
>Socialism is heavily promoted, while honest discussion about fascism is demonized and banned
>Discussion about human tribalism and national identity is banned
>Wrong thinking is severely punished
>Questioning the current narrative is punishable
>Figures like Aristotle , Oswald Spengler , George Orwell, Julius Evola aren't even taught or allowed to be mentioned

Every day is the last straw for leftists. They need to pace themselves, its going to be a long 7 more years.

Okay, we need to decide on a term for this effortlessly outrageous hypocrisy coming from these ghost-hacked leftard subhumans. 'WE WUZ critical thinking an shiet' as they *shut down any dissent*. This is more than ridiculous its straight up surreal, similar to their constant proclamations of being smarter than WN's or anyone not anti-white, despite the fact that WN's recognize patterns which is kind of a necessity for survival. I just wish they would kill themselves instead of trying to take the rest of us with them, but I suppose that their hatred is actually that great that they will not rest until every last white person is killed for the 'crimes' of our ancestors. Crimes of a type committed by every single race on earth. I propose the term

I knew a guy who's entire political persona was opinions gathered from mommy, daddy and his college professor.
He advocated for retarded Communist-lite democrat policies and his reasoning behind taxing the absolute fuck out of everyone for Healthcare and internet to be "basic human rights" was "You pay taxes already."
His argument, was LITERALLY, "Hey, you're buying this 5$ ham? Better just buy the entire store, you're spending money already"
But I wouldn't expect some guppy that had mommy and daddy pay his college tuition while he's working 15 hours a week to have any noteworthy opinion about the world.

UH OH! Looks like your entire point just got invalidated by the leftists. Nice try, boyo.
> projecting

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Crybully is still a good one

c'est la vie, what can a mere mortal problematic shitlord such as myself do against such massive brains composed entirely of soy, alas, woe is me, faggotry of faggotry all is faggotry, and so on.

Altruism + ethnic cleansing = altrucleansing

They're not THAT wrong, but they're also missing their own point.

Professors have no real world experience, they've been in school their entire lives.
Yes there is a liberal bias, look at the fucking statistics


>Professors have no real world experience, they've been in school their entire lives.
This is actually an excellent point. The hallow halls of Academia are a much, much different place than the rest of society they inhabit. It's often insulated from many government changes and has locked in benefits from overly communist unions. The only ones that "suffer" are the graduate students, because they are milked for labor. Even then it's not too bad of a position to be in.

Both sides are stupid. University is pretty liberal and shuts down a lot of discussion, but some conservatives obviously have a hate for universities that comes from their lack of intellect. We need to balance freedom of speech with a conducive learning enviroment (universities are not places for anti-islam or BLM protests anyway) It's a tricky situation to do with management that can only be solved by smart people in boardrooms, not edgy 14 year olds and 27 year old burnouts on Sup Forums nor obese 20 year old sjws on tumblr and twitter users.

Kosher cognition
The jew cries in pain as he strikes you

>It's a tricky situation
Indeed. Reality is a harsh mistress, especially when she whispers sardonic and taunting messages in your ear along the lines of.....'Sup Forums is always right'.

It's not though. Sup Forums has been BTFO many times since the Reddit influx in 2016. Before that, Sup Forums was invincible though.

If the allowable speech on campus comes only from one side, the university is not a university but an indoctrination center. The marketplace of ideas will choose the best ideas, based on merit, regardless of orgin.

>you are so racist. be more open minded. i won't associate with bigots like you

That's not true. There is a sizeable right wing contingent on campus. Some further right wing groups get protested off, but they usually cancel of their own accord. Groups are allowed to protest you know? If that makes the right wingers uncomfortable that's their own problem.

There is critical thinking in modern colleges?

>protested off

Why is it acceptable for groups to be silenced if a large enough swarm of people protests against them?

Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!
*dances around like an idiot*
*[30 spergposts in 15 minutes]*
How will Sup Forums evar recover?????/
pic related

>Work in STEM
>Only bitching is about the lack of women in STEM
>Women avoid STEM degrees because they have no skill or capacity for math and logic

real men dont go into liberal faggot fields you study STEM or you study Law you get your grad degree and you dedicate your life to making the world a better place not fucking people over in the name of liberalism

There is,in fact, an imbalance that skews left on the University campus. Extremist left wing views can be openly discussed and promoted, while anything to the right of neo conservatism is verboten. The 1st amendment to the US Constitution was created explicitly to give a voice to those with unpopular viewpoints. Popular speech, such as, left wing speech on campus requires no protection.


Fuck... The fact that shills and lefties are free to make the most inane threads here should wake them the fuck up. Would that kind of shit be tolerated on any subreddit? No fucking way. Lefties, by subverting image boards and subreddits, by stifling dissent and creating near perfect echo Chambers, are creating monsters who absolutely think they are heroic freedom fighters. Don't they ever have moments of clarity? This fact shows that behind the virtue signalling and fighting for "social justice", there is no real morality or ethics. It is feel good sentimentality with no gauge in reality. Many of these types will only wake up when the hive mentality is somehow shattered, and that will require something catastrophic.

For all the bullshit here, where else do you have a community of people relaying brand new info so rapidly? Just yesterday some of the most important news in US history was gathered here concerning the Clinton machine weaponizing the doj/FBI. Using government resources and people to investigate and and attempt to destroy Trump and his team. Fuck it is so unbelievable.

But haven't you noticed that Sup Forums is an 'echochamber' because wrongthink isn't immediately purged? You're using a suspicious amount of reason, citizen, I think you've had a little to much to think. You have been posting with a disturbing lack of progjectory, I think we'll have to search your hard drives for dead white male material.

>open discussion

Bike lock faggot, antifa terrorist,taught ethics, of all things. Would a real life Nazi be allowed to openly express his ideas and be allowed to teach? I think not.

Bernadine Doren, weather underground terrorist, became a college professor after a stint in prison.

The term circle jerk was being used on this site back in 2007 when I was still trolling on Sup Forums. Maybe you should get the fuck back to redshit you fucking kike

And check my fucking 8s before you say anything

leftist professors and students don't even debate; they just shut down and expel whoever dares to argue against their religion

liberal arts are a joke; they only teach you how to be a professional complainer in a first world country

This terrorist, yvette fellarca is allowed to teach elementary school.

You mean the redditors are the ones being btfo. Sup Forums really is still invincible in its core

I think there is left wing bias in western culture

Masturbation phrase monitor, congratulations on your promotion



/r/ing a shitty paint version if this. Like the Franchesca Ramsey one.

Well shit. Can't argue with those digits. I believe you user.

>The replication crisis (or replicability crisis or reproducibility crisis) refers to a methodological crisis in science in which scientists have found that the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate/reproduce on subsequent investigation, either by independent researchers or by the original researchers themselves.[1][2] The crisis has long-standing roots; the phrase was coined in the early 2010s as part of a growing awareness of the problem.

>Because the reproducibility of experiments is an essential part of the scientific method, the inability to replicate the studies of others has potentially grave consequences for many fields of science in which significant theories are grounded on unreproduceable experimental work.

>The replication crisis has been particularly widely discussed in the field of psychology (and in particular, social psychology) and in medicine, where a number of efforts have been made to re-investigate classic results, and to attempt to determine both the reliability of the results, and, if found to be unreliable, the reasons for the failure of replication

It's a strange coincidence that the fields that have the biggest issues with reproducible studies also have the most left-wing leaning professors.


Sup Forums the last stop for leftist lies

>lol dumb conservatives btfo again!
>can't tell the difference between tumblr and twitter despite likely using both frequently
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Sage, sage, sage, and sage

>self critique
Wonder how she’d react to the notion that professors are puppets of the elite

Here you go

> professors are puppets of the elite

That's a dangerous thought. Imagine if people started to add 1 to 1 and realize that all of this 'white privilege' nonsense coincided with a little problem movement called occupy wall street around 2012 and the professors who shilled for this forced meme of 'white privilege' all mysteriously got tenure and other shady perks. Soy bean status = germinated.

The real problem is liberals don't see different opinions as legitimate ideas to be debated, they see conservative ideas as a disease to liberal orthodoxy which they see as the "correct" thinking and needing to be enforced.

They're not thinkers, they are enforcers.

>us liberals believe in logic and critical thinking and open discussion
>what do you mean there are only two genders?!? fucking nazi shitlord go kill yourself i don't care what your racist science says about chromosomes


One more time




They're unintelligent and uneducated and completely wrong, as usual. Just more hateful ignorance.


>They have little idea of the plight on the bottom
This, liberals absolutely despise the poor

Words hurt dematards feelings.

You don't debate, you riot, lie, and blacklist. That's what happened in Berkley when Milo and Sharpiro arrived.


I like it.

University liberals are incredibly closed minded when it comes to racial science. They think all brains are identical, all humans are identical as if evolution stopped 300,000 years ago except for skin color.

That's right, modern liberals DENY EVOLUTION.

lol, why are blacks and hispanics such snowflakes?

>Liberals know how to critically think
>Say things like 76 genders now exist
>That we have room for millions and millions of 3rd worlders

Yeah sure.

They're opposed to any type of "science" that doesn't involve their genitals.

That line of thought presumes that things like political belief systems or opinions on tolerance and diversity can be definitively decided based on intelligence, knowledge of the subjects and education level, which is patently nonsense since there are many extremely well educated conservatives and many well educated liberals.

They can try to deny that colleges have become liberal echo chambers but it's certain that this is the case since back in the 1980s roughly 1 in 2 college professors were conservative, today less than 1 in 7 are conservative. So by her logic, colleges have only become bastions of free inquiry and critical thought in the last 25 years, which is absolute nonsense. If anything, the opposite was the case.

t. Social studies genius

The fact that it crosses at liberal and not moderate is especially telling.

It's mostly bioscience that is a joke right now, they seem to take approach that Kraut guy was arguing, that you must determine exactly how intelligence arises from DNA. But the current understanding of biology is so bad that they can't make any conclusions on intelligence, therefore intelligence has nothing to do with race.

I don't know if this is coming across right, but essentially they set impossible goalposts while simultaneously denying empiricism, sociology, thought experiments.

Any intelligent scientist understands this but they are pussies these days, don't wanna bite the hand that feeds them.

Christ that is terrifying. Ching Chong bitches are nasty.

middle school, but I believe she FINALLY got suspended


The most disturbing part of this is that around 42% of the population thinks it should be illegal to say offensive or insulting things when you combine the statistics.

That's the maddening part, when you realize that 40% of the population doesn't give a shit about basic human rights like shit talking.

Sexy quints there user

>we must censor everything we disagree with
>conservatives are the sensitive ones
This shit doesn’t even need a witty remark to put it down

>Critical Thinking
>Responding to all conservative points with Ad Hominem
pic one and only one

>that face

hert bra bra head

dissonance is the name of the game

I went to a top 5 public university in the U.S. so not some shit liberal arts school where you'd expect retards to congregate. In my required ethnic studies class my professor told us that hundreds of black people were gunned down by police yearly IN OUR CITY ALONE and that pharmacies and banks routinely refuse to serve black customers here. I had to write a paper about how awful it was that blacks weren't allowed to open checking accounts by Wells Fargo solely because of the color of their skin.

No, I didn't go to college in 1920. This was in fucking 2009. And every good goy had to suck it up and believe it (or pretend to) or you'd get an F and ruin your entire future. I find it hard to believe that things have changed in the past 10 years since she's still a professor today.

>College education
>An shiiiiet

>self critical
apex lel