OPT - One Page Thread
RIPIP In Peace
>"doki doki" in speech bubble is left as "doki doki"
>but "doki doki" SFX in the bottom left panel translated to "throb"
This series would make a great straight to DVD movie.
Not many series made me rage as much as this nonsense.
Is this the typical japanese male?
If not, explain this joke in a way I can understand.
Read the manga, he is perfectly justified.
This manga is pretty well known by now, but I might get one or two people that hadn't seen it yet.
Which manga was it? All of this guy's manga looks the same.
Nice try user, nice try.
i wonder how much acid this guy does
There's better pages to trap people into reading this. Also, Tomo withdrawal.
waiting makes me anxious
why is this in taco? why can't you post this in english, it's not that hard.
At least it has decent spanish.
it is in perfect spanish. no meme language from facebook cancer groups or taringa speech, but this mongolian cartoon bulletin board is in english so it should probably be in english.
My shub niggurath can't be this cute!
Due to current hiatus my Complete Works of Tomo-chan is a Girl is in an external hard drive right now. It was easier to just google for a picture and didn't realize it was in different language.
Wish there was more of it
is this the one with the loli gang boss? did he dropped that one?
I don't think that's it, I've been reading the gang boss one but scans are slow. Or dead, haven't checked.
Don't worry user.
Not perfect, did you see the capital letters all over the page? And there's an accent mark missing.
OK, i exaggerated, it's pretty good spanish, not perfect but way better than meme translations.
What is this treasure of ecchi comedy????
Updates never, but it's god damn hilarious though.
The manga's actually fucking awful, but I just really wanted to post this page.
Ai Kora
There are other search engines than google
He can please three pussies at the same time!!!
>start reading uratarou
>hey this is pretty fun
>get to the more recent chapters
>w-what in the goddamn fuck
Shit went from 1 to 100 real quick, it left me confused for a while, can't wait for next chapter
Same place as the roses, you'll never know.
Ouji that's enough
I don't think I'll ever find a manga as good as this one.
i mean it was pretty good, but the science reveal was kinda eh
I wasn't crazy about it, but took it in stride. If I'm being totally honest, the final arc dragged a tiny bit, but the actual finale was so good, with Tarouza broadcasting the minds of every animal on earth directly into Giller's mind
>it got picked back up
Just needs sunglasses
Man, I dropped and picked up the final arc of the series so many times. The finale was definitely worth it though.
What series is this?
Benio is such a piece of shit.
Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru
answered no argument here
quads of trap love
Best girl is House-chan.
*reverse trap
>Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru
Thank you!
are we isekai posting now?
we can
An Isekai is when a person from our world wakes up in another (usually fantasy) setting like Re:Zero
While the main character in the series in question is not Japanese, its Isekai because several main characters are
you god damn genius
isekai is literally just a series that has a character in a foreign world, it could be literally anything.
it's actually a tag you can use in narou when searching for novels you can choose either "real world" or "another world"
i realized how poor quality that pic is so here's a better version
I guess this counts then
im pretty sure this is my last one
How did I forget this one
fight me