The Canadian alt-right finally has a strong nationalist leader. Meet Andrew 'Dough Boy' Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Say hello to peak Leaf performance. A new era is upon us.
The Canadian alt-right finally has a strong nationalist leader. Meet Andrew 'Dough Boy' Scheer, leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Say hello to peak Leaf performance. A new era is upon us.
He's full of shit, man.
His rhetoric can not be implemented in Canada without uprooting our constitution which is not part of his mandate, therefore his talk is just that, talk
He'll be a Conservative extension of JT
Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna vote Conservative, but let's not pretend like this guy has the balls of Rona Ambrose or Michelle Rampel
t. former card carring member of the CPC
Sheer is a Queer.
And mostly a jewish puppet.
Bernier got snubbed in the leadership vote, He would've stood the best chance at winning
You leafs are so fucked
This guy is a fucking muzzie cow toying, neo-con, indian/chinese money loving cunt. Fuck him, fuck Trudeau and fuck the hacks at the CPC for literally robbing Bernier of 10,000+ votes. I'm writing in Trump.
Yeah I fucking know it is just sad. Do you know if we have anyone? Is there any fucking hope... we have 2 more election cycles before its over forever and we cant go back. And Trudeau is winning the next.
Jew Scheer is not alt-right by any stretch of the imagination
That guy looks -REALLY- Canadian.
Could this be evidence that Canada will become an ethnostate for low-testosterone white men?
They're going to need a new safe space, because the USA will not continue functioning for them as it has been for the past 8-10 years.
>And Trudeau is winning the next.
I see him getting a minority Government because although his core of supporters don't give a fuck about politics, they won't be as enthusiastic to vote as they were in 2015
Those who will be enthusiastic will vote against him because they did pay attention
>Is there any fucking hope
Michelle Rampel is a firecracker. Seriously. Follow her on social media, she's reallllllllllllly into her ideology and truly fights for it.
However, the fact that I'm name dropping a woman when you ask that question shows how truly bad our situation is.
Let's do it.
We will bring new meaning to the term "bug-men."
What we will lack in individual strength, courage, conviction, or literally any positive trait, we will make up in numbers and an irrepressible herd instinct.
Looks like a nu-male
What the fuck were they thinking? The fact that it was within a fraction of a percentage just adds insult to injury. It's like the final act of spite from the boomers, getting us an unelectable cuckservative with the personality of a sock instead of someone with at least a shot.
He needs a personal trainer.
Canada is far from an ethnostate. we are 64% white
I love Michelle rempel's videos on goybook, I watch them on mute because I hate listening to women "speak" but I can't get enough of her fat hammy tits jiggling around the screen. I want her to piss on me.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
That the CPC needs a leader who doesn't adhere to a particular Conservative philosophy, thus, "united" all Conservatives - the recipe for cuck soup
>It's like the final act of spite from the boomers, getting us an unelectable cuckservative
1, Bernier didn't campaign hard enough, he was weak
2, Historically speaking, Sheer would make a relatively good PM, however, these are different times. We're in the age of identity politics and Sheer hasn't chosen an identity. Bernier at least had the libertarian thing going for him.
kek likes those jiggly tits
>we are 64% white
Where are you getting that number from? We're still le 73% face as far as I can tell
Those are the tits that will save our nation.
>The Canadian alt-right finally has a strong nationalist leader.
>'Dough Boy'
This is getting sad Canada.
Doughboy is gonna get steamrolled by Trudeau.
We missed our chance with Bernier because commie dairy farmers in quebec joined the party to specifically vote against Bernier who was going to break their dairy monopoly.
It's so sad, there is no hope for our country.
> Ottawa, ON—Yesterday, the Conservative Party of Canada elected Andrew Scheer as its new leader. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) was pleased to be an observer at the convention and witness this important event
> We congratulate Andrew Scheer for winning the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. We look forward to continuing our excellent relationship with Mr. Scheer and our very productive and positive relationship with the party
Scheer is Stephen Harper II. You're right: too boring to get elected unless Liberal turnout is in the gutter.
That's basically the only chance Canada has because with the current leadership its going to be a low turnout, low enthusiasm election in 2019. Far too many Canadians are so brainwashed or vomplacent they don't even realise that the demographic tipping point is closer than ever before. When you're best hope is a cucksevative it's bad. Trudeau really is ruining a potential white paradise.
Conservative party leader should have been Bernier. Damnit i'm still bitter. At least he had charisma.
>unless Liberal turnout is in the gutter.
It will be. Plus a lot of browns are going to be voting NDP which could be catastrophic for the Liberals because the only place Liberals and Conservatives really compete is in S.ONT whereas NDP and Liberals compete in Quebec, and losing seats there and in S.ONT could really fuck em
So, it could potentially be a conservative minority, but with that, we'll be going back to the booth in 2 years with leftwing enthusiasm at a high once again
A lot of immigrants that come here actually vote Conservative, especially the longer they live here. The Liberals have caught on though and have transitioned towards immigrants from gibs countries instead of the hardworking ones who respect the notion of small government and taxes and they're importing them en masse for 2019
>The Liberals have caught on though and have transitioned towards immigrants from gibs countries instead of the hardworking ones who respect the notion of small government and taxes and they're importing them en masse for 2019
64% comes from the latest census where only 64% of people reported racial origin from Europe
I didn't vote for harper in the last election and I refuse to vote for this creepy little twit in the next election .
he will lose big time he only got 51% for a reason half of us conservatives wanted something new .
what we got was this wanabe neo-con you all better believe hundreds of thousands of us will not be voting for this piece of shit .
justin will win and the boomers are responsible nothing you say to me here will get me vote for him
>us conservatives
>not voting conservative
pick one ya concernfag shill
>A lot of immigrants that come here actually vote Conservative
you little shit doubt you are even able to vote yet
Imagine watching the Trump election and then concluding the winning strategy is to run a Canadian version of Jeb Bush
Ive seen the kind of faggots running the Canadian "conservative" feds, these people are not going to save us
>whatever I don't even care anymore, i'm perma-blackpilled on Cuckanada
does everyone in the alt-right have a double chin?
I lived in Canada for 6.5 definitely the most conservative province in the country.
They literally have no hope. None whatsoever. Even the more rightwing canadians who are 'fiscally responsible' 'traditional' and 'pro-gun' are super cucked on race. probably more ingrained in them as a white democrat in America.
same it was mad max or bust the way they fucked him over after by denying him the shadow finance minister position .
the conservative party is garbage only old fuck boomers and fools will vote for them
mad max would of got justins weed vote keep in mind that alone would of won the election .
unlike the usa the majority of rural people don't live near non whites . for the last 20 years the only places you would ever see non whites was in Montreal Toronto or Vancouver look at that on a map and you will understand why joe blow white guy dosent think about race.
Im more than blackpilled at this point.
1995 was the last hope for an ethnostate
>Scheer is Stephen Harper II
that is why he will lose hundreds of thousands of conservatives stayed home last election and we will again in 2019
>Say hello to peak Leaf performance. A new era is upon us.
he's too weak and fat.
oh exactly.
And in cities, our africans are considerably worse than yours. Even liberal whites have unspoken understandings of 'city living' (read: blacks will steal from you if you don't take a lot of precautions).
Ironically, Canadians are HUGELY racist against natives - and believe me, natives have it coming. So maybe they'll wisen up to the massive amouns of arabs and africans in their midst...and canadians are much tougher than we give them credit for. So maybe there's hope, but it's doubtful.
desu, I saw a lot less mudsharking in Edmonton than I do in the rural South know...that's really good actually.
Does kek love rempel?
Was talking about the referendum.
>Ironically, Canadians are HUGELY racist against natives
We don't consider it racism
We consider it telling it like it is
Fucking mindboggling desu
not familiar with it, but youre government is cucky as shit so I have no doubt its radioactive.
He's the Jeb Bush of Canada. Literally the only people who like him are boomers. I can hear grandmas across Canada saying in unison "He's such a nice young man."
It should've been Bernier.
most americans when they think about canada they think of justin biber or our pm .
they are nothing like the red neck rural majority of us even Quebec is full of red neck whites the complete opposite of the people in France .
people are starting to see whats happening cause the non whites are moving in the past 5 years out of the cities into the white parts of the country
and yes everyone hates the Indians
desu if Quebec became seperated it would be the shittiest country in North America. Seperatist queebs are all socialists.
Long story short, The federal fast-tracked the citizenship of likely NO voters to tip a NO victory.
And they used more funds than the referendum rules allowed them to, (equivalent of 100% of the budget was spent on the last day to make a "love in" and to bus people that used to live in Quebec to voting polls, since federal law allowed those that lived in quebec once in the last 4 year to vote)
End result: 50.58% NO
49.42% YES
Yup. They totally fucked him over. He had the only chance of victory
boomer get off pol