From shithole country? Cries chocolate milk?
West point is for commies and fags, Patriot officers went to A&M or the Citadel
He can always self-deport and be happy in beautiful Niggertown, Haiti.
>the .00001% of the entire Haitian population is successful and needs to be highlighted to death
What a surprise, they're in the military
FPBP Citadel all the way.
If Haitians were so awesome, this wouldn't be news, it would be a common event.
Pretty convenient camera work.
Definitely not pre-arranged.
He looks emaciated. Perhaps the AIDS has taken hold.
Wtf everyone talks like this every fucking person
>have you been to Reno what a shithole
>remeber my college apartment, damn that was a shithole
>my uncle lives in cleaveland, it’s a fucking shithole
>I went to taihland in 2014, fuck that place is a shithole
This is such virtue signally bullshit
Nice unrelated picture usatoday
>president makes negative comment about 'x'
That is true. West Point really is full of commies.
Literally pic related
Is he not american? When you become american you throw away any ties you have to the shithole country you came from.
Oh wow he's in the military, those guys are all great people and definitely don't give illegal spics a run for dui champions in any area they are forced on the peaceful townsfolk. I hope my tax dollars can pay for his bullshit benefits for many years to come while he receives promotions based on being a nigger.
They cry cause they know its true
This haitian is probably based as fuck. Can you imagine how pissed off he's gonna be once he finds out hippie media have been posting pics of him and using his image to attack his commander-in-chief?
so, haiti is the new africa?
This guy got shoved into a top position because of diversity, and lost it for fucking some negress that was his subordinate.
I think you'd be surprised how many graduates are full on fash. I have two close friends in my class that I'd characterize as unambiguous white nationalists, and many others that skirt the line.
Patriot officers joined the MARINE CORPS.
Hatians tend to be more productive than their native negroid counterparts. It spurs jealousy amongst the gibs negroes.
He'll probably be more angry that these articles make him look like a emotional pussy that bursts into tears at the drop of a hat.
Coddled diversity admission featured by media? I'm shocked!
thats a nice uniform. post more
Not going to argue with that
Why the long face?
Powerful. His nation is still a shithole, and no amount of crocodile tears will change that
I still respect him for serving this nation.
He can go back if he wants.
That image hurts... The US is rapidly becoming worse than a shithole.
Hey fuck you reno isn't that bad.
Jk it's definitely a shithole
Interesting.. Why didn't he attend and graduate from Haiti's equivalent of West Point? Is it some sort of a shithole country or something?
Well, why isn't the nigger in Haiti, to fix the marvelous country that it is?
Daily reminder he would have gotten in on a merit-based immigration system. Believing that merit based immigration makes countries whites is inherently racist because you are subconsciously associating merit with being white.
>I still respect him for serving this nation.
You mean Israel?
Why? If you're implying it's because Haiti is a shithole, why does that matter? He's supposed to be American if he's graduating at West Point.
I enlisted in the USMC.
I was punched by at least five Haitans.
Most racist pricks ive ever known. The US is stupid for filling the military with haitans.
Fuck off out of my country and take Jamal with you
The Academy does graduate foreign exchange students, not that many though.
I once went to Paris, that shithouse.
Gross, gross people there.
I went to Paris once, I was pukin'
That's disgusting. Our military has too many subvertable vectors.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” We (America) where meant for more than the shithole we have inherited. Tar down the statue of liberty and turn into an oil rig it would be much more reflective of what we have become.
Must read about how bad how west point has become:
Is there any proof that God-Emperor Trump said that to start with?
The media really tries to play up the emotionalism. It's a tactic. Everyone gets up and cries on cue and we're all expected feel bad.
Like how in the fuck did the Cameraman even know there was a Haiti born guy graduating at West Point ... and have their lens fixed on him? and have the image at every newspaper....In the US they just drag anything related to the military into it, and it has some magical effect on everything.
It's phoney as fuck.
If a guy from El Salvadore joins the army, you are obligated to let every single El Salvadorian into the country!... reality is the guy had no real skills or future, so he said fuck it ...I guess I have to join the army.
Its arguably even worse. Hati gets even more cucked because the few good people they have get scalped.
fuck off with that kike shit
goddamn everything is so jewy now. i really dont see a way back from all this
>Haiti's equivalent of West Point
i'm sure he went to kindergarten
kek knows
Oh, you don't even know the half of it. The foreign students are largely immune from being expelled for almost anything short of actual criminal acts.
Yup, he goes a bit far in places but the Academy is little more than a diversity circlejerk now. At home football games, they like to do little Academy adverts, one of which featured a 10-second clip from some project two white seniors (one guy, one girl) were leading. The powers that be told the guy he had to stand in the back while they brought some random nigger to act like he was the other project leader.
This guy is going to be the butt of crybaby jokes for the rest of his military contract.
The statue was a gift from France to celebrate 100th birthday of independence.
It really has nothing to do with the immigration schmaltz.
As long as the constitution survives we still have the OS to build free societies. The corpse known as the US will most likely eat itself before all said done but America will never die as long as we have our operating system the mother fucking constitution bitches.
You can call this the "shithole" effect. The best and brightest of places like Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Haiti are smart enough to realize how shitty their home country is and want to leave it.
This is why despite having a much lower average IQ Nigeria sends many more college grads to the US, these are the top .5% of intellects in their country and they have the brains and the means to get out.
>Goes to West Point with dreams of leading fighting men
>cries if you insult him
our military has become a joke
a well funded joke mind you
It really is amazing how the media can scramble to find these rare people whenever the occasion is convenient for it to be.
>ancestors kill whitey
>move to US because your native stock can't govern themselves
>"why are wipeepo so mean?"
it is a shithole thats why they come to the US and Norwegians stay in norway
Oh shit hes crying.jpg
For heaven's sake your an officer of the United States of America. QUIT CRYING LIKE A BITCH. These shitholians can't even have dignity.
The kid was crying because he graduated. And the photo must have been taken at least a year ago because they graduate in the late spring. Jewish propaganda bullshit.
Patriot officers went to fucking OCS you gigantic RINGKNOCKING FAGGOTS.
I don't think he has the dignity issue broseph
That means they made that shit up or embellished a more tame phrase. You know if it "feels true" like MSNBC said about Wolff's fanfiction Fire and PAY ME
>yfw, tears of joy you are no longer in a country where birds do not lay eggs.
Steers and queers from Texas
Commies and Pussies from West Point
What has actually happened to that commie faggot?
You have to go to OCS anyway in the corps, even from a senior military college
Why is he at West point? Why is he crying for a country he was not willing to die for over something the leader of the country he is willing to die for Said?
Fuck this Chinese checkers board triggers me
I need one of those thongs that you fix on your windshield to hold your phone in place while driving it.
Went for the first time to an haitian to give him a chance to make some money. Fucker asked me 50 bucks for a shitty piece of plastic that was made and assembled by ching chong ping pong back in china.
When I said no, he went to 40, 35 and then 25.
Fuck those niggers, I will never speak with them ever again.
My city was essentially called a shithole by some San Jose NHL goons like last week, I never saw anyone crying about it. People just told them to fuck off and we'll probably give em shit for it when they come back. The funny part is that this place is actually pretty shit and everyone knows it. As far as I know no retard is gonna go down to San Jose and cry like a bitch in front of their arena.
Damn, I thought West Point had high standards. I guess even someone with a 60 IQ can get in now.
You do realize that the US military is there to kill people and break shit? You don't exactly do that being a progressive snow-flake.
But then again if you're a corporatist neo-libearl you can use drones to turn other brown people into paste and do pretty well too.
High standards, unless you're an athlete, a woman, or black. If you're some combination of those, you're practically untouchable. The lengths they go to keep their affirmative action pets in the school are hilarious.
>One post by OP
Nice. Guys probably crying because he's overwhelmed.. plenty of folks cry at graduation especially when it hits them that they were able to overcome a lot of shit to get on the stage or field. I bet this publication is just being disingenuous and milking some random guy's personal moment to make a statement against Trump.. they'd probbaly push the same headline if a Hatian guy cried at his school graduation... and of course the libs will eat it up.
Not to mention this guy is probably attending WP and not not a Haitian military Academy because his parents were smart enough to flee their shit hole country so he could have a better life here.
They shouldn't even fucking be there, fuck that.
Patriots enlisted for a few years first.
You mean poorfags
Sorry, you'll not see anymore of that fuck wad. He got drummed out of West Point for this stunt.
He was top of the class in physics, and you're here shitposting all day long. How do you reconcile these facts?
That's what exposure to communism will do to you.
I mean, the place is packed with progressive faggots. Athletics and diversity initiatives are huge.
Ironically, I have considerably more respect for Abdul al-Muhammad who grabs a shitty rusty AK to protect his people from foreign invaders than many of the graduates.
Yes he had a Ph.D in Nigerometry and the cure for Aids.I read that too.I totally believe this.
> Haiti-born Affirmative Action Admittance Into West Point Weeps At Graduation
top kek
Nope, actually graduated. Unfortunately.
Also top of the class at being a backstabbing, self-aggrandizing shithead. No one really mourned when he got smacked the fuck down for sexual relations with a subordinate.
>E4 Mafia so special hurr.
Cadet cannot handle a nasty comment but is willing to fight and kill for his country. Right.....
Sham squad reporting
The Lesson of Haiti
Are Haitians in America in denial about Hati? They massacred a bunch of white people and then turned their nation into hell on earth. Calling Hati a shithole is an understatement if anything. My family is from Panama, I'm not in denial that America is way better than Panama.