BREAKING: Trump cheated with porn star, paid 6-figure hush-money 30 days before the election

>A lawyer for President Trump reportedly arranged a six-figure payment to a former adult-film star to keep her from discussing a sexual encounter with Trump, according to a new report Friday.

>The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Cohen, an attorney for the Trump Organization at the time and now Trump’s personal lawyer, arranged for Stephanie Clifford, known in the industry as Stormy Daniels, to receive $130,000 as part of a nondisclosure agreement one month before the 2016 presidential election.

>sources say
>according to an anonymous source
>according to someone familiar with his thinking

>fucking pornstars
Sounds like something I'd do if I had money

Judging Melania's demeanor at times and rumored separate bedrooms...I would wager she cut President Trump off, some time ago.


Trump lawyers are about to get their sue on.

Hush money..

>>All over the news

Sounds degenerate. She's taken miles of dick, much of which was black. Trump is a cuck and probably paid to fuck her. I can no longer support him

"Sources say"
"It's is believed"

= story isn't true

You're right. We can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.

Will this turn into nothing like peepeegate from a few months back?

Picture semi related to thread...

If your wife let you have a pass to fuck a pornstar then we'd all be shaggin' it you homocucks

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. "We have sources" isn't good enough.

>trump still has to pay for pussy

Remember, this man won the white evangelical christian vote by like 80%. Man of values my fucking ass.

fake news, both she and mr. trump deny. fuck off, fake news maggot

Do you often make decisions without any logical basis?

by porn star do you mean his slut mailorder commieblock wife Melanoma?

How many rubles are you being paid, Ivan?

But the pornstar herself says it isn't true

Even if true, who cares?

"Here's how Bernie can still win"

>Liberals are again angry about something that was talked about years ago, 2011 to be exact

Almost like white evangelical christians don't like Catholic spics.

Well yeah, who's gonna fuck a fat old man for free?

>Weasel words

it's bullshit

This. Literally do not give a fuck one way or another regardless of whether this actually happened or not

If it's true, trump should sue her for a refund.

The hardcore base don't care, but the normal voting populace might. Example: Roy Moore.


very original comeback you mong

Kinda hard to take her word for it after being paid $130k as part of an NDA.

Stopped reading there.

Thanks anyway fake news.

fake news

>The hill

Go sleep donkey

The fakest of fake news.

Does anyone have that video of that nog running into h&m( I think) and chimping out?

what kind of degenerate slut spreads her legs for a man to get nothing in return? that only breeds laziness and idiocy.

Weeew the ol double tap. You glow in the dark.

Stormy Daniels is average looking and has wonky ass tits. Trump has awful taste in women

Good for him, I couldn't care less.

It's like you are sheev and the more asspained they get.

>"Good, Good...let your hatred flow"


>receive $130,000 as part of a nondisclosure agreement

Bill and Hillary would have just had her killed. For a tenth of the price.

Trump lawyers are about to get their threaten to sue on

corrected it for you

>film star
literally who?
There's not a billionaire on the planet who would pay to fuck that ugly kike especially when he could get a pic related for free.

more like she had to pay trump to get fucked

That beak
What was Trump thinking

Of course, why else is he religious?

Maybe now Trump will realize you CAN'T trust Jews.

>rich man fucks pornstar
Holy shit IMPEACH

As opposed to?


Dam right my maple sented brother.

OP is a faggot
>in all fields

Real talk: would this surprise literally anyone? Would anyone even care?

>man who has spent 40 + years cheating on half a dozen wives caught cheating on wife

This is bad and you should feel bad.

Of course it's trump's (((lawyer))) (((((((((COHEN))))))))) who breaks this news

Good for him.
At least he had sex you virgin fag.

this isn't breaking, the story is over 10 years old


>Paid hush money
>All over the news
>Anonymous sorces
Yea this seems legit, thanks for posting op.
You are infact a faggot.
Sage goes in all fields.





Trump is only a genius negotiator and with rherotic skills in the public. In private he is watching Gorillas fighting.

seems legit.

This is what queefs are

is this basically a case of believing a porn star and a lawyer over the President?

he probably didn't pay her - just fucked her and she threatened to go public

Se literally told the reporters herself you retarded subhuman


>Melania is now a cuckquean
This timeline man



Trump didn't do it but I wish he did.

this is all nonsense
something big is coming

>Trump is a rapist!
>Trump pays a shit ton of money for consensual sex

So, Which one is it?

>editing a vore-porn picture with artists watermark in bottom corner

>the hill
Founded by New York businessman Jerry Finkelstein. The paper is currently owned by his son Jimmy Finkelstein,

>Get paid money to be quiet
>Don't be quiet

Hoooo boy, I wonder which jew publicized his perverted fantasies this time

The bitch looks like a post op tranny, why the fuck would a billionaire not just hire a young and clean escort? The story does not make sense, is this really the best the left has? Where is the promised russia collusion evidence?

Seriously, these people have STRAIGHT UP LIED SOOO MANY TIMES NOW... Honestly, those who still believe this shit with these types of "sources" truly are mentally-ill and morally just utterly bankrupt to the point that society would truly get EXPONENTIALLY better literally overnight should they all be taken out, shot in the back of the head and burned in a ditch in some shithole country. I mean we would be done with 98% of the abominable burden that is fags over freaking night! Can you imagine how much that alone would make literally every single Country on the face of the earth? It would so fantastic!