Republicans encourage this

>republicans encourage this


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lol niggas btfo


lmao why charge someone who has a gun

what a retard

also nice discipline to not shoot the one that ran for the door

rest in piss scumbag

>holds own wrist while firing a handgun
did this idiot never learn how to properly shoot his firearm?

nobody should get shot, but sometimes you have to meet retards with a high speed piece of metal


I guess he was #lackin


even if he has shitty aim he's still going 1/0/0

Nigger nogged, got ventilated. Not much more needs to be said.

Is that a pellet gun ?
I see no injuries, no blood, no exit wound.

>fake news

the fuck was the white tee guy thinking, did he really think walking menacingly towards a guy holding a gun in front of your face is going to end up well?

>guy points a gun at nigger
>nigger keeps walking towards him
Too stupid to live.

This isn't hollywood and that certainly isn't a gun that'll make your whole back explode on exit.

It ain't Hollywood, faggot.

Hahaha blown the fuck out. I feel sorry for the family, having to watse their money to bury this retard.

>no exit wound

check between ur moms legs lmao

22 short small like whitey dick LmaO!

Getting shot isn't like a Terrantino movie. It doesn't spray blood fucking everywhere immediately unless someone shoots a hollowpoint through their melon.

You aren't a very intelligent person are you?

>slowly walks against gun aimed at you
what did he mean by this?

Yeah in a guns vs. fists fight. The other fucker has a gun and knows how to use it he's a dead man.

Thought he was bluffing? Shit, if you always won gambling, everyone would do it.

kek this has to be fake? the nigger doesn't even react to the armed man he just keeps walking and there's two fucking idiots in the back thinking it's a good idea to just casually walk toward where the armed man is instead of running for their lives or if they're armed they could just have taken him out easily


Someone points a gun at you and tells you to stop, keep marching forward to attack. lol The blue shirt guy even backs up a couple times too. First negro didn't learn but the second one did.

What would someone insane enough to charge a guy with a gun do to someone without a gun?

Just thinking about it scares me

If someone points a gun at you and you keep walking towards them you are someone that needs to be shot.

>charge someone who has a gun
>get shot

Do blacks just not understand how guns work? Or are they just so aggressive that even with a gun in their face they still attack? Usually their base instinct for self preservation sends them fleeing anytime something moderately surprising happens.

His K/D ratio is nice.

>jews encourage this

The enternal american strikes again

What does this have to do with politics?

Context motherfucker.

Let's say the white tee dickhead was verbally threatening the blue shirt dude. Blue shirt took out his gun for self defense, warned white tee to back the fuck up, but look at the video, white tee is continuing to be aggressive (and he had an aggressive friend too).

If this was on blue tee's property, and if there's other proof of white tee being the initiator of aggression, I'd say this is a good shoot. He was defending his life, plain and simple.

The only thing blue tee needs to work on is how he holds his gun, but hey, he's survived a gun fight and I haven't, so fuck me.

it's russian surveillance video

>The unknown person ran into the supermarket "ATB" on Gagarin Avenue, fired at a man and fled. Witnesses suggest that the conflict between men was fastened near the supermarket. After the incident, the guards pressed an alarm button and called for an ambulance.

>Later it turned out that the man died
>According to the city police, at about midnight a young man ran into the supermarket , followed by another, in which the attacker fired once and disappeared in an unknown direction. The victim, a 30-year-old man, died of a gunshot wound in the chest area. On this fact, criminal proceedings were instituted in accordance with Part 1, Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder).

the guy in blue is holding his gun, the second guy who enters fired the shot that caused the first guy to topple to the floor.

none of this has to do with america or republicans.

Had the exact same situation this guy was in happen to me except I told them I had a gun when they were charging up to me and a cop threaten me with arrest if I had pulled my gun and shot.

it's a self defence situation.

>republicans support defending yourself against democratic voters (criminals)

All training goes out the window when shit goes south. I see it happen all the time. Weird postures, awkward grip on the weapon. Something takes over when your life is on the line.

>I feel sorry for the family
they're probably niggers too

superspade thought whitey didnt have the bawwlls

Such a good point. Courts love that shit.

lack of impulse control

supreme confidence nothing will happen to you

sub-80 IQ

You seem real. Id blow you.

thats a 22, tiny hole and not enough enery to through, just enoug to go in and breack enough shit to drop an adult man

This. Whoever trained him should be proud. Didn't lost his shit. Didn't shoot the nig 5 times. Didn't shoot the one running away. Clearly was brandishing the gun as the guy ran up on him. This is one of the most clear cut cases of self defense and responsible gun use I've ever seen OP is gay or baiting.

Better than holding it sideways, I reckon.

>republicans encourage self defense
>This is somehow a bad thing

>YWN eat the worlds first burger the bug burger which is the prototype of all burgers. In fact the entire reason we grind our meat up is trying to recapture that grass fed basket caught fried in god knows what taste.

What?!? You don't like cricket cookies?

Could be a 380. Someone call K. Here let me summon them. AR's are objectively more durable then AKs and AKs shoot better then ARs. There we go.

these niggers know de wey

Why the hell would you approach a guy with a gun pointed at you. What absolute fucking retards

>it's russian surveillance video
Ukraine tho but checks out. Slavs has this intimidation by being fearless mentality. I guess the main motivation of the shot guy was that the blue shirt will not have guts to actually shoot, because unlike america it is a big deal in eastern europe to actually shoot someone.
Being durty rusky I experienced this kind of situations first hand.

Faggot saged

Everyone in the video looks like a niggerspic hybrid. Who cares?

Europe btfo

>Those mosquitos have been drinking their own blood
>possibly diseased blood
>as well as every larger animal in the area's blood

Fuck yeah, African black pudding!

Tragic loss of at least 25 registered Democrats

KEk. I see what you did there.

My brudda

Why are niggers so fucking stupid


>lmao why charge someone who has a gun

let alone charge a cop with a gun drawn on you

Yeah but frying them denatures the proteins, essentially making them inactive and safe to eat. Just like normal food.

Dis is not da way. He shood of spit on dem!

*comes back with a gun and kills everyone in the store*
Once you held someone's life in your hands, you became responsible for what they will do. Of course I'm not advocating chinese level retardation about it, but if a thug tries to rob you and you manage to wave him away with a gun, you are just pushing it to the next person.

Mmmmmy trigga

we need to cull the most violent ones the more that die the better dumbass

we did it to ourselves via wars and executions for 100s of years


I think on some level they cant help but doubt that guns are real. they dont understand how they work so they assume it is just whitey lying to them

wtf nigs in Ukraine?

>'Lmao what're you gonna do faggot, shoot me?'

You're right. Should have shot him in the back. His court system wont acknowledge stuff like that though.


>guys why didn't he explode in a shower of gore like I saw when I watched RoboCop?

>loss for the democrats

social darwinism c u n t

lmao @ everyone calling the guy getting shot a nigger
he's fucking white

He had his gun because he felt threatened, the person moved towards him anyway. YOU DO NOT FUCKING WALK TOWARDS A SCARED GUY WHO IS POINTING A GUN AT YOU, ESP IF YOU ARE THE REASON THAT PERSON IS SCARED.
There is nothing to take a stand on here.

The other guy didn't stop imediately, for all the blue guy knew he could have pulled a gun or a knife and jumped him. Should have double tapped the first guy then the other too. You could just argue that if they still attack you when you are pointing a gun at them, they must have somehting to counter it.

>Holding his own wrist while shooting
But why?

>Not a shitehole country

He knew he was on camera. If theyre in my house or anywhere with no cameras theyre all getting murdered. Then you can tell the cops whatever the fuck you want

You obviously dont own any guns at all lmao.

and also like whitey's dick, you fall to your knees once it's pulled out on you anyway. Next time use your welfare dollars on a glock and don't save up for the gold plated desert eagle

He was under the influence of the soy.


The great equalizer. The guy didn’t stand a chance against the chimp gang physically.

they come to study at the universities
ye im not kidding.


looks fake and gay
>no muzzle flash
>no casing ejection
>no slide movement
>retard can't hold gun properly
>retard on the ground laughing

because it's fake as fuck
fucking underage retards ITT

you are a faggot

Dude have you seen the news lately? In Michigan we have a couple cases of people that really deserve to be shot

underrated and nice trips

Raising a loaded firearm is a normal greeting for a nigger so they may not have expected him to pull the trigger.

>Kekistani flag
>Calls others out for being underage