whats the female equivalent of a soyboy
we need to know what increases testosterone in females so we can consume those products
whats the female equivalent of a soyboy
we need to know what increases testosterone in females so we can consume those products
Birth control pills reduce estrogen levels.
any adverse effects on men?
FUCK yes. Google it.
Cruciferous decrease estrogen
>Increasing the amount of cruciferous vegetables in your diet, which include broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, rids the body of excess estrogen, thus increasing testosterone
Also, stuff with zinc in it. Eat some oysters ( high in zinc) and you will ready to impregnate 10 rhine maidens.
There's not even any soy in soylent. Tards.
It suppresses hormones, any hormone.
>soy protein
Go away moshe
High testosterone makes women taller, facially uglier, less fertile, less feminine, more belligerent, and sluttier
The research is in from our /beefgirls/
>eat red meat
>fried chicken
why do you think our water supplies are filled with xenoestrogens?
Don't believe these jew lies. They're making those pills from baby dicks to switch the sexes. I litterally eat like 5 a day and get swoll all day I'm fucking 6'5 225 with a 7% BMI. I crush stays all day boys trust me eat all these things you can get your hands on.
>7% BMI
O-okay user...
yes, you wont be able to get pregnant
since soylent green is people is it just made from soyboys?
Da fuck?
Lets call them testchest
>if you stop masturbating your testotsterone will rise for a week then drop
so you should do nofap for a week then fap then nofap for a week etc for maximum test?
Thanks /lgbt/, You aren't entirely useless.
user WHYYY?????
It doesn't drop it just returns to base line, ie average. That is just one study. Another says
it continues to rise for three weeks after abstention
from ejaculation and then returns to baseline.
That is a simplification though because serum testosterone does not rise or fall linearly, it's up and down during the course of the day. It just
means on average.
Wait. Sauce now.
you do not know the whey
That's irrelevant. More and more women are taking steroids and doing male activities like crossfit.
indians/east asians that have hair all over their arms, hands and have literal mustaches
A Testgirl i'd assume. but what all these chemicals in the food and water do is inhibit women's production of estrogen, i don't think there's anything causing them to have increased test levels
I was raised vegetarian and still am , consume significant amounts of soy prodycts and had my T level came in at 862ng/dl. I'm also 6"2 and of decently athletic build.
The soyboy shit is just a meme and has no bearing on reality.
Is it the curry rice user
>The soyboy shit is just a meme and has no bearing on reality.
>1 post by this ID
It's the onions. Everyogre knows this.
Fish liver oil thot
Then why do people who eat it turn into faggots?
Low testosterone levels is a real issue. But you're right that soy is just a conspiracy theory. Exercise and obesity are known major factors and people are exercising less and whaling more. Beef consumption is also down and that's known to effect testosterone levels. A study that just came out this month that suggests ibuprofen can mess with your general hormone levels and we literally treat that like it's candy.
>whats the female equivalent of a soyboy
Butch Dykes looking mother fuckers
2 posts now
top fucking kek
Good to know, might switch ibuprofen out for paracetamol then.
How does beef supposedly raise T levels though? Given that cows are female and pumped with hormomes and antibiotics their whole lives to increase lactation you'd think it would be the other way round.
The Ibuprofen shit is real.
Beef is an amazing source of the trace mineral zinc, which helps boost testosterone levels by promoting blood circulation and increasing levels of nitric oxide (the erection-inducing compound). Vitamin B12, which is key in promoting good mental health, is also found in most red meat. Red meat is a great way to get your daily recommended dose of iron as well, which can help ward off anaemia, a blood disorder that can disrupt normal, healthy biological function in the body
Forgetting the fishmouth bitches
Forgot to add, make sure its grass fed beef, shop local fellow bong, get to know your local butchers and farmers.
Ah okay. All of those are contained in my daily multivitamin so I'm alright desu
Already said I'm vegetarian, if I had to try meat it would be organic non-jewed stuff
what if the cows or better yet pigs were fed jews?
Dairy cows are female. Beef comes from steers which are male. Why the fuck would you eat your dairy cows?
contraceptcunt I guess?
hrad to come up with something that rolls off the tongue nicely
>doing male activities like crossfit.
heh (you)
why do soycucks do this?
You’re braindead dumb and don’t post this bullshit unless you know what you’re talking about. The pills are synthetic estrogen and progesterone. Adding a surplus of exogenous hormone is the equivalent of your body thinking its pregnant. Now that your body is tricked that it’s pregnant, because of the EXTRA ESTROGEN, it will prevent pregnancy.
what did he mean by this
Ignoring the fact that you said 7% BMI, 225 lbs at 6’5” is still tiny.
>"I-i-it's the s-soy th-that's making me e-effeminate failure of a man! Yeah! A-all that e-estrogen! I'd be a m-manly Adonis i-if it weren't for DA JEWZ!"
This meme is so fucking pathetic, holy shit.
The phytoestrogens in things like soy have the reverse effect on women because it competes for receptors with real estrogen which is far more potent
wtf I hate the switch now
No but really, he looks completely fucking retarded
yes oniongrrls