Is Sup Forums pro-aug or anti-aug?

Is Sup Forums pro-aug or anti-aug?

>letting a (((corporation/the state))) literally control your mind and body

Anti 100%. Technology dependence is a tool of the NWO prophesied in revelation

Pro. I need to be able to smash holes in concrete walls with my fist, like Jensen. That would go a long way to helping me with my long-term goals.

>plugging your own body onto the grid for ((((Them)))) to fuck with
no sorry, even if I lose a limb and can get it replaced by something from Deus Ex, I want it all machinery and no computers, just springs and cogs

But people get augs to help them do their jobs better. By refusing to get augs you put yourself at a disadvantage and will eventually be unemployable.

If you have aug you have superior humanoid robot. If you have superior humanoid robot you don't need aug.

thats why its important to become a company CEO now, so you dont have to become a robnigger later

If you're talking about a prosthetic arm with no internet connection that's fine

It's like being pro or anti-gun. Pro, if only because in a fight between both sides anti would lose.

You can have electronics, but it should be doable without software, or at the very least, open-source with no wireless communication that could be used to hijack your limb.

The biggest problem with augs in the game is that everyone needed a steady supply of drugs to keep them from rejecting the augs. If that were the case IRL I'd be strongly anti-aug.

the body doesnt reject Titanum
Though you know apps that require an internet connection will be a thing ''call people by doing the telephone sign with your hand'' and shit

Pro-body anti-mental.
I don't need glow in the dark niggers plugging me into the hivemind or documenting my thoughts

I'm anti-nog.

do you wear glasses?

>make shotgun shells with these loaded
>shoot a robonigger

Purity is the true way. human augmentation is degenerate.

I like you

Anti-aug. Just apply the ship of Theseus story to the human body and you will understand the end game of transhumanists.

You better hope the aug doesn't have cloaking and sensor and sentinel augmentations. See, ultimately, you'd just get your ass kicked by the top Chad augs. The only way you could stop them would be to deploy augs of your own against them, and by then you've given up the game.

>the body doesnt reject Titanum
There are plenty of biocompatible materials, but making people dependent on drugs was an important plot point for some stupid reason.

>Though you know apps that require an internet connection will be a thing
Then get an augmentation that doesn't even have apps. Lots of software would only slow-down the function of an aug. Could you imagine moving something heavy then you dropped it on your foot because some dumb app hogged all the ram and your fucking arm blue-screened? There's literally no reason to have software in an aug if it doesn't need to be there.

my body is my temple

>implying normal civilians will be able to have cloaking, threat detection, xray vision, etc.
you'll be lucky to have a normal functioning arm

Same shit happened to phones, can you buy a modern phone that doesnt have at least a single function that requires connection to the internet in any way. it might start without any internet functionality, but it will seep in because ''check it out dude, its so fucking cool'' meaning its the kind of shit that will outsell normal augs

100% human is the way to go

If it's not some jew plot (it would be) to gain access to data and control of my body, and I had full control over the augs, then yes. Would allow us to dominate the lesser nations more easily.

If we're talking about our modern technological limitations anyway, then why would you murder someone with a prosthetic limb? He's just a guy that lost an arm. But if we're talking about Deus Ex augs, you'd get your shit pushed in.

It doesn't matter. The elites are going to be augd using the latest and best technology and will become literal superhumans within this century. The "poor within 3 generations" meme will no longer be true, as every new generation of richfag people will be smarter, stronger and healthier than the previous one.
Us poorfags will only have access to shitty chinky augs at best to be able to keep our codemonkey jobs.
We are heading towards feudalism anyway so might as well get the brain implant for the 2d waifu experience or larp as purist if you are some sort of christcuck.

transhumanist here

if we can become more than human why not

Pro 100% Bettering our people through every way possible is the best for the nation. Also pro-eugenics and whatever else. Abortion too and killing the elderly,

It depends. For example if you are a soldier that got his arms or legs blown off by an IED then sure, go ahead and augment the fuck outta yourself dude, now on the other hand if you're some rich dude looking to become the next "iron man" then you can go fuck yourself.

We have been using and improving tools to enhance our physical capabilities since we were proto-humans. Augmentation is just another step along that line, anti-aug is inherently anti-human.

I dont understand how it applies at all.

Youre asking the question if a human replaces every piece of himself until no original piece is still there are they still the same human..

Its a philosophical question for sure, but not an argument for or against transhumanism.

Also your body does that anyway. Something like every 7-10 years youre pretty much almost 100% an entirely new organism with the replacement of cells making it a useless point.

Sup Forums is pro-death
Long live death and mortality!


again, you wont have access to those sort of augs in the first place. But the point is getting people onto a grid, you already can hack into vehicles (thats why fully auto cars are being pushed), easy access and termination of anyone that can become a threat

the only thing you own 100% on this planet is your body, and you're willing to give that away as well

>implanting the techno jew into your body

Can't be more bluepilled than this.


Pro-aug pro-waifu


depends on how one world government plays out.
if it ends up being (((UN))) style then augmentation will be used against the people to turn them into slaves


Weve been improving the human condition for 12000 years. Aside in fancy ass bells and whistles, we could also engineer out our deepest flaws.

Especially pesky ass irrationality and bias as an emotional reaction by artificially re engineering the brain and how it works. Id honestly take.that alone for all of man kind and.leave the rest.

>Is Sup Forums pro-aug or anti-aug?

Yes but it should be illegal for rich people to get better augs.

>implying that would happen

A phone is a bit different than a prosthesis. Phones are mass-produced and landlines have basically been dirt-cheap for years. Cellphones require software to communicate with the service provider anyway. There are cheap burner-phones that don't really do anything other than make calls and texts, but there isn't as much money to be made off of them.

Limb prosthesis are pretty much custom-tailored to the individual based on the limb and often require expensive surgery to get attached. People pay tens of thousands of dollars for prosthetics that don't do much other than look like a limb. There are so many different ways to manufacturers to milk money out of people that turning it into a phone wouldn't even be necessary.

I could accept some augs for medical reasons, much like plastic surgery today. Anything beyond that is anti-human.

Fuck augs, how much longer for powered armor because that's all I've ever been waiting for.


technically you can beat augs with drones/ai, so you can be aug free yourself but still use all the augs or better (i means augs would most likely be more limited than what a construct can do)

If they were to be mass produced for the common man, you bet your ass they'll push shit like integrated watches, integrated phones etc.

Limbs today are a rarity (realtivly speaking), but if every guy has one, I've got no doubts they will become the new phone equivalent

The idea is that, eventually, humans will stop being humans.

Transhumanists are heirs to a long dynasty of Promethean school of thoughts (gnostics, french revolutionaries, marxists, antiracists etc.). They all pretended to pursue the betterment of human kind but what really matters to them is their frustration at humanity imperfection. And once their pretenses reveal to be bullshit, they show their true ugly faces, unwiding on the human nature one way or another.

Most people wouldn't bother replacing a fully-functioning limb because it'd probably be more expensive than buying a car, even before any unnecessary features. And they aren't mass-produced because people don't like to walk-around with one leg that only came in a size small.

Mortality is a disease, augmentation is the cure

You'd be surprised what people are prepared to do to fit in

just make augs hip etc. and people will eat it up. All you need to do is make it affordable and flexible so one size fits all (not all that hard)

It could come after them being illegal

>This is what I was made for, isn't it?
>This is why I exist.

would every aug tech have NSA back doors hardcoded?

Augmentations are the first step on the road to transhumanism and shared consciousness. Can you even begin to imagine the horror of having to share your mind with Canadians and Swedes? If we go down this road, we had better make damn sure that all blacks are exterminated well before. Otherwise the aforementioned cucks will open the firewalls and invite all subhumans inside as well. Then you'd be just one voice among billions of niggers all thinking 'muh hdmi cable'

A lot of augs will be developed for various industries no doubt. Imagine how companies would deal with new arm augs so their workers could lift 10X more weight with just their bare hands instead of needing a forklift. Or lung augs so they can breathe toxic gases and don't need special training or hazmat equipment? Or just how it's suddenly much cheaper to replace limbs on workers and bring them back incase they lose them in an industrial accident. Companies now have to pay some fines plus salaries and compensation out to workers who are hurt. Now they can pay some smaller sum and force their worker to get a replacement limb and then come back to work.

Not for me. I wouldn't get them given how increasingly shady the tech and media industry are today.

Pro Aug
Memory enhancement alone would increase my productivity a ton. Imagine being able to read documentation once and have it saved forever, or just skip the reading and have it uploaded and crawled for indexing. You would be able to speak any language, program in any language and essentially be a sponge for knowledge.

Augmented strength would bring about super sports, and the revenue with it. Consciousness transfer would create near immortality and facilitate FTL space travel, where you send your proxy ahead and sync with it on arrival.

Fuck yes I am pro-augmentation.

>Imagine how companies would deal with new arm augs so their workers could lift 10X more weight with just their bare hands instead of needing a forklift.
Sounds needlessly expensive and stupid.

This issue will become a political point within the next decade. And unknowingly the transgender activist have made it impossible to make these augs illegal. Of course the left will hate them because they are expensive and thus limited to the rich. I can't wait until the left starts to petition against augs and all we'll have to do is reuse the same transgender crap they used. We will all augment and wipe them out.

unfortunately, this is a retarded assessment

Let me guess: muh EMPs, right? This is what the technophobes always say when confused.

One can only hope.

The words of a man who clearly doesn't know how EMPs work.

off my board hanzer

The AUG is a cool gun and I have nothing against it

forklifts and training is expensive. I guess we don't really know how much this shit would cost for us. At first it'd probably be really expensive but as tech improved it might get cheaper. In the games (at least HR and MD), there was definitely a class of people going out and getting augmented to perform at work better. No doubt this would start a sort of race amongst employees to get better and more advanced aug tech just to keep up. Social pressure is a big thing, especially in the work environment. If your coworkers all have new lung implants and your boss is wanting you to get them too, you'll probably end up on an operating table getting your natural lungs cut out.

Pro. Give me that Icarus landing!

Mankind Divided is underrated af.

and then they come together on your fucking head!

>forklifts and training is expensive.
Make them drones. They won't quit or die and take their augs with them.

>but making people dependent on drugs was an important plot point for some stupid reason.

Its because Jensen didnt need the drugs due to experiments done to him as a child by the Illumnati so thats why he get more advanced implants than everyone else in the game.

As I said, a stupid reason. It was meant to mimic the Ambrosia shortage of the original game more than anything else.

Anyone got the pic of this girl, posing like Jensen in the OP?



I consider it not natural and undesirable, but necessary.

That's a lie, I do not have allergies!

She never asked for this.

>uploads final destination and other shit you want bleach for