I can't tell if cake threads are allowed or not. I've seen them get near bump limit then 404 out of nowhere.
I can't tell if cake threads are allowed or not. I've seen them get near bump limit then 404 out of nowhere
Just stop blogging in them.
That should go without saying, but /r9k/ and /adv/ keep bleeding in.
By the way, cakes are for bullying.
wasn't she like 19
Certified cake by the time the movie takes place.
Here's some OC fresh off the press.
>characters who keep a marriage license with them at all times
I see your onee-cake-sensei and raise you another one.
Do girls look like Christmas cake to you as soon as they get out of college/university?
Kill yourself at anytime.
Do you know why they're called christmas cakes?
Do you not know what a Christmas cake is?
Enlighten me.
ケーキか? どうぞ。
christmas is on the 25th of december
in japan they eat christmas cakes on christmas eve
no one wants a christmas cake after christmas eve
no one wants a lady after 24
it's silly but that's how it is
>Christmas is on the 25th of December
>after Christmas, the Christmas cakes bought for the holiday are now worthless trash
>this applies to Japanese women
Fucking newfags, I swear.
Probably because cakes have nothing at all to do with anime you dumbass newfag. Of you want to talk about cakes, go to /ck/.
>Animating Kaede must be a cake-walk.
Chirstmas cake is just a cake when it is past 25th.
>no one wants a lady after 24
Lurk for two years before posting.
Not only are Kyoani one of the best studios they create the best cakes.
It's not fair.
By the time she's 19-24 a woman is at her sexual peak and usually the peak of her beauty as well (women age like milk while men age like wine). Hence why mothers still recommend their daughters to marry young. A woman over 25 is indeed past her prime.
Though even in modern Japanese society the christmas cake phenomenon is fading out and being replaced by the new years noodle phenomenon. 31 is the new 25. The problem is even bigger though, because now we're moving from "past prime" territory into "giving birth to downies is a lot more common" territory.
>that ending
tokyo needs to be firebombed again
How under-appreciated is Rumi?
Is it "necessary" for a cake to drink? Is it a deal-breaker if she smokes?
(Just to be clear, I'm referring solely to 2D.)
Anonymous imageboard.
>Is it "necessary" for a cake to drink?
How else would they cope with their loneliness?
>Is it a deal-breaker if she smokes?
Not ideal, but it's OK if she's 2D
increased risk for downs is negligible until the late 30s and early 40s
basically don't have kids after the woman is 35
Unfortunately, tripfag, she's not 25, even in the movie.
There's even an epilogue about the MC's friend pedobaiting a young girl. That mangaka really needs a good lynching.
>check Pixiv
That's the artist's OC waifu, apparently. How nice.
Look at this 28-year-old cake trying to act like she's cute.
But does she do the "become tasty!" spell before serving the curry? This is important.
Meant to post this.
Disgusting cowtits.
I think you're looking for >>/lgbt/
Probably butthurt lolifags report this kind of thread multiple times.
>Christmas cake/OL without megane
What's the fucking point?
It's curious what you expected in a cake thread.
papika was loli cake?
someone help?! I don't know. ;_;
>there was a moment in my life christmas cake was an option
>my age forces me to date cakes now
life sucks
Every fucking time. Get the fuck out.
>sex hair Christmas cake sensei/maid/part time prostitute has the best route and can win the MCbowl.
How did Japan get it so RIGHT?
why the FUCK would cakes not be allowed in my Sup Forums?
Meant for
Gan-beer-e, user-P!
It's okay, it'll get an anime this year.
>Christmas Cakes: The Game
The absolute madmen. Hopefully if they adapt it they'll finally do the right thing and adapt all of the romantic social links and Valentine's Bad End
I've never liked cakes before but I've taken a great liking to this one.
It's how they get by.
Best cake is from Garden of Feet
>stabs you in the back
>gorgeous backgrounds
It had everything.
>When you would watch the nice cake movie, but feet weird you out, so you ignore it.
Not enough cake dictators in this thread.
nice to see sin sack dressing for the occasion for once
That's a foxy grandma.
This manga is so pleasant. I don't even know what crowd it's trying to cater to, cakefags or actual Japanese cakes.
Meat cake!
>meaty cake
how do you feel about cakes who have given up on finding male companionship so they comfort each other?
Cakes are not allowed, Sup Forums is on a diet.
What is this?
Google is fucking useless for me lately. It keeps saying everything is just "cartoon". Anybody else having that problem?
Yeah, a cake only diet.
You should be eating healthy things, like carrots.
fund it
you're searching the thumbnail instead of the actual image
(different user)
I get "cartoon" or "line drawing" even if I search for the full image. People are known to get different results.
>u wan sum fuk.jpg
No, I'm not.
>the carnivorous layer-cake lures in its prey with offerings of alcohol