Senpai noticed us.
Senpai noticed us
hey nigga you got any apples?
full warehouses
>not buying American apples
Is this thread some hidden gun running shit, or should I just lurk moar?
seriously get the fuck out
They buy weapons from us we buy apples from them, fair trade IMO.
Why don't you leave the EU
I live in Indiana, you are welcome to visit any time Poland. I like your embassy in D.C., the people there are very nice.
>going to indiana for any reason what so ever
they announced it right as they began engine development
kinda funny that people give star citizen shit for it but not CDPR, even though star citizen releases shit
also kinda funny because SC has undergone massive feature creep and basically will never be released
soon, we will most likely see first gameplay at the e3
very juicy. thx Poland
We have a very good small-sized airport with short lines and friendly TSA people. We also have fewer potholes than we did ten years ago, and some cool Amish people that make good furniture and donuts.
sure. what are you interested in?
I spent 4 days in Schererville for a friends wedding. Too many niggers and can't buy booze on Sundays.
I got to go on a safari ride through the jungles of Gary though, that was fun.
Poles are good guys usa has been trying to help out the poles since ww1 by giving them their own country
What the fuck those are the size of melons
It's called agriculture.
This. Honestly the Polish government needs to take every measure possible to make sure CDPR can get this game to the American masses. I'm fairly sure the future of US-Polish relations depends on it.
based polan
In the year 2020
Usa is the biggest terrorist the planet has ever seen.They are not your friends,not your allies,Poland.They want you again to take the ruski invasion to give them a reason to start ww3.
Kurwa! +10% after a fucking beep. Fuck speculants.
You niggers sold us to Stalin...
Poland may be poor, but you guys are not a shithole in my book.
P.S. I like the Zywiec porter.
That was FDR.
I can't fucking wait. I'll soyboy it up when that shit comes out.
Churchill never had any intent of helping you guys and literally just used you as bait to start a war with Germany. Churchill was also owned by ZOG, so you guys were fucked regardless.
We knew the USSR was temporary.
CNN tells me these are bananas
THICC apples
You never had any intention to help Poland.Never.Dont deny it.You are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen and you dont even realize it.Go kill yourself.
based Magyarbro
The US didn't start ww2 you mongoloid. Don't forget that Operation Unthinkable was an AMERICAN battle plan. If Patton never got assassinated, it could have very well happened.
>literally trading apples for guns
>people call Trump a good deal maker
You didnt start the war?Oh,come cry me a river,terrorist.Of course you didnt start the war,why would you if you had your sattelites do it for you?Do you think everyone is kept as retarded as americans?Land of the free?Fucking braindead retard.
Get fucked you slant eyed nigger. ZOG started ww2.
get fucked. I wish the habsburgs ruled over you subhumans once again. You are below whites and deserve to be ruled by them.
>zog started ww2
>german army drives ford trucks
>german airforce cant operate without standard oil
>extort war from Japan by blocking oil
Go on,mighty retard.Only americans are fooled by their own braindead propaganda, no one else.
Good looking fruit.
imagine all the pie you could make...
>germans bought ford trucks before the war started
>a jew sell germans a special additive for their oil
>jews stop selling oil to nippon so they attack
The Rothchilds own Standard Oil
The Rothchilds own The Bank of England
The Rothchilds own the US Federal Reserve
>its the jews reeee!!!!
>every leader is a jew or a jew pawn since 1900
Gee,son.Going to be a hard wake up if you ever do so.
Pretty sure that was sarcastic.