WSJ and Trump

Why did WSJ break the news on Trump's secret hush money payment to a porn star?

WSJ, for those of you who don't know, is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also controls Fox News and has been a cheerleader for Trump. Trump also frequently phones Murdoch to consult on policy issues.

Did Trump get a little too uppity during the last meeting? Did Murdoch need to remind Trump who's really the master and who's the dog in their relationship?

I guess one whore wife wasn't enough.

>sexual encounter
>not rape or anything remotely rapey
hmm so a presidential candidate paid a shit ton of money to keep some embarrassing affair secret this is totally news fuck drumpf amirite guys

who cares what neocons think anyhow

It's because he didn't agree to the immigration bill. The neo-cons wanted that third world labor.

The Republican base is still mostly moralfag pearl clutchers. The Sup Forums consensus isn't the Republican primary voter consensus.

I'm beginning to believe a bit more that Murdoch called Trump is a "fucking idiot" like that fire and fury book claims. He clearly has no love for the guy.

Reminder that WSJ and Fox News are both owned by Murdoch.

So ((( Murdoch))) used the word alleged to cover his ass from being held accountable for slander.





>says nobody


>Fox News and has been a cheerleader for Trump.

Hannity, watters and kg....have been pro Trump. And Lou. The rest are anti Trump or slightly anti Trump, and then faggot Shep is cnn level anti Trump.

Literally how can the media get away with this? This clearly breaks libel laws.


Fox hardly ever shills for Trump. It's basically apart of the never-trumper group. Sure a few of the hosts like Trump, but that was after many viewers threatened to tune out if they kept it up for long.

And they will be dealt with in time.

Hitler over extended once...


Would that be the same Rupert Murdoch that feigned a friendship with Nigel Farage trying to dig up dirt and trying to trap him into saying racist things and it didn't work?
The same Murdoch that backed leaving the EU until the EU gave him the nod for Sky Europe then he turned into a remainer and Sky News changed into pro-EU cuckery in a heartbeat?
The same Rupert Murdoch who has had his own allegations that he paid hush money to victims, and I do say victims because many of them were underage?!
Yeah he is one of (((them)))

Person A threatens to leak private information that person B feels threatened enough pays for them not to?

Can somebody explain how this works because i thought blackmail is illegal.

>this breaks libel laws!
This was always the plan

Trump didn´t do it but I wish he did.

Wait, they're recycling news from before the election again? Is it over, do they have nothing left to go after him on?

this guy gets it

I heard she fisted him

Example 1: Person A demands money from person B under threat of revealing damaging info. This is blackmail.

Example 2: Person B offers Person A money to keep quiet about something, and Person A agrees. This is not blackmail.

It doesnt make sense because Trump is a known adulterer anyways and a woman like Melania has enough ovary fortitude to know she is marrying a billionaire because a cheating bastard billionaire is still a better father for her babbys and she can have access to his resources. Right?


Oh, the porn star already denied everything. I knew it, fake news again.

uhh guys, so about 4d chess and all that..

>Consensual sexual encounter
>That both parties deny
Wow, what a shit show. Drumpf has already been impeached.

said the faggot shill

This is Literally a nothing burger more bait for the dumbshit liberals. who will take it and run and scream with it.

>ohh noooos Trump is staight man who doesnt fuck little kids hurrr durrr.

imagine my shock.

Fake news

This has been a quite fake news friday:
>Panama ambassador resigning because of shitholegate... FAKE
>Model paid by lawyer to keep quiet... FAKE
>Trump saying “ shit hole countries”... FAKE
Something big is coming

WSJ maintains just enough cachet as a "conservative" outlet in order to maintain credibility with boomers so that they believe it when they post an "it's over for Drumpf" story. Their day to day opinion section dances around the edges of actual conservative opinion but when there's an opportunity to toot the "fuck Drumpf" horn on the heels of some "big scandal" they never miss the chance.

The problem with that letter Sup Forums tards is the signature. Stormy Daniels is NOT her real name or a legal’s a stage name. The hush money was paid in her LEGAL name and the legal agreement she signed was in her real name...her legal name. Why is this important???? Because it adds to the claim that Russia also likely has compromising material on Drumpf. It also adds credibility to his female accusers, shows he has no character and proves he covers up his behavior be it immoral or criminal.

The affair is old news...the $130,000 hush money is new news.

>>Trump saying “ shit hole countries”... FAKE
Most of the Rep senators in the meeting refused to specifically deny that the "shit hole countries" comments weren't made when pressed by reporters.

Who is the source of this information?

The WSJ broke the story. The affair was known about years ago...the hush money is the NEW news related to the old story.

Because they’re scum. They all used weasel words...they danced around admitting he said it but we know he did. Lindsey Graham more or less confirmed he said it as did the rest of them. NONE of them denied he said it. Drumpf is a chronic liar.

>muh Russia
>muh rape
Or he had an affair. Shocking, isn't it?

If they suggest it could come out, but don't ask for anything, it's not blackmail.
Then the person 'not being blackmaiked' has legal counsel offer terms to the person 'not blackmailing' them.

It’s like this Sup Forums tards...if you vote Republican you’re trash. You’re a dick swallowing cum gargling fuckTARD.

Murdoch is a liberal aussie why wouldn't he?

Our local reporter said that almost half of american think Trump is absolute right with his shithole comments.. so maybe Trump and republicans want leave a small questionmark what was really said?

>Murdoch is a liberal

You are a slave
We are free

Reminder that it was mentioned in the OP

>broke the story
And where did they get their info?
A conveniently anonymous source?
Any actual verifiable or physical evidence/proof?

Well capitalist first but certainly more liberal

No way 1/2 of all Americans think that’s must live in some racists red shithole state.

They were mad he aced their interview

The Left's recent forays into strict Puritanism are hilarious. But who are they trying to fool?

I'm left with the option of who is fucking me harder.

I'm a registered democrat, all my life.
But they only run marxists, socialists, and anti-white - male candidates.
So this is where the faggots left me because there is an evil two-private-club conspiracy that has a seemingly unbreakable strangle hold on our nation. Not just through the politicians themselves, but by their business and funding counter parts, the news and entertainment media, academia, the public school system and all government apparatus.

I won't vote for someone who wants to weaken or destroy the future of my family.

So let me get this straight
>Trump is running for 2020
>Disney CEO WAS supposed to run against Trump in 2020
>Murdoch sells Fox to the mouse in exchange of no presidential run for Disney CEO
>Murdoch gains big as shares from the new Disney/Fox deal while still running Fox News
>Murdoch vs Trump 2020
>Murdoch is going for the head earlier
Murduch is a backstabbing rat traitor

"sexual encounter"
obviously it was one of Trump's peepee parties

Don't rewrite history. Everyone knows right wing conservatives have been the ones pushing amoral filth in the arts and film industry for generations

I think the language is in poor taste
The sentiment is absolutely correct and most americans(and almost all white men), even a lot of of hipster faggots, think so.

>according to people familiar with the matter.
Sounds like more anonymous source bullshit to me.

That makes no difference. It’s the equivalent of a company DBA another name and then trying to claim they aren’t the same person. Do you think Bob Dylan’s signature has any less legal weight than Robert Zimmerman’s?

Fear not Sup Forums tard...Robert Mueller will be looking into the agreement for obvious reasons. Another report is just now breaking that an additional $150,000 was funneled her way via The National Enquirer for the same reason...hush money. Dumbshits like yourself immediately label any news you don’t agree with as fake news. You’re fake brain doesn’t want to process it. I came up with a saying about fake news more than a year ago and it goes like this:

You can say "gravity" isn't real all you want...that it's fake news, but if you fall off a bridge or from a mountain top, you're going to feel reality asserting itself very quickly.

So we're supposed to trust the story's credibility solely because of the reputation of the WSJ?

I’m a white man and me and my hottie white wife who live here in a bright red state don’t think it’s ok. We find Drumpf a fucking embarrassment and look forward to his removal from office.

I didn't say it was fake.

But I honestly don't care if trump is fucking a different woman every night.

Stop slut shaming him you Bible Thumping Bigot.

I don't read WSJ but from what I've heard basically only their editorial/opinion articles are right leaning. Not sure how true that is though.

Half the country thinks he is a modern day hitler... this hasnt even registered in the radar, he is not Marco Rubio, he is Trump

It makes all the difference in the world. Ask an attorney.

You know that half of all Americans live in red states, right?
At least half think like what the president is alleged to have said is correct.

Rupert Murdoch is not American you fucking redneck

>I’m a white man and me and my hottie white wife

Nigger please...

Whites are degenerates

I’m an atheist as is my wife. I don’t need to shame him...he does a fine job all by himself. It’s one thing after never stops.

You both belong in Haiti then.
After all, it's such a great place.
You wouldn't even worry letting your wife ride the bus alone or be in down town Port Au Prince on a Friday night shopping trip alone.
Perfectly nice country full of warm, beautiful people.
I know every Haitian I've met has been an upstanding member of the community.

This would be much more interesting, Stormy being Donald's daughter he didn't know about and learning she was a pornstar, bailed her out so she would never have to stoop to that level again.

It's a great day for a news dump when everyone is screaming about shitholes.

And what should he be ashamed of?

As an athiest, why should you worry about other people's consentual sexual practices?

Only bible thumping zealots judge other people like that, right?

You’re blowing poop out your couldn’t be more wrong. Trump won with 46% of the vote...that support has since dropped to the low 30% range. No fucking way 1/2 of Americans believe that. Polls say 63% of Trump supporters support DACA! Give me a fucking break. Oooooops...I know...the polls are rigged! They’re fake!!!!!!!


>is this real life?

one must become accustomed to the face of an antichrist

>having sex with a pornstar

not a good look my duder. its a good thing this was before the primaries. *IF IT'S TRUE AT ALL*

although i remember hearing about this, and it sounds like The Don.

They may have reported it to help him, take the heat off the shithole controversy. I mean this guy shrugs off rape accusations, you can expect this sex non-scandal to hurt him in any way.

Been there on vacation twice...wife laid on the beach topless for 7 days each trip. We like it almost as much as Jamaica. Jamaica is also extremely poor once you get away from the resorts.

these are the end times

this will make me hate him right?


can anything

>For the contract to be enforceable against this artist, the artist must have demonstrated unequivocal intent to be bound by it. That this artist has used a pseudonym or a stage name to sign, is not relevant to the validity of the contract because the act of signing, rather than the content of the signature is what determines whether a contract was formed. Now, if the artist is denying having signed the contract or claiming forgery, the fact that a stage name was used may be a fact relevant to this issue. However, if this artist regularly signs contracts under a stage name, or if you have witnesses willing to back you up that he signed, then arguments related to forgery would be implausible.

One Google search brings up this. Please provide me with alternative evidence to show you are correct. What’s important is that she signed it and backs it up, not that she used her stage name.

Oh Donald you gone make me squirt

don't know
Seems to me the left's propaganda is to keep their constituents ignorant and misinformed.
Nothing really to attract 'new' voters.

fuggen grab a hold of their genitals i do not know them personally. the calm before the stormy. this man fucking cancels little game show mini games he holds on twitter over to later dates. everything is planned and fake

I’m not judging him at all. It’s between him and Melania...if she’s is cool with it then the affair is not a big deal. The hush money is a big deal because it was paid two months before the election and many who voted for him, like all the Bible thumping morons, might not have been ok with it. It also is a problem because it shows his willingness to cover up & pay off people. It adds to the claim he might have been compromised by Russia. Who else has he paid to keep quiet and about what???? Use your brain ass maggot.

>swear on this Bible

Fox donated to Hillary

They are controlled opposition for shekels. How new are you?

>fox is communist

Hey fuck worm...that was a letter denying the’s meaningless hoooo haw. She signed a legal agreement in her legal name to stay quiet and accepted a check (hush money) made out to her in her legal name as payment. That letter means squat.

MSM doesn't want to show the whole picture

Isn't Murdoch a kosher? by the way, isn't Murdoch a Jewish surname?

Fuck the Bible and a God who doesn’t exist. Jesus never lived or I would say fuck Jesus too.

Whereas the Clintons found a cheaper way to keep their enemies silent... They kill them.

this is a shoop where somebody took the fat off the left and put it on the tits on the right. yellow is a good color for trump. buttery and benedict arnold like