Has to pay for pussy

Has to pay for pussy.

He paid to shut her up
bigly difference

Still cost him, faggot.

Having a gf costs money anyway. Either way being around pussy costs money.

t. poorfag

>Either way being around pussy costs money.

Yeah, if you're a beat faggot who can't get women without paying them.

So do you, and everybody else, dumbass.

>hating on capitalism


You're a moron, i can tell you've probably never had a girlfriend. No girl wants to stick around with a guy that does nothing. Doing stuff costs money, no girl wants a guy that doesn't buy her gifts for her birthday/christmas. You stupid fuckin faggot.

1. Bullshit unconfirmed story made up by demoRats and shit media reports
2. Even if it were true, costs less than a divorce for damn sure.

CAN pay for woman, wish I could

Already debunked. Even CNN isn't running with it. Get with it, the new narrative for the next few weeks is that Trump is racist.

Can afford to pay for pussy.


busted by the canuck, can you guys switch flags please

>tfw not rich enough to be able to pay to bang your favorite porn stars

He's a fat old man, what do you expect?

The difference is, you won't be getting any pussy when you're fat and old like him.

>tfw got to fuck a literal cuckold's gf even though i'm a jobless loser

>you grab it you buy it


What idiotic bitch wouldn't want to take his BOC?

he paid for pussy years ago when he bought commieblock slut Melania for $20.. what shithole she from anyway?