Sup Forums btfo by founding father george washignton

Sup Forums btfo by founding father george washignton

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>Sup Forums btfo by founding father george washignton
Well that's great in practice when you consider the fact that at the time, only Whites could be citizens.

So obviously Washington was referring to Whites and Whites alone.

Prove me wrong.

>inb4 you never post again.

he says mankind republiturd

yeah i'm sure the literal slave owning white supremacist was talking about the black and brown hoardes from the global south.

only white people are humans, so looks like you are fucking retarded.

say it with me "VIRTUOUS"

that means people who's plight isn't due to their own lazy and/or immoral nature, such as Mexicans, who have even better real estate than the USA, all the advantages of living next door (free gently used TVs, bikes, books, computers and 'fridges for the asking, as well as completely military defense of NORAD/NATO.) but none of the high taxes or even industrial pollution.

But, he did not consider niggers to be human. Your attempted point fails.

>he says mankind
And mankind at that time was the White race. Non-Whites weren't even considered human let alone equals at that time.

Does my flag fucking say Republican you anti-White faggot?


shit my bad, I mean 317

Perhaps it's best then, that we not bring in the persecutors?

Washington was talking exactly about european influence by the way.

Funny how American Alt-Righters hate Sargon and the Liberalist movement so much when the irony is as classical liberals we are very close in ideology to your Founding Fathers. Nazism and collectivism was the OPPOSITE of what they wanted.

He's talking about Europeans countries, that's a given considering the fact that he enslaved black people. You think he wanted the US sending ships the Caribbeans and Africa to bring in blacks and give them land and money?

Early thoughts. Ben Franklin saw things differently over the passage of time.

He is not our God

It's pointless to speak about opposites across centuries. Founding Fathers wanted slavery that has nothing to do with Nazism or collectivism, but a lot more to do with classical liberal thought.

All the alt-right wants to do is return the United States Immigration policy to its historical precedent, which is in line with how the founding fathers and all whites had felt for centuries.

the Founding Fathers were libertarians but they wanted America to be whites only

a modern libertarian who supports open borders would not be an example of our progenitor politics

Non-white primitives were not a part of nations, but tribes.

>says right in quote that he hopes it will be a place for people that hold his own virtues to go

>Funny how American Alt-Righters hate Sargon and the Liberalist movement so much when the irony is as classical liberals we are very close in ideology to your Founding Fathers. Nazism and collectivism was the OPPOSITE of what they wanted.
The Founding Fathers were White Nationalists.

niggers, spics, and jews aren't human tho

*shits on your shill narrative*

yes they are.


>doesn't realize the founder fathers explicitly stated that blacks aren't actual people and rights are only for white men
fuck off toothpastelands

A true leader, unlike the racist in office now

Niggers are a a different subspecies from whites at the very least

>yes they are.
No, they aren't. Calling them human implies an equality with Whites.
History shows that they simply are not equal.

He meant white nations. Hence the laws were written that way. Not 3rd world shitholes.

> Being a tripfag so you can get paid

Richard Spencer is a fucking centrist compared to Jefferson you absolute mongoloid

Now bear with me on this... you can be a white nationalist AND not a socialist. Now isn't that interesting? Bet you didn't even know.

This, but with the daily stormer being the biggest shill base on Sup Forums it isn't much surprise.