I'm a Jew, I just wanted to understand something about you guys

Hello, I'm an Israeli Jew currently living in New York City, and I've seen quite a lot of traffic on the subject of race realism and ethnonationalism on these forums, as well as social media.

I just wanted to understand one thing. Why do you guys accuse us of some conspiracy against your people? From what the data shows, we Jews (Ashkenazi) have higher average IQ's than you guys do, and you see that we do quite well in the media, finance, and academia. When you explain to other races like the negroes why you outperform them, you just say that you have higher intelligence. We seem to be more intelligent than you, so we outperform you, yet you accuse us of muh international conspiracy. Why is that?

I think that it is because of an inferiority complex, just like the blacks who complain about you, and I think it would suck to have a people come in and out-do you in your own country, but isn't that what competition is all about? It seems like you Nazis just want to have it both ways, and you're just jealous of our success. Why are you so hateful, and why can't you just work harder, I don't understand?

Other urls found in this thread:


Feel the wind changing, kike? Soon you’ll wish that the six gorillion is just a hoax.

>When you explain to other races like the negroes why you outperform them, you just say that you have higher intelligence. We seem to be more intelligent than you, so we outperform you, yet you accuse us of muh international conspiracy. Why is that?
>I think that it is because of an inferiority complex
bingo, you've answered this pretty objectively. What is linked with that is the fear that Jews will become so prominent in a society, that they will eventually take control over the country, because Jews work in important sectors of the social life, like law, medicine, media, finance

>Why do you guys accuse us of some conspiracy against your people?
I think the whole jew thing is kinda dumb but u gotta admit there is a lot of ((coincidences)) between jews and shit that has happened so I can't really blame people that blame the joos

>Why do you guys accuse us of some conspiracy against your people?

Your side admits it bro, you are genociding us, while you protect your racialist Nazi homeland Israel. (which you fund from the money you plunder from us) It's like the farmer asking the sheep what's their complaint while he is slaughtering them.


>Hello, I'm an Israeli Jew currently living in New York City
>Feel the wind changing, kike?
>Soon you’ll wish that the six gorillion is just a hoax.
>we Jews (Ashkenazi) have higher average IQ's than you guys do

If Ashkenazi are so smart, why are you all inbred? And why do you have to lie, cheat, and steal to earn your money? And why is all of your art horrible? And why is Israel such a disgusting mess?

mossad agent involved in 9/11

you know perfectly well what ethnic nepotism is.
calling it "muh international conspiracy" is in bad faith.

>Why are you so hateful?
I don’t know, why all of the anti-white movies and leftist degeneracy? Ever occur to you that you wouldn’t be hated if you weren’t such a parasite?

You an your people will be killed down to the child and you cannot stop us.

These people are all 115 IQ?

>hurr Israel needs a border wall but if America builds one it is Nazis.

Go home

are you retarded?

>I think that it is because of an inferiority complex
this is the correct answer. ask any of these shitbags to post a timestamped pic of their bedroom and beetus ridden feet and if they do, you'll see why they spend the entire day here.

Fair point. Still wish the holocaust happened. Sage goes in all fields boys.

user, leave him and his high IQ alone. He's clearly playing 54D Chess here and we have no way of comprehending it all.

If you want to understand Sup Forums you should find somebody on the outside that goes on here. We arnt taking younseriously fag.

Also sage gtfo

>I think that it is because of an inferiority complex
That's because you're a mindless jewish lemming with no critical thinking outside your hobgoblin racial bubble.
>what's actually happening is that Western jews jumped the shark and started asking for white genocide which will inevitably lead to the insect KIKE's FULL unmitigated destruction.

Those that acuse you of things are weak and they do it because they know its safe! The Jewish people dont go around threatening to kill anyone who disagrese with them or bad mouths them!

I would like to see those weak people head say to London neighbourhoods where muslims who do threaten them and say something against them!

you forgot to change ID's dude

also jews should go and be special and high IQ or whatever in Israel

whites don't demographically genocide jews or blacks you dumb fucking kike.

All the math for Einstein was written by Caratheodory, find his letters online where he says 'I thank you on my knees' fucking KIKES, people full of shit.

Such IQ, same ID.

no hpocrism there, israel already nazi
if you do things like the jews, youre not any better

jewish tricks like this are why we hate you after we learn the hidden truths about you. the scary ones are the smarter kikes, unlike you here replying to your own posts and pretending to be white and casting hate towards the oh so undeserving jew. that fake average of 115 would go up without you, schlomo

Watcha doin rabbi?

Because the extent of the overrepresentation in some fields is much, much greater than can be legitimately explained through superior intelligence. If white Americans were over represented at the same proportion as Jews, there’d not be a single black American with a job - in fact, I’m not sure there’d be a single black person anywhere with a job.

>inb4 but there isn’t! xD
You faggots know what I mean.

More generally, I would suggest that antipathy comes from historically entrenched anti-semitism in movements that are popular here and from some degree of jealously that Jewish people get to act how we wish we could. Their own country? Preferential hiring? A strong sense of group identity? Nobody out there pretends they don’t exist (whites are just a construct, maaan)? Assertive foreign and domestic policies? Control over media outlets that are used to push our ideas? Fantastic representation in intellectual movements?

I know I sure as fuck am jealous. My IQ is way over the mean for Ashkenazim, but I come from a fairly poor family so I didn’t have the same connections.

Stormfags won’t admit they’re jealous, though.

>the jew cries out in pain as he outs himself

haha ctr jew btfo
rabi gas yourself and all kikes you know, you are cancer everywhere you go. but you can fix this yourself


jews man

Because you use your brains for evil against us:
> Support multi-culturalism for whites, but not for Jews

Others here will go on about porn ownership, magazine articles promoting childlessness that show whites, but imo those are vaguely supported. My charge, I can support.

The famous Barbara Spectre bit:

A bunch of random, every-day Jews attacking whites, promoting browns. Proof of Jewishness is among the images.

Attached is a compendium of older ones.

Here's a fellow tribesman talking about it - start from the beginning and quit when he changes topic, it's the first on the video.
(Frame Game Radio on Sargon's questions)

b8 harder please

i can't get hard if you don't flame hard enough

>A strong sense of group identity

The Jews have nepotism in a way that whites are frowned upon having. It is not a high-IQ meritocracy like the OP suggets. Once a single Jew is in a position of power they will use their networking to advance their own people's interests. The OP is really only telling half the story. A lot of White butthurt comes from this factor.

Another thing: they poison the culture. Porn industry is but one example. It is not enough for them to succeed and be neighborly.

>Why do you guys accuse us of some conspiracy against your people?

Jewish finger prints are all over the US immigration law which is destroying the essential whiteness of the white nation Amerika, just for instance. Are you going to deny that?

I hope the faggots in Tel Aviv one day have a majority together with the Arabs and show you in a very personal way why we hate jews.

The biggest reason people(white people) are not happy is because they are systematically shunned for having any sort of in group preferences, whereas it is encouraged for virtually every other group that exists.

I thought joos were supposed to be smart.

You out yourself as a typical fucking kike

It's not jews, just Zionists.

Regular jews are fine, basically no different from wypipo.

Dudes, check these ids:
Jews - not even once :)


This is prime example of why meme flags need to be banned

Kikes are shit. , all of them unless they're cozy to you
Here's a non-zionist

Which is one reason I claimed to be jealous, yes. Of course, such a culture of nepotism would only work for a minority.

The USS liberty?
Gun control?
child trafficking?
It should be apparent that Jews have a subversion plan, can't be trusted and will kill you for their own cult like beliefs.
USS liberty the perfect example on why Americans should be even more cautious of Jews in the USA.
Just like being cautious about Muslims.


1. Bankers
2. Communism
3. WW2

These are my top 3 reasons explaining the animosity. Not all, Jew, not all Blacks, not even many.



Your eternally redeeming gifts to me

Strange indeed..

Been there. Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and most of the rest of the country is very nice.

OY FUCKING VEY, operation subvert Sup Forums is on overdrive isnt that right JIDF. For the past months you guys have been just spamming shill threads. STOP PLEASE ILL PAY YOU SOME SHEKELS IF YOU WANT. STOP FUCKING RESPONDING

The US dumps billions into Israel.
Jews are not very smart, but get endless free schooling and gibsmedats, so they gain control over the poor white and black kids that got no university since their taxes went to israel.
Israel produces nothing but small arms, and wastes too much US money to support a cult ideology.
All our dicks are hacked off by some Jewish tradition.
Our kids all trafficked by some Jewish tradition.
And the US is failing for some Jewish tradition.
Most US False flags are Jews.
The USA has no independent sovereignty left since we have to obey and support the master race of Israelis and Jews.
Just leave the USA please and go home to Israel.

>dey only hait us becuz der jealos of uz

Gee it's not like Jews occupying important positions within the MSM, academia and corporations preaching for multiculturalism and the population replacement of whites and demonising white interests/nationalism whilst they shill for their racist fascist ethno-nationalist Jewish state has anything to do with it.

What the fuck are you doing? Gas yourself

>we Jews (Ashkenazi) have higher average IQ's

Israel is ~40% Ashkenazi Jew and still has an average IQ of 94.

>When you explain to other races like the negroes why you outperform them, you just say that you have higher intelligence.
Because Jews use their control over media, and economy and victim status to manipulate public opinion and give themselves an edge, create wars, subvert social norms, etc. Besides countries like America were founded and created by Europeans, they shouldn't have to be forced to be ruled by a hostile foreign elite in their own country.

A better question is this: why do Jews spend all their time whining about and creating concepts like "white privilege" and "white supremacy" to attack whites but then get triggered when people talk about their overrepresentation, nepotistic tendencies?

>I think that it is because of an inferiority complex
Jews need non-Jews to fight their wars, prop them up through foreign aid and do everything for them just to accomplish anything. Most of them are unable to create anything of note, that's why Israel has been stealing technology from the US for decades, and needs billions from the US every year just to avoid falling apart.

>I think it would suck to have a people come in and out-do you in your own country, but isn't that what competition is all about
Israel literally deports non-Jews by the thousands, kills them and treats them like shit. They would never allow an hostile foreign tribe to come in their country and have more power over them than they do, just like they wouldn't allow mass immigration into their countries, but Jews promote it for Western countries.

>why can't you just work harder,
I'm waiting for Jews to actually work instead of just speculating and parasiting off the work of other societies. "THE JEWS DON'T LIKE TO WORK" - Bobby Fischer


4/10, made me reply

So you're basicly blaming jews for no fucking reason at all. You should be blaming the fucking retards who lend money which they can't pay back. But no you must always blame the jews lmao fucking soyboys

omg, who the fuck added funds to JIDF....


The new Jew shill meme is “Hurr durr you just have an inferiority complex because muh Jew performance/IQ”
WRONG. Jews serve the interests of other Jews in the spirit of racial awareness and religious loyalty, and they exploit and suppress gentiles for being outsiders. Who demanded and enforced “diversity” in white countries? The chosen people. Jews love living in societies built by whites but they never forget that they’re loyal only to other Jews and that all gentiles are an outgroup. Jews have a racial identity that they place before national loyalty. And lest we forget: old Judaic law morally justifies Jews abusing non-Jews rather than following a golden rule that applies to mankind in general. You wonder why we think you’re a problem that needs to be solved? It’s because you are.

I have a question OP.

I am white, british and have nothing against jews, indeed many is the time I have fapped over Wonder Woman and also Winona Ryder.

If I were to decide to convert to Judaism how easy would it be to get duel UK and Israeli citizenship and is it true that you can get given a free house so long as it is in a settlement on Palestinian land?

Theyre filling the void.
Just like niggers whine on the white man about muh reparations.
Same way monkeys whine on the nigger man muh niggah hunters killin us.
Same way we whites will whine on jew man about muh conspiracy.
Lower iq races will always whine towards higher iq.
Not sure what you whine about to east asians tho.

True question is what you consider human?
While white man whining about dumb shit. Its still the lowest race to be considered human, then go jews and east-asians with higher iq.
Anything under whites. Dont even make me laugh.

You are hated not because of that but rather nepotism and shadyness. Also pushing further ideologies that are harmful to the ethnostate and core values.

Not kill (usually) but mob, defame, ruin financially, start whisper campaigns, work hand in hand with pet intelligence services to introduce total surveillance modalities functionally indistinguishable from the Stasi's Zersetzung program, wholesale strategic corruption of western democratic institutions through bribery, blackmail and intimidation tactics, shameless intellectual property theft, organ trafficking, human trafficking,drug trafficking, financial racketeering, forcing us to feign belief in the preposterous foundation myths of 1 in 250 of the population to even be allowed to venture an opinion in public, porn, anti white racism, genocidal immigration policy, fruitless wars, etc etc ad nauseam


t. czech faggot

World 'Jewry' is controlled by the Sun (lindsay mackie)
and her daughters Saturn (isabella) and Jupiter (elizabeth)

Bait thread. Hang yourself.

In what exactly am i wrong tho ? I have principles. If i say that higher iq people are superior to lower iq i mean it.
Be it white>nigger. nigger>monkey . Or Jew>white or asian>jew.
If we go by muh IQ logic we are the white niggers to asians. As are niggers to us.

shit like this is the reason we hate u

Swedistan is fucked. Free Swedistan !!!


LOL i hope someone screen caps this.
Pure gold.

here you go mate

But you retards understand he's not really a kike and just pretends to be one

yes we know chaim


Caught red handed you kike shill.


3 post shill thread

You guys should retarded and you're just proving the Jews right with your non-arguments.

It reminds me of debating blacks, they don't grasp basic concepts and all they can do is insult and talk about "muh oppression".

I love how you ignored all the substantial arguments in this thread,

Jews spend literally every day whining about "white privilege" and "supremacy" through activism and their media control , then when people turn around and point out their overrepresentation and dispropotionate power, they claim it's "just IQ and hard work".

Literally everything Jews accuse whites of, they usually project or they're guilty of to a much larger extent.

Jews cant live amongst civilized nations.

We have so much evidence of the organised criminality of
You've over played your hand and none of your worn out deceits will not work any more, we are the vanguard and we are wise to your mendacity.
This time it's going to be different

Jewish architectural influence alone is reason enough not to want to share a society with Jews.


>From what the data shows
Forged data by Jews to cover up Jewish Nepotism.
>we do quite well in the media, finance, and academia
Main areas of Jewish infiltration and nepotism because of their influence on society at large
>When you explain to other races like the negroes why you outperform them
We have centuries of accomplishments and hard physical evidence like cathedrals to point to, you don't. All you have are Jewish publications to point to.
>We seem to be more intelligent than you
> inferiority complex
main Jewish psychological disorder
> It seems like you Nazis
Are we the ones with an Ethnostate committing genocide against palestinians currently? No. The most modern analogy to Nazi's IS THE STATE OF ISRAEL.
>you're just jealous of our success.
Not at all, do what you will, IN ISRAEL, what we are bothered by is your meddling, double standards, and clear desire to destroy western tradition and civilization.

JIDF or cuckfront? who's jewing who here?

Holy fucking shiiiiiiiiiiit hahahahhahahhahahaha nice catch wew.

>we Jews (Ashkenazi) have higher average IQ's than you guys do
It's an Oriental type of IQ, the too sneaky and too-clever-for-your-own good sort of intelligence. The Jew reaches his mental peak very early and that mars his self-perception for the remainder of his life - he's stays convinced that he's smarter than others -- even after they've long caught up with him. The slower development of the White brain gives time for a broader and deeper scope of whole-perception and self-awareness. The Oriental mind of the Jew is material, coarse, self-preserving, petty, and generally lacking in the most admirable human characteristics. The Jew's IQ is geared toward being a merchant and an entertainer.

shit bait, better luck next time

Why do you Israelis object to white people having an Ethnostate similar to your homeland?

We don't whether or not you are high IQ and successful. We care that you keeping attacking us.

Go back to Israel and leave us alone.


it's like pottery

>tfw 2 smart 2 win
but they are winning though. How can you argue otherwise if you genuinely believe they still rule the world today?

They fear it because when we have an ethnostate and raise armies, we are bad ass motherfuckers. Their numbers are small and despite the propaganda, our (overwhelmingly WHITE dominated) special forces could wipe the fucking deck with Shayatet 13 or any of their other tier 1 units. They are some crafty motherfuckers, I'll give them that. Smarter? I don't believe so. Everything they do is by trick. They don't like us being racially or even culturally aware because we tend to get really upset when the rest of the populace realizes the games and tricks they've fallen victim to. OP does have a point: it's fucking pathetic that we've fallen for their shit over and over but the times they are a changing.

Obviously white 115-140 IQ people on the planet outnumber the entire Jewish population by an order of magnitude. We have our own geniuses and competent people to make our societies work without you.

Consider: What gifts Jewish geniuses have given us was only possible within institutions we created.

Consider: What gifts Jewish geniuses gave us are outweighed by the negative impact they have had in the past 250 years, minimum.

>I think that it is because of an inferiority complex, just like the blacks who complain about you, and I think it would suck to have a people come in and out-do you in your own country, but isn't that what competition is all about?

ADL, SPLC, and other Jewish groups silence people who make truthful criticisms about your tactics of in-group preference, exploitation and immorality.

When we point out that you view us as a foreign people and use the positions of authority and influence you attain in our meritocratic system in corrupt fashion that underminds the host population you claim we are being 'racist' and try to silence us rather than look at your own group history and behavior and ask yourselves: "are they right?"

oh yeah

>i hope someone screens caps this
want to know how i know you're retarded?

>Why are you so hateful, and why can't you just work harder
That´s actually a good question

nobody resents the jews because they are smart, rich or successful. they are hated because they are subverting white countries with their leftist, open borders and SJW ideologies. all left-wing movements started and are run by Jews.

there is no conspiracy. that' is just how they work and see the world. there's no conspiracy that makes 90% of jews vote for democrats. it's just their jew nature and their jew self interest for self-preservation, which unfortunately is at the expense of the goy countries that they live in.

I bookmarked this thread but accidentally put it in my "multiple creampies" folder.