What's the worst European country?

What's the worst European country?


>be Iceland
>"how do I rock"

It tastes like chicken if anyone wonders.

>Get rich quick

I feel you sweede bros

I will take the prize for my own country thank you.

I'd say it's Poland. A lot of companies as clients, they're fucking retarded.

Second this. Iceland wins this one.


Fuck Polish white niggers
I am German and I fucking hate working with them

these googles are fake you stupids

oh fuck
The flag, forgot to change it

How do I delete my posts

Does ANYONE like the French?

A tie between Sweden and Germany.


>activate my genitals
Really activates my almonds

type ::DELETE THIS:: in the name, options, and text field and nothing else

United States of America

China is pretty shit

Greece is the only acceptable answer

sweden and spain.. oh and fuck hungary!