Why arent you using tinder to pick up white women for one night stands and putting holes in condoms to further the white race?
Why arent you using tinder to pick up white women for one night stands and putting holes in condoms to further the...
Any women who has a one night stand isn't fit for being a mother, not to mention that with your plan she would end up as a single mother too, which is even worse.
White women are all on birth control so they can be sluts without consequence
no the plan is to find one you like, knock her up and then marry her because she really would have no choice at that point
Both are whores, good for nothing corrupted sluts
Just get a brown girl and settle down. What's so hard about letting this white girl is wife material meme go already? How many staceys have to screw your life over to settle for something normal?
Doesn't work on my old iphone4
That's that.
STDs are still a thing you know
You realize you would probably be sued for that plus it would likely end in abortion.
Further the white race... by acting like a nigger? No thanks. I'd rather my entire lineage die out than resort to nigger tactics.
Yeah but they don't help us preserve the white race retard.
Because I am fat, old and ugly.
I had a sock tell me it had a head-ache this morning.
I'm trying to pipe down this one girl in one of my sociology class, so I have to stay off it for the time being. If nothing materializes in the next month I'll redownload it, it's an easy lay at least once a month on average.
You gonna fail at natural selection.
The kind of sluts that use tinder are the kind of sluts that abort.
Almost all sexually active women have HPV in one form or another. Around 30% of unmarried women will contract both oral and genital herpes by the time they hit 35. That doesn't stop sluts from slutting.
you already failed
And thus only white niggers reproduce, and the future of the white race is left up to single mothers and fatherless children.
>be me, last weekend
>be led to room by some drunk slut
>she has goofy idea to spit beer in a condom and throw it out door at loudmouth friends as a prank
>MFW beer leaks out 3 pinholes poked in tip
People who do that are fucked up.
I do, but I'm not poking holes in condoms, holes are poked into something else entirely, just like the pleasure I gain from it is something else.
I'm just having a bunch of kids with one woman. I only have 1 kid but we plan to have at least 10. I was an only child and it fucking sucked so I want to have a shit ton of kids.
I'm black and early days of tinder were the best. All you needed was to be /fit/ and have a picture of you looking like Carlton and a bunch of white girls would hit you up looking for a 1 night stand to find out if the BBC meme was real. I must have creampied 30+ white girls just through tinder alone before I settled with my current gf (she's cuban, don't worry Sup Forums)
Because I'm a white man with a superior Japanese girlfriend. Scream at me, Sup Forums. Let loose your autistic rage. I don't care.
I've noticed over time that most of the women on this dating apps are desperate garbage. Most of them have 1 or more of the following negative traits:
>mental illness
>history of broken relationships and one night stands
>enjoy traveling all of the time and getting into debt
The chances of finding a decent woman for a long term relationship on these apps is close to zero.
poor kids
good girls dont use tinder, sex is easy for a girl to get.
literal trash use tinder.
>American nigger with a Cuban
That's how I know you're lying. Even Afro-Latinos hate American niggers.
OP, my gf is a qt 22 year old Chinese virgin, we are going to wait until marriage and then procreate and have a large brood of hapa children that are raised to have pride in their Sino-Anglo heritage
>enjoy traveling all of the time and getting into debt
i dont know about getting in debt, but they all do like to travel that's for sure top kek
Yeah growing up bilingual in two languages crucial for international business must suck
>using condoms
That is for homosexuals.
I'm in Japan most of the year, and fuck 10's of girls simultaneously, all raw dog. Bust inside no regrets.
get a load of this guy
any places you recommend where they like white guys ?
1) Fornication is a disgusting and vile sin.
2) Not a nigger who wants bastards instead of sons like yourself.
Also if the white race is so great, why are you such a fucking nig?
Because I'm not degenerate filth, grow some integrity my dude
I fucked tons of girls when I first got here too but it felt empty after a while, so I got myself a keeper
Because I'm not a nigger, $age
I do it through speaking Japanese. Most of the girls I'm with have low kill counts and speak zero English. They also usually have boyfriends.
>pic related
>japanese girls
good luck with that
i actually really do wish you luck
80-90% of 国際結婚 end in failure
pls post some women from luxembourg, i'm not gonna go in there
Whats wrong with girls travelling though? Serious question. Whys that a redflag?
my country is not the best when it comes to health problems but i've only met 1 women with herpes in my entire life. and no, didn't fuck her.
All of south east Asia. I just went backpacking thru Vietnam thailand & Indonesia.
i tried but i ended up blowing off all the qt blondes for azn girls
sucks that they can't speak english
how did you learn jap ? are you average looking or more ?
Why wouldn't your "white mama" have an abortion? As she'd be very well advised to do, if this is your "master-race plan". ha!
>not breaking the condom because your duck is too big and you're fucking her hard
I already have one child being raised by a liberal cuck
Get on my level plebs
Hookup culture sluts get abortions
If you're a tall, intelligent Chad you should donate sperm in a white, well to do area.
It's a net positive to the race.
Because that's a terrible strategy. The woman can just abort the child, and if they don't, you're looking at a child raised without its biological father, very likely by a single mother. It's actually a really fucking stupid idea. You need to raise children. Yourself.
It's code for fucking guys in places where nobody knows them
>not breaking the condom because your duck is too big
Does your child have feathers too?
i've been around japanese people growing up (california), so that played a large part
i'm average looking, but i have a really nice place in japan
i just run apps over there and the girls literally come to my place
Your duck isn't that big, Chris
What kind of retard wants kids in the current legal system?
sucks that'll grow up with identity issues and no place to call home
>22 year old Chinese virgin
Couldn't find a white girl? Going for the easy pray. Race mixing needs to stop. You're betraying your own race. Unless, you're a chink yourself.
Just don't let them travel alone then? Why would they want to make a big trip without their partner, or at least what reason would they want to give for that kind of thing?
perpetuating degenerated behaviors
show us your flag schlomo
I should get learning before I go there
What apps you using ?
>i hate mixing and white women becoming whores!
>fucks asian whores who want to mix
tfw 19 matches
tfw too autistic to ask one of them to meet up, how to do it, lads?
>falling for the white women meme
Tinder used to be good. I found one good, but we broke up. After that it has all been trash
Tally so far:
>girls who brag about banging multiple dudes
>girls who literally have a mental illnes (prognosed by doctor and they openly talk about it)
>girls who have 0 sense of their future
>rape victims
>one girl: "im actually really smart got in a online iq test 150"
>breeding without being there to properly raise your offspring
Fucking degenerate
you're not going to get to a decent level of japanese, even after a year of study
stick to apps that are famous
tinder in japan works pretty well because all the girls there are looking for foreigners
just be careful cause you're literally fucking girls that can't tell who's what race, and you get girls who have literally fucked guys straight from africa
wrap up
std rates among japanese only are super low, just when you deal with "gaijin hunters" you're taking much larger risks
>i can't fuck white women!
>goes to asian women so he can produce children who can't fuck anyone
just b yourself
falling for the snow + makeup meme
>girls who have 0 sense of their future
holy shit why is that any of your business
never said I wouldn't mix ? only with an asian tho
whites are mostly preferred in my book but qt azns are so hot
>being a nigger
you're specifically asking where you can go to fuck asian sluts
spot the roastie
Done that a few times, didn't stay around long enough to know if it worked. Also I'm half white half Mexican.
Alright thanks for the advice user
So you want white boys with dysfunctional thinking and whitr girls with daddy issues?
Might as well say "let's turn the white race into niggers"
>wait until marriage
enjoy your awful blowjobs and unexciting sex.
why do so many white nationalists go for Asian women
when will this white elves
wimin propaganda stop
already. Annoyinnggg!
why so mad tho ?
any problem with that ?
I couldn't care less
Shows maturity and some sort of intelligence, not just snapchat all day long
because white women are more insufferable than hapa children
because i meet white women in real life not on my phone, fag.
don't pretend you're conscious of the future of your country then
just general advice for everyone
>white women support open borders because blind altruism, and arrogance because they don't see themselves ever dealing with the negative effects
>hapa opens borders because his disdain for all life and culture
I found out I am moving to Sasebo Japan in June. Just started practicing my kana and kanji last week. Any recommendations and learning the language and porking some sweet Japanese pussy without getting into trouble? Also will they invite you to their place, cuz Im going to live on base...
Just gotta b confident bruh
t. autistic Sup Forumstard
>putting holes in condoms
>bitch aborts your baby
>you're murder now, basically
It's dormant
When i travel in the USA i fuck chicks off tinder and cum inside them. Unless they have my phone # then i pull out.
They usually ask for your number which would give them a means of identifying you. I always tell them there are "crazy roaming charges" lets chat on tider or sc. As soon as we are set to meet i remove them from tinder so they cant track me down after. There are probably a couple new white leaf children in the USA cause of me. Also almost everyone there is a single mother anyway so its not like im ruining their life by adding one more. I sometimes tell them i had a vasectomy after i came.
The white woman is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a roastie, bitch, hag, cunt, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But show her your Asian girlfriend and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
why don't hapas care about white culture?
Because white women are horrible and a huge waste of time