>Is the only white country that created other successful white countries across the planet
>Is the only white country that created other successful white countries across the planet
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____ the EU
Anglos are cattle for kikes though, and they helped ruin Mainland Europe
(((((UK)))))'s whole history has been sneaky, kikey, backstabbing, and globalist.
I can smell you from here
>be America
>whites only club
>every European ethnicity joins as one super country and become the biggest baddest country in the world
>let nonwhites
>become el goblino 56% face
Lol, go and look up the Rothschild dynasty, my dude.
What do you think the Empire was? Owned by The Rothschilds to explain their globalist banking plan.
If you hate globalism, progressivism etc, then the UK, parliament, and house of windsor should be your enemies.
The only good Britain, is a Republican-Capitalist One Party State, with a brand new flag, and the Queens head on the Big Ben's spike. Or just nuked
Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor.
But it's no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?
If I were an anglo,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
If I were an anglo man.
I wouldn't have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy anglo,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.
Slavery was such a mistake or at least not deporting them after.
far right is primo
>yfw you will never see the Holy Anglo Empire rule the world
Lads, we need to sort ourselves out, I’m not sure how long I can live in this place with the laws we have. But I don’t want to abandon ship.
Enjoy your muslim rapes
Too late for you man
You fucked up
Just like france
Accept your destiny
Al kebap
We need more people like the guy at 1:51 in that video. Doesn't take shit from the muslims:
>If you hate globalism
No one here hates globalism. They just hate it when it affects them. A global Aryan empire expanding out to the stars makes everyone wet.
so much denial
whatever makes you sleep at night tommy, the truth might hurt but churchhill was the last nail in the coffin.
>tfw your family came over on the mayflower
feels good man
Quebec secession when. We're not terminal yet like half of you fuckers.
But it wasn't a ''global Aryan empire expanding out to the stars makes everyone wet''. It was an empire filled with shitskins, managed by Normans, and led by the Rothschilds. It's literally no different to the UN in terms of who's who
You’ve literally never won a war
‘Master race’ lmao
eternal jewnglo cucksons arent white
>Mongol slav Eastern euro trash
You get arrested for thinking in Canada and UK.
>Says the one who was bailed twice by the USA and couldn't fight even 30% of the enemy forces.
u wut m8?
You don’t create the world’s biggest empire by not being able to fight, favela monkey
>pic related
>is how a brit fights
And the other 56% came over on slave ships
White Britons are over represented in strength sports and combat sports though
no they arent are you serious?
i wish
>"British" Royal family is actually German
>Police state that has been reducing it's citizens rights consistently for 15 years.
>Has been importing 3rd worlders for generations on it's own accord
>Anti-hate speech laws
>Say something nasty against the jews online and end up in prison for years
How Great is it again?
>hurr anglos bad
The Anglos can be traced back to the beaker culture. As can the Celts, Normans, Saxons, Frisians, Saxons etc.
When the Saxons landed in the UK and met the Celts they were almost the same racially, separated only by around 2000 years.
The only outsiders were the Romans, who left little impact racially. Most Western and Northern Euros come from the baker culture and are the same fucking people, only they developed different cultures.
Open your eyes! It might be hard for Americans to see but in Europe a room full of English, French, German and Swedish etc. if nobody speaks they all look the same.
Eastern Euros, slavs a lot of the time don't; they stick out. They are not from the beaker culture.
The people who built stonehenge in Britain still have some ancestral traces (chedder man who has been linked to modern day Brits) but the vast majority came to Britian via Doggerland and they are no different from the above mentioned groups.
These threads are always so ignorant of actual history.
You only fought people you massively outgunned to create your empire, retard. When you fought european powers on par with you, you got destroyed and ran away to your shit island to let others win the war for you.
If we always lost against other European powers why did we keep taking over their possessions? You have seen subhuman cannibal Moor Native blood so of course you’re stupid.
REEE!! I have to educate everyone on here.
>You only fought people you massively outgunned to create your empire
Everyone else had the same chance to do that though!! The Brits won.
Plus, the British Empire has always had a small amount of troops (the navy was the superior aspect) but the rank and file of redcoats came from the utter scum and retarded lower classes.
Everyone hates lefties for being biased on here but you are just the same, your replies are based on fucking emotions. People say the British Empire only fought dumb spear throwers but fail to understand other empires had that chance and failed. They often got to fight said spear throwers also because their navy dominated other Europeans in the seas not giving them the chance.
>If we always lost against other European powers why did we keep taking over their possessions?
Because others won the wars for you?
>7 Years War
Picked over small colonial holdings while Prussia did the heavy lifting against France, Austria and Russia.
Bailed by the russians and prussians.
Bailed by USA despite having France and Russia as allies
Evicted from the continent by Germany and humiliated by the japanese in the pacific. Bailed by the USA again.
So, tell me more: How glorious it was to kill adicted chinese soldiers armed with renaissance mouskets or defeating zulu warriors with spears...
You also miss the point that the Brits gave birth to the industrial revolution and excelled in all fields from science to literate.
The fact is lot of couturiers never formed an empire because they couldn't get past internal fighting which the Anglos got past hundreds of years ago when the Saxon kingdoms united.
>Turns itself into a brown pathetic shithole.
>You also miss the point that the Brits gave birth to the industrial revolution and excelled in all fields from science to literate.
It wasn't the only country to do that. In fact, it was surpassed by Germany at the turn of the 20th century in all aspects, from industry to science - a fact that was catalyst to british machinations aimed towards Germany.
I think, you missed the point here, my friend. My post was aimed to show our british friend that his excessive wanking can be countered with some facts.
>It wasn't the only country to do that.
IT WAS THOUGH. The British started the industrial revolution. Nobody can debate that.
>I think, you missed the point here, my friend. My post was aimed to show our british friend that his excessive wanking can be countered with some facts.
I get what you're saying but it's just silly. This is just infighting. The Anglos have been a candle ion the dark and without them the Chinks would probably be running Africa and Brazil.
If blacks had achieved greatness I would respect that. Turn your attentions to Islam and the future, that is where the real fight begins.