This is a tortured tomboy. Her dedication to her friend, Akan(ecchi), has made it so she has to suppress her feelings for curly-kun. Please cheer her on, Sup Forums!
Tsuki ga Kirei
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i like this show
But do you like me, user-kun?
I love tomboy. She is the best girl
Tomboys are always the best girl
Tomboy will meet a bestboy when they move on to highschool in a natural progression of time.
I don't need those feels, user.
She doesn't even know she likes him yet.
I kinda want to cheer her on but there's no point.
I really hope they make the tomboy win. It will piss off a lot fags, but that'll just make it better. Not enough tomboys win, and she deserves it.
Maybe she will win his friend.
Not good enough. I will stream myself committing sudoku if she doesn't at least confess her suppressed love to boxer-kun.
Best girl. I hope Autist-chan crashes and burns so she can win.
I'm praying everyday she succumbs to her vanity and goes after the jock.
Tomboys are for
Getting in fights with her
Playing sports with her
Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself
Walking home with her at sunset after a long day of running around and getting into trouble
Cheering her on and always supporting her, win or lose
Throwing her a victory barbeque where you make all her favorite foods
Massaging her legs, shoulders, and back
Holding her close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world when she gets jealous of the more feminine girls
Accepting all of her girlish sensibilities, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Patting her head
Getting caught in the rain during a cross country run and having to huddle together with her under an abandoned bus stop waiting for it to pass
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear spats over them
Tracing your finger over the tanlines she got during the summer and feeling how warm her skin is
Having her jump into your arms and kiss you after spending time apart over vacation
Introducing her to your parents
Carrying her over the threshold of your new home to start a life together while she punches you in the shoulder and pouts that she can walk just fine herself
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Raising a new generation of tomboys with
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that tomboys are for
I don't need reminding you fuck
Where can I find a tomboy?
Friendly reminder that the odds of you finding your own tomboy to love are astronomically low.
Fuck you, user. I know I'll never be 2D and find my tomboy soulmate. I hope your waifu dies in her sleep tonight
This is a good tomboy. She looks genki and has a cute haircut.
In another life friend, just not in this one.
Not in this cruel, cold reality.
she is very cute and I glad she helped curly this episdoe
Headpat-tier tomboy.
Just for you lonely tomboy lovers
We'll find one eventually. We're gonna make it
God bless you, user. It'll fill the void for a bit
Is this show worth watching for the Touyama Nao sensei character?
It doesn't ease the pain of knowing the statistical truth.
The odds of finding a good one are spectacularly low. Add onto that the likelihood of actually attracting her attention as well as the likelihood of striking up and maintaining a relationship with her, it all begins to makes a snowballs chances in hell look favourable.
Why would you want 3DPD?
I don't know what's worse
Tomboy not getting with Curly
Tomboy getting with Chad
Fucking stop
I want to breed and actually enjoy the company of other human beings from time to time.
You'll learn one day I suppose
They could tone down the every time MC's two guy friends see him they beat him up thing. I get why they're doing but it gets old. Only time I found it funny was when they stole his phone and the smaller kid said some kind of wrestling move and the bigger guy took MC down.
I'm with you, user. The idea of spending my life and raising a family with a cute tomboy is why I get up in the mornings
I like my tomboys short, cute, skinny and athletic.
This guy, , he understands.
Life is pretty good and I want to share those beautiful things with a QT tomboy and our children.
It's fucking unlikely I'll ever find what I'm looking for, but so long as the possibility is there I'll keep getting up.
This show has been excruciatingly unsettling for me.
It's great and I'm enjoying it, but the last episode reached near unrivaled levels of proxy stress and embarrassment.
I'm not sure how much more I can take.
Go the way you go, user, but finding 3DPD that's appealing is an impossibility in our reality. It's best just to program your waifu.
I don't believe it's impossible, just extremely difficult. I consider most worthwhile things to be difficult to achieve, so I don't mind putting the time and effort into it.
That being said, it does sadden me that we likely wont see the robo waifu revolution and the widespread proliferation of consumer artificial wombs within our life time.
So she is basically tomboy Sekai, what a bunch of tasteless faggots hahaha.
Pigeon toed tomboys are super cute
>That being said, it does sadden me that we likely wont see the robo waifu revolution and the widespread proliferation of consumer artificial wombs within our life time.
This thread shouldn't be as depressing as it is.
Pigeon toed anything gives my heart a boner
Should I pick this show up?
> I don't believe it's impossible, just extremely difficult. I consider most worthwhile things to be difficult to achieve, so I don't mind putting the time and effort into it.
That's a great attitude. You'll find your genki qt tomboy thinking that way. Keep on going.
The tomboy will not get a happy ending
Tomboys are for suffering
>cute, genki tomboy character who is a foil for the female MC and obviously destined to lose
>look, we even made her develop feelings for the male MC so she can be rejected spectacularly
Stop fucking doing this Japan.
It's sad but true. Likely the largest jumps we'll see in AI development in the next 10 years will be in service of Amazon and Google 'smart' products or in automated forum moderation for censorship.
Robotics is a total crapshoot, but will likely be held back due to either lack of investment and interest, or faux moral outrage and posturing.
>Tfw you'll never live to enjoy the company of your very own waifubot, who's been tailor made to fit every one of your ideals, as she cradles your unborn child in her portable artificial womb.
Is momokuri worth watching? How cute is the tomboy and how much time is devoted to her
Not much, but the whole series is super lewd.
Does Japan hate genki tomboys?
I just want a super genki tomboy lolibot. Is that too fucking much to ask for? Just fucking kill me.
It's worth watching with your pants down.
I think athletic girls might scare the nips irl. How athletic is the average Nippon high schooler?
Suppose there's a chance that tomboys will be the next big thing the way gyarus started to be for the last year or so?
Apparently it is. Best start brushing up on your coding and robotics if you want to make your dream a reality before you die.
Wouldn't count on it. Despite their positives and apparent appeal, some people just can get over some of their more masculine aspects.
When you or me decide to stop using Sup Forums. So never fucking ever.
>Apparently it is. Best start brushing up on your coding and robotics if you want to make your dream a reality before you die.
Already am, my friend. Sadly, I won't be able to simulate the feel of brunch my hands across her sweaty abs.
>Tfw Amazon Echo, Google Home, Windows Cortana, and Gatebox will be probably the highlights of AI development for the foreseeable future.
When are we going to weaponize autism for the greater good and create meaningful artificial intelligence?
Man my heart stopped when my boy wasn't at the place on time then couldn't find Akane but it was alright at the end. I hope the tomboy can be happy too.
When we stop wasting our autism on stupid shit.
Akane doesn't deserve happiness when she's taking it away from our tomboy goddess.
She craves shota dick in this anime
Real life tomboys are lesbians.
Real life is also shit. Coincidence? I think not.
this is Miu
>Tomboys are always the best girl
Bullshit, this cunt is worst part of Kyoko-chan
I will be the judge of that when I read it later.
Is this the same guy that does Takagi-san? Those foreheads are very distinct
But that would mess her hair.
>rest area
Is this how love hotel are called now? or was it always like this
Tomboy is fated to suffer.
Yes it would. You pat the tomboy's head and ruffle her hair so that it sticks up in weird places. That is the point
It's a euphemism, just in case there are some pure people watching.
Akane's a cunt. She said she needed time to think of weather she'd date him or not, which is fair enough but while she was fine leaving him hanging on her answer there she got pissed when she couldn't get a response from him when he was late and couldn't get in touch. Which at the moment fine.
But here's the real red flag and deal breaker: After getting an explanation she still went 'I don't care I'm mad, that you stood me up. And forget about dating! We can't even talk to each other so I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore.' Despite the fact that the one with an inability to communicate with others is her as evidenced by how she wouldn't even tell her friends what where her plans.
Meanwhile Tomboy was being pure, friendly and helpful lending him her phone and even going above and beyond the call of duty by guessing who he wanted to talk to and giving him her number and when Akane learned that instead ob being understanding she went 'How dare you be friends and talk to another girl while trying to get in touch with me.
Fuck that cunt and fuck the fact once this is all said and done, she's going to get everything she wants while tomboy is going to be sad and destroyed. Fuck designated main girls.
But if they're really pure wouldn't they not know what a love hotel is
This is 100% correct. Akane thinks that curly-kun should be grateful that she's even allowing a pleb like him to even talk to her. Her arrogance and sense of superiority is subtle (Except for this episode.), but it's there. After all, she can just go march up the jock and get the cock anytime. She is the opposite of the our tomboy qt.
Again, thank you user for writing this. You're a man of culture and taste.
I couldn't put it words like this, but now I see it.
that's not a tomboy
that's a male doing male things implied to be a girl but is actually a male without a penis
>that's a male doing male things implied to be a girl but is actually a male without a penis
what the fuck did I just read?
like anything in life
you'll have to kill for it and take it from someone else
Her sense of superiority is more insidious than usual because at a glance she does come off a nice girl ("Oh look she even needs a charm to feel at ease! how cute"). But the class talk in the first episode tells me her sense of entitlement is going to play a big role in this.
Tomboy doesn't even want him, you fucking main girls hater
She is a tomboy and huge cunt, deal with it
Eat shit, haremshitter
What the fuck do harem have to do with anything? Do you have no argument other than insulting me? Akane's a cunt deal with it.
Quite. She's a specious character who baits in the desperate boys with her act. The only reason she's even showing interest in the MC is because he's trying his hardest; sadly, if any of the popular guys tried harder (Like the jock.), she would be riding them right now. For the time being, she'll sink her teeth into curly-kun and suck out all he's worth while our tomboy looks onward in regret and despair.
Deeper analysis indicates otherwise. However, let's assume your assertion is true. I want what's best for our male MC, and the genki tomboy is a far better option than the shallow and cavalier girl.
So shitposters are finally here, eh.
Remember when their families met, her parents tried to be friendly while her only worry was 'please don't embarrass me by letting the class know we saw each other'. She's not embarrassed to let the town know she's a member of the track club, but she certainly minds if the class knows she spent time with a nerd.
Indeed. That's another accurate and revealing observation. To compound that, during the sports festival she tried her best to not associate with him or show that she knew him. On the other hand, our intrepid hero spends a lot of time to look for her stupid stress toy (I surmise that she's using it to reinforce her innocent and cutesy act.).
What is even the appeal of the cunty, shitty main girl archetype? Do nips get off on being hated? I like dominating girls, but bitches are just the worst.
You can stop samefagging now.
You have to remember that most people, regardless of their nationality, are vanillafags. Not only that, but most will pick the default choice unless said choice is really insufferable--or at least not apparently insufferable.
But this is my first post in this thread.
But those girls are insufferable.
By the way, sorry I you consider me a shitposter, but for the past episodes I was still getting acquainted with the characters, And was still on the fence about making any judgements. But with this last episode Akane showed herself up and a lot of her little behaviors that could have been excused before as shyness or whatever can now be seen in a different light. Her sister joked about her having a boyfriend so what's her response? Mess with her phone.
They are to us; however, they are cloaked in enough subtly such that vanillafags don't pick up on the true awfulness of those type of characters. Furthermore, this show is targeting women as much as men, and they like this archtype.
>But this is my first post in this thread.
He's dumb, he probably doesn't know how to be able to tell that kind of stuff.
goddammit why does she look so cute
I lost
The ending shorts are great.
She's likes him as a friend
There is no romantic feelings there
I couldn't agree more
I hope we get more cute sensei scenes.