i lost it at 13:08. how can you be so mad. its actually fucking funny
Marvel fan having a meltdown
Other urls found in this thread:
working at Marvel or on Star Wars would have been a dream come true for some many people, so many people with ideas and respect for the characters
what you get is them hiring feminists who never gave a shit about the characters or universes or even had a respectable portfolio
and wonder why this shit doesn't sell
I don't think he is mad, he literally makes videos and gets money to complain about how shitty comic books have become. I think Marvel might be having a meltdown because they lost a shit ton of money on this crap and their target audience. If it weren't for the movies they would go bankrupt which is why the movies are all based on the classics instead of the SJW stuff.
>Yabois Ach
What's really sad is that the comic community is so small that this fucking mouthbreather is now one of the most influential people in fandom. His channel has more subs than the typical book has readers.
But also this. Marvel is in full damage control mode right now.
Isn't this the guy a bunch of comic book writers were trying to goad into a fight at a con?
he literally tore apart the whole comic with rage outbursts. why does marvel make such moves? i thought companies follow money?
what went wrong
Watching this for the autism laughs.
He tore the comic because it's garbage. Marvel fucked up in it's hiring practices when it started hiring people who were more interested in politics than comics. I mean it's similar to Gamergate, how all these gaming journalist companies hired all these bad hires who are SJW that don't care about what their job is about. You can't have your writers shit on your audience, that just never works in any industry.
Stan lee sexually harassed his care takers
i cant stop laughing. Marvel JUST
Marvel executives didn't want to incur SJW's wrath. Their mistake was they overestimated the number of SJW customers and by the time they realize this they were in too deep. The only reason they didn't went out of business is because of Disney money.
>i thought companies follow money?
this is why they advertised on the fucking View
surprise surprise
alienating your old fans scares them off, and feminists don't buy comics
a lot can be put to blame that comics are too expensive, or that being sold in specialty shops doesn't really bring in new fans since most people don't even know where to find their LCS, or that the long boring history of why comics aren't popular anymore
but speaking for today, it was a bad idea listening to feminists
Dude, what is with that cover art? All of their faces look retarded. Especially the hulks.
Reminder Keenan Kong should become our symbol against false diversity in comics
its the new avenger team. a complete disaster
Nerd rage is some intense shit
my fave is watching GoT book nerds review the TV show after each episode
As some user posted a while back, it might be because Marvel was making a bet and chose incorrectly. It takes large industries time to change and shift with cultural wants and values, and the country seemed to be heading towards a more leftist viewpoint back in the mid-2000s to around early/mid 2010s. At that time a number of executives saw how some pandering to leftists was drawing more attention to their products so the hypothesis is that the companies started to make shifts towards the left to try and get more money. Unfortunately this emboldened a number of fringe leftists and they started pushing too far and too hard. Now, things are changing, things are shifting more towards the right and the companies are having trouble pivoting since their changes also meant investment, so they're doubling down in the hopes of swinging back towards their previous plans.
The problem Marvel doesn't understand is that people are receptive to leftist ideals (equality, being more "expressive" with oneself, etc) but they don't like co-opting established and loved characters to do so. Killing off Peter Parker to put in a gay half black/half latino guy, making the Hulk Asian and gay, turning Iceman gay, making Tony Stark and all his goals take a seat to a black girl who happens to build her own suit from basically nothing, and so on, really turns off the fans and main demographic of comic consumption. SJWs will view this as a win and expect it to be the social norm, so they won't go and buy the comics. Former fans, fed up with the bullshit, will say "fuck this" and stop supporting the industries. What Marvel should have done was take existing characters (Luke Cage, Storm, etc) and made engaging story lines for them or create brand new IP/Characters and build them up.
Telling long established fans to essentially go fuck themselves without securing a new generation of base users was a poor idea and one that will haunt them for decades.
>Meanwhile DC introduces a trans biologist whose specialty is monsters
tl;dr go watch DC
1. They had moderate hits with "progressive" race swaps like Miles Morales and Kamala Khan.
2. In 2015 they "ended" their main universe with a massive line-wide crossover and lots of long-term fans used it as an opportunity to leave.
3. The fan's decision to leave was made that much easier by the post-event relaunch that focused entirely on emasculting/depowering old favorites (Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Hawkeye, etc) and replacing them with mary sue-ish female characters lead by talent-less creative teams they expected to succeed based on "diversity" alone. Pic related is not an edit and was actually published by Marvel comics.
4. DC has now overtaken Marvel in marketshare for the first time in decades.
DC's made their share of pandering too.
should story time it here sometime
That's from a web only comic from three or four years ago. With the exception of the current Batgirl run, DC has mostly stayed away from that shit.
You know Diversity and Comics married a sand nigger and has mongrel kids.
Aside from SJW public shaming, they want to tap into larger domestic audiences as America and Europe turn to shit as well as foreign ones like Hollywood does
CEOs and investors are no longer satisfied with merely profiting off a particular audience or catering particular products for particular regions
Then you have liberals whining about how minorities and women need characters they can relate to at the forefront while they ridicule white male characters, make them villains, and basically say that white men don't deserve the same.
meanwhile 3 comic shops in san diego go out of business
Is that what comics have devolved into? This is B^Uckley tier, holy fuck.
>Every piece of dialogue that page
Jesus Christ.
Every time I saw that panel with nothing but censored bubbles in it I thought it was an edit too.
Feels bad man
Right how can someone be angry at their cultural icons once supporting their national tenets being bastardized to destroy the character they once represented and established within the fan base?
Lol at caring about things.
the best part? someone from Sup Forums actually got in to the letters page comparing it to the Room and the editors didn't catch it.
This is one of the more overlooked parts of the SJW takeover of entertainment. It's not just the political agenda itself. It's also the fact that it takes away opportunity for actual talent. How many kid have ever dreamed of writing/drawing marvel comics? Or to write a new Star Wars movie? Or a Ghostbusters sequel. It's a dream come true that should be given to the top 1% of talent. Instead it goes to fat, liberal women who have 0 interest in the property, no gratitude for the opportunity and who are only interested in pushing their half-baked political agenda.
>dominant high iq transsexual
I can confirm that they are best fuck
chaser here
That's the point. Nobody is buying the new comics.
We should never forgive them
mind break of a fragile mind
Same as you see in soyboys when queried beyond their grasp
Same as tards than can't take the toil of land.
this almost destroyed Nintendo as well and many others
>mfw the only "writers" around who are just qualified enough for the job as a comic book writer now are the fanfic fujoshi authors that turned Gundam Wing into a faggotfest on geocities
I'm legit surprised the character isn't more popular giving that he's been what the SJW crowed have screamed for years and they completely ignore his book yet the new Miss Marvel is shilled incessantly.
At least he's made to be a proper tranny fucktoy, not a man in a wig and dress.
DC tranny looks really fuckable and more woman than marvel women
Ideology and hurbis. Look at Nintendo. They released NSMBW in 2009 and Wii sold 4 million units. The obvious aftermath is that they would be making even 2d Mario's, right? WRONG. They released that half-assed NSMBWU, because they believe real Mario is Mario 3d. The same with Sega and Sonic.
Well Marvel is gone now. Guess the Infinity Wars movies wont even be able to save the franchise after Black Panther pisses off the community. Marvel has failed like any other company that gives into PC.
Stop promoting yourself on here fag.
And cut your damn nails.
sjw are ridiculous, we don't need to fight against the sjw dominating the entertainment industry. They gonna destroy themselves with their liberal ideologies. "black and women superheros"ahhahaahahahahahahahha
Marvel and marvel studios are two separate entities, marvel is basically just an IP farm for disney now. Black panther is going to do just fine in theatres and will be considered an incredible success because it is a marvel movie, there will be action and explosions and all that shit that people eat up.
Too many niggers though. It will be the worst Marvel movie to date.
literally my cousin
>grew up a star wars fan
>made fan clips in flash
>learned after effects, just so he can add force lightning and similar effects to stuff he filmed
>worked his ass off to get a proper degree
>SJW takeover
he lives in the US now, worked on the mummy and now on some other big movies
but when talking to him I hear the bitterness of what they did to his dream
Marvel movies only have to have good action to be popular. Black Panther WILL have good action
they literally stated 90 % of the cast is black. no joke. it will be a ape circus
Charlie Hebdo posts a cartoon about mohammad. Gets attacked and murdered by muslims. Charlie Hebdo no longer making cartoons about mohammad. Various forms of media keep attacking white people. White people whine like bitches. The media keeps attacking white people. See a difference?
Come on nigga I saw you post that 2 or 3 threads ago. Quit ya trollin
But no one will go see it because niggers.
People will probably go because they want to hate it though
Whites need to stop acting like pussies and start killing people who abuse them.
You misunderestimate how much the negros like going to the show, I wouldn't be surprised if literally 70%+ of the nigger sin the country went to see it.
Same thing that went wrong with Gamergate.
>I thought companies follow the money
The problem in the US is that you have once great universities churning out gender studies majors by the truck load.
These brainless harpies get out into the real world and flood corporations with their completely skewed visions of reality. Companies don't want to get sued for "discrimination" so they can't fire these retard feminazis.
Meanwhile, all the SJWs who can't find a job form internet hate mobs and scream at the top of their lungs about "muh diversity," giving companies the impression that there a lot of people out there demanding this crap, when in reality, the vast majority SJWs are unemployed morons with no money who aren't going to buy their product.
Welcome to the [current year] in the US
I love this guy, some nobody sitting in his apartment taking on a billion dollar shithole corporation.
Anyone who reads comics past the age of 12 is a soyboy.
That's just mean to Tommy. He actually put in a lot of work to make his movie
The author self inserted next to Storm. America is the future- comic is cancelled after 12 issues
who is this goy talking on the vid?
>chaser here
>that flag
it checks out
Are they cancelling black spiderman?
I wouldnt do that unless its in war because killing is for the real pussies. Take your abuse like a man instead of crying like a bitch about few racist insults.
I can dig this. She's not wearing granny glasses or sporting blue dyed hair.
Comics are an obsolete medium that nobody gives a single fuck about.
That industry has been completely replaced by movies and deserves to die.
Killing is the most manly thing a man can do. Removing the weak from the world is best.
>What if...women took over Marvel?
Help us Uatu!!!
Post good comics that have not been tainted by SJWs. Also as a bonus here is the complete Getter Saga.
So what a black iron woman???
God damn that rambling is so annoying
>just to start off
At 2:45
Give me those minutes back. Not politics
>that panel
>that dialogue
by all means I understand the virtue signalling as a propaganda tool but when it literally fails to suspend disbelief by being so heavy handed...surely the creators must haverealise it would eventually lead to an obvious backlash?
>Not politics
>propaganda is not politics
Everything by Valiant. I'm actually really liking what they are putting out, Quantum and Woody is pretty funny.
Diversity & Comics isn't wrong, though.
>He has more followers than most Marvel comics have readers.
I always thought this was fake due to "unsolicited opinions on Israel" but the fact it's real makes it even funnier. I'm not big into comics but I can't imagine this shit sells.
And in 10 years the writers of shit like this'll be bitching about the 'glass ceiling' in nerdom stopping them from getting lasting followings, when it's just a product of them not deserving the job in the first place.
It's essentially become a SJW-chain reaction now. MSM is ran by Jews, Marvel also ran by Jews. MSM will blow any kind of fan outrage way out of proportion, and because Marvel Jews care more about how the public might be impacted by bad press, they cave in to SJW writers doing everything possible to be "inclusive".
The end result is everything that made these things once great is now shit.
Shit stories by shit writers, all in the name of political correctness.
how the hell does anime remain so redpilled when all other forms of cartoons have gone full cuck? what's their secret?
You’re not wrong. They gave a lot of big titles to people just because “muh diversity”. The man a big fuss about the new main writer for Black Panther being Ta-Nehisi Coates who turned into a annoyingly wordy slogfest because the man has never written a comic before. It sucks now. At least Moon Knight has stayed based.
>Reading comics
Lol i guess that's what they deserve, even when they weren't SJW faggot fantasies they were still terrible, there is no other medium of entertainment more overrated than the retarded stories of superhero comics
They're Japs.
The multicultural left establishment hasn't been targeting them.....yet.
>Everything by Valiant.
>haha look at this youtuber with 10s of thousands of subscribers having a "meltdown". What an idiot! I'll post it on Sup Forums because I'm smarter than him!
I genuinely like Harbinger but Faith is easily the worst part of the book. Harbinger Renegades is pretty decent so far. I'm liking it a lot. I think Sup Forums would like Britannia or Divinity.
probably the gayest pic I have seen in a while. I mean even if you put the extremely hard to ignore politics aside, that superheroine looks like literal lolcow. What vetted this shit and have tgey been sacked yet?
>they have a literal commieverse
>all the super heroes are red something and communist
Top tier here
Tranny is a cool villian? Sounds neat.
Better than the tranny is the not confident mopey "hero" feeling sorry for xirself.
Actually, never mind, the villian is glamorizing mental ilness, while a Marvel tranny hero makes being a tranny stupid, as it should be.
I remember when comic book artists were actually good at drawing
>A monster who studies monsters
It almost feels purposely poetic...
The artist is the fat butch dyke in the bottom left panel
Ok Ahmed.
All i know is, since the election, so many things I found fun and entertaining have lost their zest. Doesnt help knowing Jews are behind most of it pushing this diversity agenda.
At least DC isnt complete garbage yet.
Marvel keeps this shit up, people arent even going to pirate their shitty jew movies.
sad truth most post-2000 is pure garbage for degenerates and manchildren as well. all the good shit was made long long ago.
President valentine expresses joy at finding the last corpse part
Jojos bizzare adventure
Steel ball run
Circa 1892
>"Who wrote this shit?"
>it was the bottom left panel aka pic related
When will the PC culture bubble burst? I want edgy entertainment back.