French ‘people’ are subhuman
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Don't act like you're any better off. You're still going to turn into a Muslim shithole in a few decades and everyone will be praying to Allah. Britain is curing the symptoms, not the disease.
Anglos aren't even human.
What I hate about Anglos is that to maintain their crumbling ego, they'll project their problems to other countries. Your shithole is worse than France bud.
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Nothing is worse than France or Fr*nch people, bud.
GFYS Bork Borg.
Hm.. but.. nah.. yeah i have to agree with you on that father
The Germans should have built more V2's.
Germany should've invaded Sweden and forced the men into dresses as deserved.
That's like the 3rd France hate thread made by an A*glo today, why you're full of hate Nigel ?
The Rothschilds should have sucked your pitiful nation dry and emasculated your men when there was nothing left to destory- oh wait.
Reminder that anglos invented the human language. Before that people used to click their tongues and couldn't communicate. Some still communicate in incomprehensible dialects to this day
They did it to everyone.
>how can one language be this cucked.
Mountain - c. 1200, from Old French montaigne (Modern French montagne), from Vulgar Latin *montanea "mountain, mountain region," noun use of fem. of *montaneus "of a mountain, mountainous," from Latin montanus "mountainous, of mountains," from mons (genitive montis) "mountain"
Nigger - 1786, earlier neger (1568, Scottish and northern England dialect), from French nègre, from Spanish negro
> he continues to speak in a foreign language
It gives the English the edge to call you different names Negerberg.
The last defenders of the Reich were French volunteers
Far from üntermenschen if you ask me
That's rich coming from backup France.
Based non country
How can Euroweenies even compete?