Why does the universe exist? I think it's pretty obvious that there is a God, but why did he create the universe?

Why does the universe exist? I think it's pretty obvious that there is a God, but why did he create the universe?

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````God'''' is a 12-year-old alien who is just playing Simcity version 99999999. We are undeniably living in a simulation.

Want proof? Here's a redpill for you:
>Quantum phenomena happens because the simulation runs out of floating-point accuracy at that scale

if we had an answer to that question we wouldn't be sat jerking our dicks to every peice of sexy tit and ass


To experience himself.

but who created the universe that alien is in?

for the enjoyment of it

garbage tier answers

I think it's obvious that your experiences don't actually translate to knowledge of our shared reality. Your dreams can seem real enough to scare you for your very life, but as knowledge it, the experience cannot be shared, thus it is not an opinion as much as it is only relevant to your own 'reality'.

In essence you are god, and you are in control.

As for an independent god of yourself active in the universe, no data has concluded this assessment regardless of a long standing agreement it was always possible if not mandatory.

>tl;dr there are no gods apart from ourselves

Anecdotal stories are not wrong, they're just not relevant to the whole of mankind and the universe as WE know it.

Another alien.

It's aliens all the way down

This universe, all universes that is existence that we experience and interact with or have the potential to experience and interact with was created from a singularity that is for some known as god if you will because that singilarity that being, selawarnes wanted to understand about it self and its origin.

Actually all lower level creators that created more existances in the bix sand bax create because they and we want to understand our origins... By origins I dont mean who mixed us in the lab we seek beyond!

that alien is living in a simulation too.

>but who created the simulation of the universe that the alien is living in that created our universe.

>I think it's obvious that your experiences don't actually translate to knowledge of our shared reality.
what about my experience of 2+2=4?

who created you? would you have believed 1 person sticking their cock inside of another would create a new human if you werent told so? no? there is no god. just because we don't understand our creation doesn't mean there is some magical man behind it all. there will be a logical scientific explanation that we just cannot comprehend yet. the reason you are fat isn't because of god, its because you eat too much cake... how do we know that science.,... the reason your car moves forward when you put petrol into it is because we understand physics thanks to science.... we will understand our origins one day... thanks to science.

god can suck my succulent hairy balls

you're a very clever man, burger, a very clever man

Who gives a shit? Why do you need to know everything? Just be happy you’re alive and can yell about niggers on the internet.

The answer is: inconclusive. We lack and relevant data to the intention of the universe as we may never be able to see outside of it, or before it, and the actual cause could be in a dimension that we can't even experience. We only figured out about other galaxies a 100 years ago, to put it in perspective, and started studying exoplanets in the past 10, let alone studying the origin of the universe itself. We only proved that hig boson existed in 2012 which completed the know reality of particles, but anything smaller than that (which is possible) is not even truly comprehentionable with out current technology.

I'm afraid that you're retarded and probably enjoy the comedy of ricky Gervais.

all the answers are here start with the playlists I would watch ancient knowledge first

Anyone in this thread, you are already close because you came here, this was not by accident take this advice it is the most important piece of advice anyone will ever give you

shut up nigger

Well actually after that last alien, we have a single fabulously rich and multiversally influential Jew pulling all the strings.

"We've all been placed here for one reason: To stop the globalist agenda. If we don't stop them now, in this generation, then it's all over. If our race is eliminated from this earth, then humanity shall never truly reach the stars. We'll stagnate on this planet, and eventually destroy ourselves in some pointless war. So it's up to us to stop that. That's why existence exists" - Anonymous, 02/05/2017

how does one conquer themselves?

Since the beginning of time, or even before, there have been a series of actions and reactions compounding upon each other to create what we casually refer to as existence. Every millisecond, every moment of humanity has lead to this moment right now, where I call you a faggot. That's why, faggot.

Math isn't actually related to science, as science is a study of the natural world. There's no law in the universe that says 2+2=4. It's through logic alone we can all conclude that, but that's the same logic that made this language we're both talking in as well and being able to communicate.

Math is a language that doesn't always make sense. Like π(pi). It's irrational. But we both know what is stands for, even tho we both don't know what it means. It's none existent but we use it to measure things in the real world, but it doesn't even truly exist in the real world.

Just like any other language is a technology invented to convey ideas, but like english these are not the actual ideas themselves. It's just an analogy. It's the bridge of realities to explain knowledge, based on experience.

no one knows and why should we care?

hippie faggotry


>read: suicide

So that it could subjectively experience itself.

>hippie faggotry
You will think hippie faggotry when we stop your ass into the ground

I think evil has been institutionalised and people see evil as good and good as evil. sometimes I don't know the difference myself

for what purpose does it need to experience itself

>I think evil has been institutionalised and people see evil as good and good as evil.
everything in this world is completely backwards turn it around then you will see clearly

It is subjectively experience itself, this doesn't mean it was meant to be. Just like dropping a cookie that ants eat, doesn't mean that's why you dropped a cookie.

It's just the order of actions, not the CAUSE of the actions. You can't reverse the order of things to prove motive, although it's quite common fallacy.

Because it's boring being the only thing in existence.

>Why does the universe exist?
>why did he create the universe?
To inflict jews on everyone else.

We're all being farmed for our ideas.

Theists say you can't prove god doesn't exist but I say you can't not prove god doesn't exist.

just because humans would be so vain as to need to look at ourselves constantly doesn't mean the universe shares the same superficial properties

That must mean there are possibly any number of simulations concurrent in this universe. Then any number within the confines of other simulations - ad absurdum.
All of those countless universe on one substrate - the plank length with no trace. I can't buy it

Idea farmers.

Bored and lonely

That's just egocentric thinking. The universe doesn't think like you do, and nothing indicts that that even in the slightest, let alone concludes that. Only creatures with emotions experience suffering.

Who created god then ?

Think of existence as a field of roiling waves where the higher the peak of a wave, the more refined the consciousness is. When the peak get high enough it inverts and pops through like this egg toy and is able to look around at itself from the outside. At death the wave decreases in height and the awareness is sucked back into union with the seething chaos like the micropenis of Jazz Jennings after she turned into a fat fucking fridge

I ask myself this question everyday. It's fuckin mental. I wonder what exists outside of our universe. The universe could end at any second for some unknown reason. It's just madness

Jews are an energy field created by all living things. they surrounds us, penetrates us, and bind the galaxy together.

*he, my bad

probably the most meaningless "big" question that exists, so tired of hearing fucking brainlets pretend this is a good argument much less a good argument for christianity

>why does the universe exist
why wouldnt it? oh right, because people are unwilling to suspend their incredulity

dumbest fucking argument, right up there with le milk jug cs lewis argument in which he torpedos his own fucking argument by making it in the first place

sure thing snowflake
get laid


The initial cause needs no reason for existence. Existing outside of time and space means never having to be created.

sure thing kike, our wizards grow powerful desu we will see you soon and we will out for blood in the name of the Gods

Why have so much filth and ugliness in a simulation?

Oh fuck off you boring cunt. If you don't ponder at the wonders of the universe then you're a boring brain dead retard.

it is all a test if you do what I told you you would find the answers, you have no idea how lucky you are stumbling in here. You will do what I told you to do or you won't your choice. See you guys, the truth is not for everyone only those that seek out

Because it was either this or nothing

Cause he was bored and people are awesome!!

The thing that bothers me about this question is the simple fact of existence itself. None of this truly needs to be here, but it is, and we're dealing with it, so instead of having nothing we have something. It's patently absurd and there is probably no way for us to understand it.

If there is a god what choice would they have?
God with no creation is purposeless and ceases to be god.

basically this

>if you dont waste your time discussing utterly fucking retarded questions with incredibly obvious answers then you are a retard

i look forward to hearing your developed essay about whether one plus one does in fact equal two

Aliens until the last iteration, which is the cosmical jew

there is a way I told you how to find it, lol we have made it easier for you to find than any other people ever in the kali yuga, your problem is you are not looking, what you are looking for is here


all any of you have to do to get started is watch this playlist

you will see, my last post, I cannot hold your hand, I have done everything I can because I love all of you, it all ends when you end it, it begins when you begin, seize your destiny

He created it because He is good, and the Universe is good, Mankind was incapable of evil before the fall of Adam and Eve but after that they became capable of all kinds of evil

Huuuurre duuurr the only thing that we have any interaction with and the only question we have doesn't matter because I'm too good for that shit huuuuuuuuuuuurrrrr dur please fucking kill me

I'm glad you're here

>people actually genuinely believe in the fall of adam and eve
>american flag
it doesnt matter because there is literally nothing to say about the "ultimate nature of reality", most of the time when people do say something they are just projecting their own ego onto the world around them. for example, it is common for atheists to this kind of attitude: "im a big tough guy who doesnt need the idea of a god, unlike you who are weaker and more irrational than i am". thats an example of an egotistical game being played. arguably i am playing an ego game just by posting itt, ultimately there is nothing to be said because reality is not words (or rather words are only a part of reality), and since reality is not made of words it cannot ever be accurately represented by words

To grow.

The only way that he can grow is through having children.

You per se are not his Children though. His Children are of the Covenant. They are either born into it or adopted into it..

But long short is that he grows through being a father

go to blessyahowah.com if you wanna learn the truth about God

As a general that conceeded Victory to evil in the future war and was placed here in torment, I can vouch for this

no it makes perfect sense


I am seeking the truth but I dont know where to look.

I agree that ego is the biggest issue on us making determinations on reality. And please don't take the last post too seriously I'm just shitposting. But there's obviously shit here and that's interesting and there exists interactions and building webs of complexity inside this existance. So while where I look I just see more shit that confuses me its cool that you exist isnt it. Its shill cool that we can feel shit. While I'm not saying your doing this. I think a lot of people get so overwhelmed with the fact they exist they resume themselves to a kind of don't think to much about it, it doesn't matter. Over thinking does kill meaning but you guys should still at least have some fun and ask questions. People just need to shit up and listen more instead of coming in with what they think reality is. Sorry if I sound like an asshole

start here

Thanks. Likewise.

its unironically pic related

none of you would recognize the truth when it is shown to you, this is done by design, you have to first format your brain to see the truth and you have to be walked there slowly or you will never believe or understand it. What are you are about to do is not quick or easy. I have provided you a way to do what took me 20 years to do what takes some people a lifetime to do, what most will never accomplish, trust me, start where I said you will see, trust the process, we are always here helping you

Yeah, there are plenty of artists from above whose ideas stolen from below ones. They are the one who get paid... sick world.

Why not?

I will admit that Hinduism is probably the most accurate understanding of the situation of the universe, at least metaphysically.

Spiritually, I feel like the closest answer would be the Bahai faith.

>Well actually after that last alien, we have a single fabulously rich and multiversally influential Jew pulling all the strings.

So, Jesus Christ?

Okay yeah we want to know what's going on but calm down you asshole. You're not the only one who can think

(pic related)
all religions stem from one religion and they were all based on science, 100% provable science and it has been hidden by (((them))) purposefully, what is happening in this world is so far beyond what anyone can comprehend they will never find it, first you have to look and they won't, they call people normies and think they are "red pilled", this keeps them right where(((they))) want them

We're a dream that the universe is having.

>none of you

you need to watch rick and morty to understand

Why not?

>You're not the only one who can think
You sure about that? I think you will soon find out you are wrong or not up to you, your opinion means very little, because your knowledge and understating is microscopic, hey you do you bud, see you guys later

>evil is good, good is evil
The bible talks about this. The world's a fucked up place

Here is the tldr and I know you all will screech autistically when I tell you, this realm is ruled by dark wizards that have been ruling this reality since the fall of Atlantis and the awakening has begun our wizards are now on the offensive are we are winning and they know it. You will screech say I am crazy and whatever lese your tiny brain can come up with when presented with anything outside your overton window they have created for you, and I can tell I can prove all of this 100% conclusively and you will still likely continuing screeching and do everything in the world except actually look. Those that do look will see those that don't, don't matter because they are literal zombies

God is real.


lolz (((Christianity))) is designed to lead you away from the truth not towards it, the way you read it anyway and the book you read, the bible is a masonic cipher written by masons

>que screeching

>it's pretty obvious that there is a God

yeah those thunder and lightning storms are clearly Zeus having a bad day. checkmate atheists.

>Why does the universe exist?
Why not if you're an almighty God?
Very simple. There had to be a entity that was the first cause, meaning nothing could have came before it. There always had to be something conscious and alive. First cause always have to exist.

why did time begin?