>Mnuchin on Fannie And Freddie Funds Used to Pay for ObamaCare: It's True

>In 2013, Lois Lerner, former director of the IRS Exempt Organizations division,admitted that officials in the IRS’ Cincinnati office acted improperly.
>The move was meant to preempt the release of a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, whichfound a sustained targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.
>Lerner asserted her innocence in the matter before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, then invoked her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination to avoid cross-examination of her claims. The House voted to find her in contempt of Congress.


>It was the Benghazi committee that first discovered that before, during, and after her time as secretary of state, Clinton maintained a private email server. This prompted the FBI to investigate questions of whether Clinton violated the law in terms of storing classified information.
>In July, FBI Director James Comey announced the investigation was completed and concluded that Clinton and her staff had been “extremely careless.” However, he determined that there was no intent to put classified national security information in danger and would not warrant prosecution.
>During her testimony, Clinton told the House Benghazi committee, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”
>In an effort to evade federal open-records laws, Mr. Obama’s first secretary of state set up a private server, which she used exclusively to conduct official business, including communications with the president and the transmission of classified material.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Operation Fast and Furious was a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives program, meant to be a sting operation. It allowed about 2,000 guns to flow to Mexican drug trafficking organizations under federal supervision before authorities lost control of the guns.
>Fast and Furious began in the fall of 2009 and was halted in December 2010 after two of the guns from the operation were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona.
>After more than a year of the Justice Department failing to provide documents to the House Oversight Committee, 17 House Democrats joined nearly all House Republicans to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

>For much of the law’s existence, while it was used perniciously against anti-war demonstrators, it was not applied to journalists or their sources. It was not until 1971 that a person was indicted under the Espionage Act for providing classified information to a journalist. Between 1917 and 2009, only one person was convicted under the Espionage Act for leaking to a news organization.
>But the Obama administration was determined to change that. Under pressure from Congress and intelligence agencies, Attorney General Eric Holder directed the Department of Justice to aggressively prosecute government employees who discussed classified information with reporters. In 2012, after news organizations reported on U.S. drone strikes and attempts to disable Iranian nuclear reactors, Holderassigned two U.S. attorneysto track down the journalists’ sources.

>Obama presided over the biggest data breach in the federal government’s history, at the Office of Personnel Management.
>The hack exposed the personnel files of millions of federal employees and may end up being used for everything from identity theft to blackmail and espionage.
>OPM DirectorKatherine Archuleta,the president’s former political director, had been warned repeatedly about security deficiencies but took no steps to fix them.

>At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at a Phoenix VA facility, many of whom had been on a secret waiting list—part of an effort to conceal that between 1,400 and 1,600 veterans were forced to wait months for appointments.
>A 2014 internal VA audit found “57,436 newly enrolled veterans facing a minimum 90-day wait for medical care; 63,869 veterans who enrolled over the past decade requesting an appointment that never happened.”
>Even Mr. Obama admitted, in a November 2016 press conference, that “it was scandalous what happened”—though minutes earlier he boasted that “we will—knock on wood—leave this administration without significant scandal.”

Smells like whataboutism in here.


This is really shit tier Fan Fic.

They're all going to prison.

Except that most all of it is true. King nigger was absolutely corrupt.


And. Did he lower some bar faggot. What will you do when everyone now sees the truth? KYS

gee, you sure sound angry.


>implying his name is even Obama

>implying justice exists in this realm

Justice is coming quick.

>whataboutism; when someone points out your politically motivated selective memory or obscene hypocrisy



cry harder faggot


