What's our consensus on Indians...

What's our consensus on Indians? I remember being afraid to go into the woods as a child for fear of getting captured by Injuns.

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Being a Native American in America feels like a bad trip. It's why so many drink and kill themselves.

We have so much history here. But word on the street some guy found this place and that's where it all begins. Bullshit.

>tell what my opinion is on this
fuck off and think for yourself

My big fear was trolls, so I think you're all good

>What's our consensus on Indians?
>O U R
Fuck off, r*ddit piece of shit

Natives are cool by me, feel really sorry for them and I hope they get better treatment and chances in the future - would hate to see this proud race vanish


Natives Americans/First Nations people are based as fuck.

They literally got rat fucked over, but don't go full retard SJW.

They get my resspek.

Seen many indians lately?


/ourguy/ Hitler thought they were honorary Aryans.

Personally I think they're a bunch of dumb niggers.

Well I'm happy to inform you that you are wrong.

As they have an ethnostate and you don't.

this, and nice digis
Native Americans had one of the strongest, aesthetic and rich cultural societies in the history of the world - and ancient people, connected to the Atlanteans, and walked with the old gods

They have such fucking godlike facial structures. Why did i have to born into a effeminating civilization

>ywn savage chad

>and you don't.
For now.

Chickasaws are doing extremely well. They have many benefits funded by the tribe like education and healthcare. If you are Chickasaw there really isn't any excuse to not succeed.

Also, they fought tooth and nail for our government to give them ethnostates and benefits.
It's almost like we lost against the natives, think about that.

Like blacks, you get moar benefits for being injun.

why the hell you are so poor, on drugs or kill yourselves?

blame whitey - that's what.

They were worthy adversaries, savage, but tenacious. That being said, conflict between them and the settlers was inevitable, and the greater civilization won. The Spanish, Americans, and British rightfully conquered and overtook them.

In their present state, I do not think there is much we should give. Let them retain self-governance over their little bits of land, encourage their self-development, and even encourage them to retain and preserve their cultural and linguistic traditions.

Modern Americans shouldn't feel guilt about their fate.

Not Spaniards, those confirmed Niggers just stole where they went.


Reservations are shitholes.

lmao where the fuck did you live

The Conquests of the Aztecs and Inca were some of the most audacious feats in history. A few explorers, bringing down entire Empires...

By two Niggers who went on the biggest chimpouts in history.



They stick to their little cuck reservations mostly

aka government enforced ethnostates

>Sup Forums
kys shill faggot

They are a bunch of lazy fucking primitives semi-humans pieces of shit.

They were almost pre-historical living beings in the 16th century.


They basically just spreaded their legs like a life-carrer-professional hooker to the portugueses.

(I'm talking about our native americans, indians)

>look at this one good indian place it represents all the others

that's like saying neil degrasse tyson represents black intelligence

let me see your skin to make sure you're not native

There's lot more like that one.


Calling them "Indians" is culturally insensitive. The correct term is "Alcohol Americans".

>I remember being afraid to go into the woods as a child for fear of getting captured by Injuns.

World's oldest Sup Forumstard has been spotted.

>The correct term is "Alcohol Americans".

Not "Casino-Americans."

The reservation is like the ghetto. Any money funneled in for projects usually gets mismanaged by people without enough experience or stolen through corruption, so they can never keep businesses running. Any successful native who leaves the res gets called an apple (red on the outside, white on the inside). Alcoholism is the norm. Some tribes out on the Olympic Peninsula are doing pretty well though.

I always felt that the fact they still exist on the mainland proves America has failed. We must continue to genocide them until they are no longer wasting white mans land. I would be fine with relocating them to Alaska, plenty of land up there that no on wants.

>([color] on the outside, white on the inside).

My, how very original.


like Europe, theres different kinds of Native Americans, as there are European Whites, so it depends. theres ones who just run around in the forest all day, and ones that built civilizations.

Casino Americans are just old white people.

Definitely not

pic related

A few diseases really

I grew up watching films about the natives I used to think about the same thing .

who can own a rock who can own a tree .......only the great Spirit