Baaaahahahahahahahah!! Enjoy your Diversity France

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In the fucking comments, that's abuse.

Who placed the statue in front of the mosque there was provoking the feelings of Muslims who were wudoo 'in the eye of the fowara and entering the mosque, the statue who left the statue and remained the smell of provocation.

Fucking sand kikes

This is not in France but in North-Africa, there's another view of that video.

It's not in france you fucking mutt

A man smashed an eye of a sparkling fountain in Algeria. The statue was placed by the French troops because of its annoyance at the gathering of people for ablutions in the same place. In 1889, a statue of a naked woman was taken from Paris. Security arrested the man after he denied the denial, let us like him, and God paralyzes every hand Ttatlth it


What the fuck is going on here?

Some islamist wrecked my statue waifu

Tit chiseling.

france is getting some cultural enrichment.

what the fuck am I watching. Literal churches from the 1600's getting knocked down,



This is in France.

>crappy phone vid of a crappy phone vid

Who cares if they're from the 1600's, it's 2018., get over it.

>le 54%
>mocks others for diversity


What you are witnessing, is multiculturalism.

That's rich coming from the United Kingdom of Pakis and Gang-Rapists.

The video I posted is in France, Ahmed.

Like clockwork.

fuck off, you've got entire shithole cities that are no go areas, sort yourselves out


Nope. They are making a parking lot for a shopping center, because French gov doesn't want to pay to maintain building anymore

Les algériens pensent quoi de ce genre de type?

Even if it is Algeria an attack on art is just pure philistine stupidity.

So this


This is what happened to the Sphinx in Egypt. Some radical Muslims chiseled off the nose and were only stopped by angry locals.

Lol, at least there aren't any ancient churches being destroyed by Mexicans

you're both shitholes, get it together

Some statue of a white bitch got wrekt

lololol triggered britmutts