LMAO you guys are using the WORLD WIDE WEB. The motherfucking INTERNET. This is an INTERNATIONAL, GLOBAL network of communication. STOP BEING NATIONALISTS. Narrow minded antisemitic racist bigots.
Other urls found in this thread:
So if you drank some vodka does that mean you want to be ruled by Putin? Wtf I love leftists now
I'll give it a fbpb, why not? Still saging this crap thread, tho.
We also breath international air.
I'll continue being a nationalist but I'm totally fine with people from other countries as well as long as they are white and not niggers or some other race that deserves to be wiped out
Sweden is black
Isn't it tragic
But never forget
OP Is a faggot
Where the Chinese at?
The best part is how y'all still defend nationalism. We are one world. One human race. A brotherhood of man. Please stop the weird ass edgy prejudice.
>brotherhood of man
Sexist piece of shit
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. > Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
We are white people having discussions and creating stuff with other white people here. You subhuman shitskin never contribute anything of value because you’re incapable.
It's funny how you're probably a shitskin and using Sup Forums as a retarded way to express your shitty narrow-minded views.
Here is you’re “one race’ brohterhood
Only a shitskin talks like this because for him being in the same race as a white person would be a huge upgrade.
Thank white people for: - that computer you’re typing on - the software that drives it - the internet & nearly all web applications - recorded music - motion pictures - tv - radio - camera - telephone - light bulb - the automobile - rocketry - satellites - spacecraft - airplanes - skyscrapers - telescope - printing press - eyeglasses - contact lenses - microwave oven - metallurgy (most discoveries) - materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics) - 95% of medical advancements - 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs - modern food preservatives - most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years - the bulk of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology - astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques) - sea navigation (most advancements) - discovery of DNA - microscope - laser technology and it’s myriad of uses - harnessing electricity - nuclear energy - wireless technology - air conditioning devices - refrigeration - modern agricultural techniques - modern democracy - modern capitalism (the greatest wealth distribution system ever, yes, even with all it’s faults) Where would the world be without white people? Stuck in the stone age, that’s where. Negroes are mentally unable to comprehend ideas like: Invention, Gratitude, Contribution, and Achievement.
>Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. > Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
I dunno pham, carthago delenda est worked pretty well for the romans for centuries.
Stop being racist guys.
We're all human and feel the same emotions of love and caring.
The best part is that this thread is unironic
This is how I truly feel. Fuck all of you who are racist. We all share the same ancestry way back. We are all brothers in the end.
>One world, one race
>Calls others shitskins
Wanna know how we can tell this is nothing more than a b8 thread worthy only of saging?
I'm a female.
Soyboy. There are no females on internetz
ok but what about niggers having iqs closer to monkeys than white people? the world you're talking about would be much better off without them dipshit lmao
Thank God that there's at least one decent rational human-being on this thread.
Naw son. I think im a bit better on evolutionary scale. While my ancestors left afrikka and evolved through migration. SubSaharan afrikans stayed back and didnt change at all or very little as they were hundreds of thousand years ago.
Id say that im thankful for my better iq and genes.and im thankful to my ancestors.
Again its not their fault. But if u wanna compare me to ape im calling bullshit
I was born in Israel too btw
I support equal rights.
Pretty much all I want to end is illegal immigration, forced diversity and undeserved gibs.
Women did more to build Germany in one post-war Generation than serveral generations of Kangs do to raise up Africa.
And don't give me the resources BS, Africa has rare-earth metals, there are and have been farmeable lands.
You were opressing each other and underdeveloped long befor the first European ever set foot on your continent.
That all said, empathy will run thin, once resources narrow wordl-wide in the next decades.
I used to feel bad for starving Africans, now I don't give a shit anymore.
Fuck this crap, I even used to donate monthly to charities, to Unicef especially.
All that did was raise the amount of nogs in Africa to unprecedented and unsustainable levels.
Fuck this gay earth.
And if you "win" and "take over", well, have fun in your regressing "civilization", just look at all-black neighborhoods/countries/states.
It's all totally fucked.
Killing charganas who wanted to kill romans?
Overcoming an arch nemesis is indeed a -ositive foundation myth and ours will be just as positive once we overcome the Jews once and for all
Are we all the same? I have never seen white people do this/
Sorry but that raaaaceeest bullshit only works on self loathing soy boys like you.
Well that explains a lot then
Actually if you’d have any understanding about biology you’d know we don’t share anything you subhuman shitskin
You are valueless. You are living of white genius and their blood. Fuck off to your country you dumb subhuman
Inbread subhuman
It’s about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world’s population, yet look at all they control from the world’s finances to the media that brainwashes us. In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort. The truth about immigration, by the numbers: >youtube.com
Lurk more you fucking little baiting shit.
Wrong. Africa has literally hundred of different nigger ethnic groups. Saying there is no genetic diversity in africa is retarded nowadays considering what we've learnt from mapping genetic trees and their ancestries. That being said, the niggers were mostly cut off from the rest of the big players of the meditteranean for millenia thanks to a huge desert so they developed at a casual pace instead if getting gud so whenever a bigger guy managed to overreach in their territories, be it egyptians, persians, greeks, romans, or even muslims then they just got steamrolled evertim.
That's why abbos are still the worst race. Literally stayed in stage 2 of the tutorial zone for 60000 years doing exactly fuck all.
The out-of-africa theoory has been "jumbled" to say the least, by 7mil years old finidngs in Germany, here:
Oh, wait, scratch that, 9,7 million years old.
Man, I have to get in on this stuff.
If we were anything other than humans, and biologists would look at us, they would say "Yep, separate races".
And as for the idea that breeding ability and viable offpsring defines "subspecies", that is not true, also, WOlves and dogs can viably interbreed afaik, ffs, polar bears and brown bears produce viable offspring.
Race-mixing is a travesty, and I would argue against it, even if my race was inferior.
I would not want to "upgrade" to asian intelligence, or some shit like that, the biodiversity needs to be preserved.
I'm a Jew fucking white men.
I am part of no "Zionist conspiracy" losers. We're just smarter than y'all because we've evolved faster than y'all white folk.
Kek. Thanks for educatin me neighbor.
So then ...nigger is a spectrum ?
Internet is short for interconnected network not international
The internet was original arpa net designed by DARPA in USA
Get some basic network knowledge before you pretend to know what things are/mean
not even true, niggers descended from europoors
Sorry, forgot article:
You just mad Hitler is the nemesis in this story. You admitted defeating a nemesis is actually a positive foundation myth, which clearly is the same scenario repeated here.
Regular contact with foreigners on the internet has broadened my horizons, travel even more so. It has also taught me the value of my own culture, and to appreciate my own people. I have nothing against them really, even the ones Sup Forums usually looks down on. They just don't belong here. They should be able to develop on their own just as we should, and only we should have final say in our own affairs. We can be friends, (should in fact!) but good fences make good neighbors.
Well then OP, can I come squat in your house and stay a couple weeks? We are family after all. Hell, can I sleep with you OP? Rejecting me is prejudiced, as I mean no harm and just want to live in harmony with you. Can I have some of your things, Op? I will pay you back eventually.
We are all brothers and sisters, right?
If you're above it you're probably just exception. If we moved all niggers to Europe y'all would still mainly be retarded
>label label label ism ism ism
Well guess that's it, there is now no way to dislike Jews on the basis of their actions or the left for importing the third world as part of a morality suicide pact.
The internet was literally invented by globalist Al Gore lmao
Fucking hypocrite.
If the real nemesis would have been defeated you would still have England.
There is no England anymore, look at London. You are no more.
If the real nemesis had been killed we would live in utopia right now
Yeah, there were somewhat different tribes.
Looking into the genetic makeup of corpses across africa revels massive "capture" of territories in a demogrpahic sense in africa.
>nigger spectrum
Yes, true.
Go back to getting your liberal arts degree in gender studies, Hilary
Jews are superior to everyone.
All your points are invalid.
At least Im actually getting a degree. Loser.
What are you doing? Behind that computer screen?
OP seriously wake up. Read the new threads on #FusionCollusion. Can you honestly in good conscience support the fucks doing these horribly evil things? Can you support globalism when the globalist elites are largely monsters? Who watches the watchmen when all military and surveillance tools are in the hands of a very few? Who watches the watchmen when the future leaders of the world are themselves corrupt, and have untold reach of power? What then? sage
You dont think you're being a bit dramatic desu?
And they claim Jews are smart.
Jewish Global elites are good for the economy.
and bad for the future
Jesus fucking christ, IQ differences aren't even some sort of conspiracy theory ffs, it's been verified over million of IQ-tests and meta-analysis of these.
Ah, you're a woman, did you know, that in IQ-testing, there are separate tests for women and men.
Ofc, both tests are normed to IQ100=average, but funnily enough, your psychologist will probably not be able to resist scoring you on the male scale, to actually see a good omparative measure of intelligence, and then, on average, wimmenz score 5pts lower than men. Kek.
This is something every psyh. student learns, it's just not said in politics, in fact, students have to be able to cite the most important studies on this and be capable of categorizing populations and understand IQ-norming and test-adjustment.
If it had gone after (((their))) will (no, I don't actually think jews were behind it), ther would be separate tests for each group that would have different averages in otherwise universally normed tests.
Fun fact: Did you know the civil rights movement had to rally for a change in the legal definition of retardation, since over half of all blacks turned out to be legally retarded.
(Now, legally reatrded is something other than stupid, but just take that in)
Trolling is fun and all, but come on man there are plenty of better, juicier targets than /pol. You could try some progressive subreddits, but of course the progressives are much more totalitarian than here.
#FusionCollusion is really huge. Why not spread the word and be useful?
Well Laddie you mays as wells milk the fuck out of this done to death thang.....
Do it enough times and we whites may well die of boredom,
Then you can have your nirvana....A word of warning though, I dont think you would be happy as a punching bag for the troubles of nogdom, though you might make them a decent enough pet if your not too troublesome..
I stole this pic related just for you
(YOU) are not my brother. Drink bleach cunt.
Like it or not, we are all long-distant cousins, genetically.
image related is OP
White people have had it too good for too long.
not only does that not fucking matter whatsoever, that's as retarded as saying fish are "long-distant cousins" because we evolved form them. Niggers in all honesty are not the same species as white people.
I dont understand why many of u think nationalism at default is so wrong. I mean you put your family above strangers (If not commit seppuku please world would be better place). You dont need to think race is super relevant or that your race is superior to support nationalism. Civic nationalism exists too and personally as liberal i think its healthy for the country to be a bit nationalistic. Dont get me wrong, i personally dont care that much about race, but i do think that most of my countrymen share some values that are unique to uss and might not be as important to others and i do want to put my country first in generall. It dosent have to mean you fuck over others on purpose, but its retarded that people think its shamefull to be nationalistic, its extremely logical and healthy way of thinking.
>Fun fact: Did you know the civil rights movement had to rally for a change in the legal definition of retardation, since over half of all blacks turned out to be legally retarded.
>(Now, legally reatrded is something other than stupid, but just take that in)
Holy fuck xD [ Final solution intensifies ]
yes because we know how to keep a civilisation civilised.... your idea of civilised is to let the uncivilised in to destroy and take over.. we wont fucking forget you and luckily we dont have to dig too deep to find you, such is the manner of your madness you like to be seen to be 'clean'
But in reality your not, your just like a bolshevik but stupider
You're saying that, without acknowledging you're white-privilege.
kys faggot
>in all fields
Bolsheviks wanted to liberate society from corporatism. You useful-idiots wanna keep it enslaved under our current capitalist system.
i think thats funny tattoo it immediatly makes me feel better
>al gore
Really showing your true colours there.
Aggressive, ill-informed and ignorant.
Not even respectable bait.
All hope is truly lost...
Tut tut tut..
>falling for bait
bolsheviks enslaved and reaped the poor,emptied the nations around the borders of Europe and you are joining them in the third phase of their work...
Also you are a foreign agent working to bring down legitimate government....You are very soon to be hunted down
This isn't bait.
This is real shit.
Many here are neets, many here are blue collar, many here are white collar, many are students. What degree are you getting user?
Bolsheviks at least attempted to liberate society.
too bad it didn't work as much as their ideology doesn't and they turned out to be morons just like their supporters nowadays lmao
Liberal-arts, although I used to go to business-school.
And they failed, miserably. Pic related.
You realize you could gain all the knowledge of a liberal arts degree at your local library right? Not condemning your choice. Just seems like a waste of time to me.
t. former linguistics major that can now communicate in two other languages because of traveling instead of university.
> sage in all fields
jew spreading globalism nothing new here