Is India a shithole?

is India a shithole?

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It's a pooinloohole

it is the shithole that other shitholes call a shithole

very much this its likes the ethopia of asia

Indians have smelly genital area


Or the New Zealand of Oceania...


You needn't hide behind a meme flag, Pajeet, we know it's you.


I work in IT.. and I can tell you every single Indian guy I have met is based and bro tier and totally humble. I welcome them to our country.

a shithole would be an improvement. they could shit in the hole and then bury it. India is more like a shitsurface

usually the people who make it to the US from a super poor country are the richest most skilled top 1% of that country

you can go with them when they all get sent back home

they shit in holes, yes!

I have witnessed that. I know people bash Indians.. but all of them I work with are really smart.


India is in the absolute spectrum of being a shithole

only Haiti is a bigger shithole than india

No, they shit in the streets.

India isn't superpoor, they'll be superpower by 2030 and then we all will have to eat dog shit.

how do they walk around in india woth standing on poo??

Literal shithole in middle of flag

pooperpower by 2030

>MFW an Indian posts in a thread.


The future of India

>is India a shithole?
>literally has a shithole on their flag



they can be a powerful country even when the average citizen is dirt poor

Ethiopia is the only country in Africa that has a space program that reached Mars?

What do you think?

At least they're fit. Imagine how uglier the same scene would be in murica.


No, they're a "can't shit in a hole, so use the street instead" country.

Biryani is so good

I love when liberal travel fags tell us how good Indian food is while ignoring the overwhelming poverty etc.

I worked with an Indian. He would tell me India was a shithole, that's why he came to America. He said he had a driver. I said whoa were you rich? He said no only that there are so many people that people will do any job you can imagine and for cheap compared to America.

>starving, disease ridden sewer dwellers

You do love some scat, don't you Hans?


You're a nigger and you should shut the fuck up.

Came here to post this, there is literally a chocolate starfish on the falg

Fucking beautiful

No. There is no hole, just shit.


absolutely hell on earth user

The shittiest.


Stop being racist please, thank you.

I wanna lick them pits clean

Spoken like a good goy leaf.

I'd fuck that chick

Honestly, just get braces and she's fine.

Don't be racist towards Canada please, I've been so nice to your people, I apologise on behalf of my ancestors for burning the White House down.

i watched taht show last night. they all over eat. i wonder how they afford to eat that much. it's never explained

good meme

That's just a negative stereotype of Indian men, they aren't actually like that in real life.

I would bet anything your average Indian living in the slums is smarter than Donald Trump or any other Republican or Conservative politician.

Yes. You even have an anus on your national flag.

Honestly, yes it is. But so is the USA. And China. And Russia. There are actually very few nations that are not shitholes.

Japan. Australia. Iceland. Maybe a couple of others in there somewhere.

>mfw Sup Forums mocks canadaians
Listen up, we are smarter, more sophisticated, and more important than all of you clowns put together. We have a beautiful democracy, we invented Penicillin to save you dumb fat American fucks from dying, and most importantly, we're inclusive and friendly. Look at our amazing wonderful country full of different ethnicities and cultures and look at a shithole like Poland where it's dirty and full of crime and everyone is openly racist and homophobic. Take this as a lesson in Canadian hospitality and Canadain superiority, we're simply better, get the fuck over it.

Turdburglarism in India is at an all time low thanks to an abundence on every sidewalk.

India is by far the worst country. So, it is the apex shithole.

>CAD$1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments.[1] With the total GDP somewhere around CAD$1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt/GDP ratio is around 66%.

No, it's a shitstreet

There's literally a shit hole on their flag.

Shut up you damn pussy. You make me sick, leaf.

or the melbourne of well umm melbournes shit

America is a garbage country
>Be me
>Went to Washington State because I always wanted to check out America
>People are loud, douchy, all stare at you, and are generally just kind of annoying or rude
>Terrible traffic
>Box of cereal is like $8
>Restaurants everywhere
>Walmart is the only culture the town I went to had
>They all suck the corporate dick
>Radio stations play the same 6 songs on loop
>Only place that wasn't expensive was McDonald's
>Pawn shops everywhere
>Was afraid to go into convenience stores in fear of it being robbed
>Heard gunshots in the night
>Heard police chase
>Was on edge the whole time

>No feminine penis
Disappointment is my name

It's a shame a nigger didn't shoot you.

I don't appreciate that sort of language mister, don't do it again.

Oh gee I dunno, chaim. You tell me.

Chain has an N in it genius.

Canada is a garbage country

>Be me
>Went to Canuck land
>Shitskins everywhere
>white males are emasculated sissies
>even the women look more masculine
>refugees welcome signs everywhere
>Maple syrup is like $45
>cuck sheds everywhere
>Heard faggots fucking each other in the night

Fuck Canuck Cuck Land.

>America is a garbage country

And yet, it's still vastly superior to India.

What are you going to do about it? Ask me to fuck your wife?

t. pajeet

India is the shithole

Sounds like you need a "massage on fire safety"

Yeah ok Cletus, go back to your outhouse, I heard your aunt Lurleen is giving free BJs to all the truckers coming through buttfuck, Arkansas.

>American "banter"

>Canadian "border control"

Canada is pretty much the perfect country you can't rip us apart

I would have said the same thing about Sweden a decade ago.

Be careful with your leftists, you milk bagger.

Can you fucking shut up? You American losers are sad and pathetic

Weak comeback. You can do better.
>> in b4 hurr germanistan durr

>You American losers are sad and pathetic
>posts anime
Who's really the pathetic one here?

Stupid burgers, you WISH you were Canadian

no thats mongolia

That's not how you spell canada you fucking hoser.


!, the real india is like " sleepyhead " the acoustic version , but self-worship and drugs , along with the female pimp guild hiding in their grey tribe , like ravens hiding in corpses for warmth in ruiu " russia " is a bad idea , humor must end when focus is required upon The Divine Infinite Unity , The Difinity , The Delta-Difinity , The Delta-Difinity entire which doth include Difity and Dinata , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , and this is no cost information , thanks be to along with pleading pray for any peaceful virtuous help again be to Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , for india to this day has people eaten on the urban roadside , for ancient female fights labeled merely competition , and competition is bad enough to reflect fifa waste and back if you are an economind , but again , eating human flesh in public is a worse problem , and some females are so primal they go sub-human into the jungles then back to their temples in the indian near urbans to time a strike upon the same people , by charging up static electricity then bashing them to a knockout where their bodies are found sacrificed , which not normal , send for help , and again , thanks be to Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , and china not the rulers of the orient but a nation of their own trying to help bangladesh survive that is their sister nation , stay focused , india is finland ireland and must be civilized justly to Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.

., , σληεψυ ηεαΔ φρομ ψηασιον ψιτ , οφ Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , ωηατ α μεμορυ , μυ Δινατα , ωηατ α Δελτα-Διφινιτυ , μυ ονλυ φριενΔ , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,!,.

Literally a shithole, the whole country is one giant open air toilet

there's a butthole in the middle of your flag. says more than I could

I wouldn't really recommend. I lived in Montreal for a bit. Like it's really, really easy to get a working visa in Canada if you're American.

>Disgusting patois French.
>Niggers everywhere
>No funs

Poutine is ok.

unconventional opinoin: I, a white American man, always wanted a beautiful Indian woman as a wife. I think they're the most beautiful race of women on earth.

India is not but you are uneducated piece of Shit.

>Living in a major city
That's your first problem
>No fun

Indian women are great