Is a coup in America possible? Military or other type

Is a coup in America possible? Military or other type.

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we get it, you don't like trump calling other countries a shithole

but calling haiti a shithole was actually a compliment

It is inevitable that the military will take power in this country. An economic collapse will start a civil war in which fights world wide will break out and NATO and Russia will have a proxy war on our soil.

No. Not at its current state anyway.

Look around, you stupid mother fucker

Actually I was thinking of the ZOG. I voted for Trump.

If Trump's getting elected didn't cause a civil war in America nothing will imo. the first civil war was largely caused because lincoln was elected president if i remember correctly

What do you mean?

>confederates tried to take over the north

check your flag

I think a Roman Republic-esque coup could be possible:

>"I will save the Republic and leave office as soon as everything is back in order!"
>"..maybe I need to stay for a while longer to safeguard...."
>"here, have some infrastructure and propaganda while I fix our beloved Republic"

I meant now, friend. That was long ago.

No, the whole system is pretty damn stable.


didn't the Confederate States just want to secede and left alone afterwards?

thanks for calling me friend
check my flag fag

The tension over his antagonistic platform was part of things unraveling, yes. A few more years of Trump being Trump and Liberals crying over every split infinitive will push us as close as we've ever been since Lincoln.

Yes. 9/11 was a coup
JFK killing was a coup

No because trump will drain the swamp and expose der deep state and we'll all be rich DUURRRR!



he is still going to win

never understimate the stubborness of the right on voting for the same idiot, and the stupidity of the left in trying to push Oprah as a legit candidate

Why did OP post the wrong flag

The giant army isn't for our defense from other nations, its to keep the people in line.
The prison system is also designed to subdue the people who would start a revolt and easily join them in a permanent position to prevent them from doing so.

OP is a kike.

>Is a coup in America possible?

Yes. A coup is possible anywhere. Just a few armed grab a government building or some unpaid soldiers mutiny and off you go.

If you look over history the average life expectancy of a coupist after they act is less than a week. When counties have coups the rulers that come after are usually terrible. When countries have a culture of repeating coups like Thailand, Turkey and a load of African countries the results are not good.

It is a really poor idea for everyone involved.

9/11 was a coup

Yes. It has happened in
>Egypt, Algeria, Turkey, Pakistan

They were ruled for decades by old army officers.

All you need to do is get a couple generals talking conspiratorially in Washington. It would fall the same way as the Roman Republic, the outward norms would be preserved whilst the reality would be very different.

It would take a lot of unrest, massive food shortages or anarchy of a short.

Lots of areas in the US is very vulnerable to food shortages if supply chains break down.

There's only about 9 days immediate stocks of food due to the modern consumerist way of consumption.

All it takes is one Secret Service sniper to decide he isn't paid enough.

A coup in A developed nation would not involve warfare. They're silent, not publicized.

Civil war is possible, and I think likely.

No one even has to die, the threat of death is enough, or blackmail

Soft coup through conditioning. Train the population to self-destructively destroy all norms, simply for being norms. Set them in dopamine and oxytocin loops through peer affirmation cycles (that they become addicted to), makes them dependent on the social opinions of others. Eventually the norm destruction will implode the society itself.

Sound familiar?

Sounds like Facebook


Sounds like Berkeley to me.

All forms of media are potential tendrils. As is academia and "science" and from there: law and politics.

Facebook and social media are the most obvious vectors, they slap you in the face with the conditioning.

>a coup is impossible in america, the government is too strong

unironically kill yourself you stupid faggots

We have backup plans for our backup plans. Hardened military installations and personnel trained to take control in the event of martial law. A nuke could go off in DC killing every member of Congress and all sitting court justices simultaneously and there would be significant rule to keep the country going at a functional level until replacements can be made.

The same template is followed. Army officers step in when the running of the state becomes chaotic or the interests of the country are seen as being completely destroyed
>France = loss of Algeria fall of the Republic
>UK = planned coup in 70's. Fears Ed Heath was a commie
>Russia = fall of Communism, renunification of Germany
>Turkey = securalism is crushed, attempt to stop Erdogan
>3rd Reich (Fourth of July plot) = huge losses in Eastern Front, Hitlers increasing madness
>Roman Republic = chaotic civil wars, destruction of property, proscription in Italy

US army were welcomed with open arms when going into LA or Orleans after civil society broke down. Army find it easy to impose authority


Yup, the real coup is the establishment hijacking the hearts and minds. People don't even know it's happening. It's very sophisticated. I'm always happy to see other people are aware of it.

>A coup in A developed nation would not involve warfare.

Most coups over history have involved very little fighting.

>makes them dependent on the social opinions of others

That describes any animals that live in groups.



It doesn't even have to be this blatant user.

A coup occurred on 9/11 believe it or not. The diversion and catalyst event was the terror, but behind the scenes officials, including GWB, were being told what was going to happen or else.

Make no mistake, if GWB hadn't fallen in line with the coup perpetrators he would have been killed, plans were in place to take him out.

Nice post

>That describes any animals that live in groups.

When I say dependent, I mean unable to make decisions without seeking affirmation. Functionally, slaves.


Well the JFK coup was pretty obvious.

In the case of 9/11, which was pulled off by PMC's and foreign intel operators, George W. Bush was told what he was going to do or else he would have been killed in one of three ways the perps had planned for him. Bush agreed to go along with the perps, of which included his father, so he lived.

In both cases the nation was in a sense decapitated by hijacking the CEO.

Yes. We nearly had one under Obama in 2013. Gen Kasey talked his guys out of it.
This is likely.

was just about to post this one

>soldiers side with rebels

Soldiers are on the side of the people who control their pay.


People in the US have no history of insurgency or assassination.


Patrolling what?


This is the US delusion of firearm as flaming magical sword. Actual insurgents don't snipe because there are no targets after 3 days and you get killed. The US government would annihilate rebels in a matter of hours in an open exchange of violence.

"People in the US have no history of insurgency or assassination."

Then what happened on 11/22/63 ?

You are ridiculously wrong user

There are quite a few assassins in this country desu


A crackpot who failed to kill a geriatric.


One assassination more than 50 years ago. Sweden had their PM shot dead in 1986 and Swedes are some of the most docile people on the planet.

If you compare the US to other countries where assassination is common then they are not. There are probably more active assassins in Kiev than in all of the US.

It is possible, though unlikely. If you mean a coup as in military leadership overthrowing the president, not this president. The troops are too loyal to him.

If you mean some future President, entirely possible. Orders to fire on white civilians or something similar could easily cause a good portion of the military to rebel.

Soldiers do what they are told by the people who pay them. US soldiers are no different to soldiers anywhere else, when instructed to kill or blow something up they do it.

>Orders to fire on white civilians

1/3rd of US front line troops are ethnic minorities.

In modern war most combatants and civilians are killed by crew operated weaponry like aircraft. In 20 years time how much of that weaponry do you think is going to be operated by a person and not a computer? They don't need pilots or armoured vehicle drivers now.

More likely causes of mutiny are concerns over pay and conditions. US soldiers are more likely to revolt over getting laid off and replaced with Chappie, a sort of Luddite coup.


If you look at roman history the United States is due for its first dictator.

Pretty much, yeah. It would have devastated the north economically though, think if the US was Dominican Republic in the south and Haiti in the north.

I think an economic collapse will instate military rule, probably at least in my son's lifetime. Followed by balkanization and probably some pogroms, you know, those things that human history can't go ten years without. Start protesting immigration now, every black and spic that comes over becomes a future welfare soldier.

See, this is why we separated.
Bong fags have no concept of Americanism and the rebellious spirit.

Essentially, "Dad, we hate you. There's some respect for our origins, but you'll never understand us."

I never thought about it but JFK was literally a coup, wasn't it? Christ, how deep does it go

Some darth sidious shit you got right there

A lot of the civil war had been brewing up since the constitution was written. Many states didn't like the idea of federal rights outweighing state rights.

>rebellious spirit

There is no evidence of actual rebellion anywhere in the US. Rebellion in the US is what they use to sell pick up trucks and jeans.


There are possibilities in this regard. More and more people in the US are Latins, white people will be a minority by 2042 according to recent forecasts. People in Latin America are some of the most volatile in the world in their own countries. Perhaps they will import their rebellious streak along with their guacamole.

This is why they try to turn the people against each other. Why fight an unwinnable war when you can just make the enemy self destruct?

What would happen if a popular future white nationalist leader led 10 thousand White men with guns raised the capital and the leader declared himself President of the United States?

Please give though to the hypothetical situation


They would get fucked. That is too few people to hold power. It will devolve into racial factions soon.

Obama flooded the military with racist Blacks and Islam, so Yes.
Obama hid billions in funds to overthrow the US with his private army.
Soon Obama will be King and the military will support that communist/Islamic agenda.

Easy there, glownigger.

Not unless it's a Democrat in office.
