Sup Forums used to be the funniest hive of scum of villainy, conducting ops, boosting trump etc.
Now its just threads of cucks spouting liberal views and people aren't using sage.
Are there actually a bunch of shills posting shit content?
Sup Forums used to be the funniest hive of scum of villainy, conducting ops, boosting trump etc.
Now its just threads of cucks spouting liberal views and people aren't using sage.
Are there actually a bunch of shills posting shit content?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Including you.
look at the trump generals and tell me with a straight face they arent shills there
I'm no kike
Go fuck yourself. Stop calling regular users shills. You people are trying so hard to make this board anti Trump, but it's never going to work.
I'm pro trump are you retarded? Brain dead nigger or what
I didn't even tag you. Fucking imbecile.
There are only two times in recent memory when no shills were present on Sup Forums. One was when we were merged with /mlp/, the other was Trump successfully being elected President.
No, Alex. You are the globalist.
>Are there actually a bunch of shills posting shit content?
Seems to me most threads are circle jerks for bums posing for their user lifetime achievement award.
Yeah. This place is compromised beyond belief. All the funny, interesting people have gone
I am retarded, why wont the mods remove the slider threads?
Shut up, you aren't from here. The old star wars quote you started with outed you as a normie instantly. Not only is it normie, its reddit tier normie. And no, you weren't next leveling us.
The plot thickens
This is the most normie thing I've read in weeks.
Its because love trumps hate. Sup Forums is now a peace board.
Next leveling us? And your actually calling me a normie?
>when we merged with /mlp/
can we go back to that for a few days, it was nice.
I started shilling here for Hillary around about the time that Trump was exposed for his grabbing pussy comments. I caused great distress and butthurt among the denizens of Sup Forums. Since then, I found purpose in shilling here daily to get out the progressive and inclusive message, to counter all of that blind hatred and intolerance that infest Sup Forums. I am responsible for about 80% of the shilll and slide threads, as I am imbued with righteous purpose to offer and alternative to all of this evil that festers here. You can't stop me because I am motivated by righteousness. I am something you just must accept Sup Forums.. and I hope I sway a few people here to change and embrace the progressive future, and not the regressive past.
This board is anti-trump
Whats the matter, soyboy? Your safe space got invaded? Your fee fees are hurt?
as well it should be.
Are you retarded? Just lurk here for a few days. And since I'm not sure if this is a clever slide thread here's a sage a red pill.
For another fifteen minutes, until COB on the west coast.
Now you either have to stay at work late or prove me right. Either way I win.
No shills, no shills...
>good goyim
This board wasn't and isn't anti trump except for shills or actual retarded people
I enjoyed when nobody could post in this site unless they had a pass. It was the best few hours of my life right there
>Are there actually a bunch of shills posting shit content?
yes user
they've gotten better coordinated and worse at shilling, it's just a numbers game
they flood non-stop
There's always /vip/
You are low IQ. People here hate trump.
Never has been.
Never will be.
Welcome. You are here forever.
it is really sad that you will all fall for roasties
who will pretend to be into saving the white race and then give you aids and hepatitus
from sleeping with Jamal on the side.
its especially sad when there are plenty of pure transgirls who not only believe in the 14 but also 88 and would be happy to adopt huwhite children with you and be a mother to them and you can be the father.
Not only that but when stem cell uteruses become available for transwomen and we can produce our own ovum from stem cell ovaries, we can have our own children with you through IVF and cesarean
pol hates ego
You're a phony. A haircut. You're not a honest person and you only harm yourself by coming here.
what? pol is bloated ego I thought.
AJ ignores the 2012 Solutrean hypothesis.
Then this week he jumps on this fake San Diego mammoth site to protect the Indians views. Exxon really.
If there are no ancient humans in Labrea tar pits then humans did not live in California 125k years. This has been debunked.
Tillersen and exxon will push the native lands meme hard since exxon created the 1971 ANCSA and got rich off it.
Unless AJ points out on his show the 2012 SOLUTREAN HYPOTHESIS...
He is a guaranteed shill.
Iberia was before Siberia.
Cinmar is even older than Meadowcroft.
The Clovis were the Solutreans.
Europeans were the First Nations.
I guarantee a fake mammoth kill site will be on the news this year from Alaska too.
Unless they get busted for fraud first. Which would be at the highest level.
NPS-DOE- Grants for Anthropology.
Communists have to beat the 2012 Solutrean hypothesis soon or all those mines and oilfields will be illegal.
I'm genuinely curious if there are shills and actual slide threads, I want it to go back to the beauty that was MLPOL and trumPOL, anglo states and right views, race, crime stats and redpills, HWNDU and OPS, not goyim chatter
Not true.. I redeem myself by coming here.
>star wars quote
Yes, bloated ego, where "I" cannot exist.
You're lying to yourself.
You're incapable of honesty, and I'll prove it. What's the most controversial thing you believe? Something you wouldn't necessarily want your friends or family to know.
Probably that anal sex feels the same with a man as it does with a woman.
Kike doesn't like 'mostly' racially pure original trilogy
Can't fight love.
Women don't have penises tho. Pegging doesn't feel like a cock or a man getting the same feelings from it.
'clap sounds
Lando got cucked
If Sup Forums hates trump why were people singing his praises all through the election cunt?
That's not what Leia said.
To destroy.
Okay bong, I'm getting a good vibe from you. I'll answer.
Yes there are shills on the board. I spend far too much time on Sup Forums and you will notice their return. They show up near any major US political running. You see more ShareBlue and lefty/pol/ garbage. Memeflags shoot up and are very often hostile or derailing.
Some of Soros' 18 gorillion, I'm sure, has found its way to shills. I also do not doubt in intelligence agencies send disruption agents when big happenings go down that don't smell right (Like the Las Vegas shooting or Sandy Hook).
>Go fuck yourself. Stop calling regular users shills.
prove that they are regular users and not shills, it's far more possible that the shills are the "pro trump" users rather than the trolls trying to trigger them.
this "shill" word is the downfall of anything entertaining this board ever was.
another example after Las Vegas
>I've been here since 2015, I know what I'm talking about
I doubt it. This place is utterly irrelevant.
another example
another example
Exactly. You're a fucking fraud. I meant politically, faggot. What's something political you don't discuss in public?
Thanks for actually giving good info instead of chatting shit about how pol was never pro trump. I just always doubted that governments would fund shills on Sup Forums but goyims shekels reach far and it does make sense, apart from the info popped down how do we recognise or get rid of these shills? It's honestly like shifting through piles of shit to get a golden nugged on pol these days
It's really no different than JIDF
Annoying retards will always call anyone disagreeing with them some kind of boogeyman, all that changes is the boogeyman
Amusing side note; There used to be some user who posted some from what people called black-Sup Forums and their term for shills was CAC, or crazy ass cracka.
would you call yourself a shitposter?
Because liberals and kikes hate free speech. Any site that has basically no moderation becomes right wing.
So to combat this, they flood Sup Forums with the...
>"Guys! Islam is actually not that bad!!!"
>"Why so much jew hate here?"
>"are we the bad guys?"
>"We will never get our ethostate, let's just give up and stop trying"
>"I'm right wing but..."
They will never stop. Just ignore their autistic screeching and focus on the real guys.
>chatting shit about how pol was never pro trump
another popular shill technique, muddying the waters with offtopic posts.
You are either a shill or retarded? the most common shilling I see on this site are anti-trump leftist bullshit or people saying pol was never pro trump or posted MAGA on a daily basis? Im on topic of SHILLING? how is this off topic you nigger
No, people are just sick of the constant threads sucking Trump's cock 24/7. Sup Forums is a contrarian board. It moves in cycles. The Trump shilling started as a reaction to old Sup Forums points of view. If you would have not come here for the first time during the election you would know this.
Sup Forums was and is about chaos
t_d and tumblr like to try to force their faggy ideologies on us, but the essence of Sup Forums supports whatever will make things the most entertaining at the moment
Not on pol, I just want an actual discussion on shills on this site because I see people mentioning it on different posts but never on its own thread
trump retards made Sup Forums into a reddit wasteland
*most effective way to prove to user that you are not a poseur normie: use the words shill, retarded, and n-word in the same sentence*
>anons like to troll and disagree with others to cause confusion and anger
Sure takes some tough investigating to reach that conclusion
Hardly. What rocked me the most was how much outright trump excitement there was not just for lulz but on an outright policy basis. It was pretty much the only reason I decided to pay attention to the primaries in the first place, since they're usually nauseating.
people are sick of anti trump threads more because all media is on an anti-trump train. Its not all about trump either, just retarded left wing views that don't belong on pol, it stands for politically incorrect not politically correct .
calm down lol, I was agreeing with you not calling you a shill.
english plz
I miss all the gore and nigger hate posters that used to absolutely destroy all of the shill cuck threads
What you call shilling is the very nature of this board new friend, pls lurk moar and stop treating a Vietnamese calligraphy art forum as srs business
> how do we recognise or get rid of these shills? It's honestly like shifting through piles of shit to get a golden nugged on pol these days
The real question you should be asking yourself is what you want to do about it. If the answer is really to stop them, then you need to start finding interesting manuals to read.
> just always doubted that governments would fund shills on Sup Forums
Well, according to the WikiLeaks Vault 7 releases, the CIA has a memetic division. What better place to learn and train than here and in what better way than disruption.
read a book
your point?
learn english
this board shouldn't be pro-anything
fanboys are annoying
>Sup Forums is anti-the man who told 200,000 plus wetbacks to gtfo three days ago
Jew pls..
I thought you saying my post a shill technique, sorry
Funny how you think there are shills here, but can't even acknowledge the most obvious shilling of all.
Not true. Hell, even people who voted for Obama were critical of him and could call out his bullshit. That's not the case with Trumpfags, and the level of boot-licking and mental gymnastics here now is frankly nauseating.
I've seen a few "Make Sup Forums great again" threads late-late at night but they usually don't pick up much traction or get pruned
Did you happen to be on /fit/ during the upcoming vote about GMO labelling in Cali? Holy fucking shit the shilling.
It was kind of fun though because it was so easy to btfo and it would take them a few days to adjust rhetoric and then move on to the next talking points to btfo. Kind of fun to counter between sets in the morning.
And to think that's the best Blackwater could do at the time.
Sup Forumss population doubled during the election, its statistically more likely that the people engaging in the things you deem as important are in fact, complete and utter newfags brought here by the election who took sincerely things that were posted in jest
Agreed, I think people aren't knowing what shill means.
At the beginning of the primaries? There was tons of disagreement and good discussion about what to make about a number of candidates. Don't forget that a tremendous number of former Ron Paul types from last time around decided to go for Trump whether or not they were holding out any real hope for Rand.
> Did you happen to be on /fit/ during the upcoming vote about GMO labelling in Cali? Holy fucking shit the shilling.
Unfortunately not.
> And to think that's the best Blackwater could do at the time.
Hmm? I was under the impression Blackwater was a private military, not a private intelligence firm.
Also this, it was funny getting trump elected, it was funny watching the establishment shit itself, it's not funny watching a bunch of redditords suck his cock every time he gets negative press or someone goes FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WYPIPO
you have no sense of irony