Éire/pol/ - Through The Night edition

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>Tribunal shown emails from O'Sullivan to Fitzgerald

>Funeral of Peter Sutherland takes place in Dublin

>Almost 690,000 waiting for hospital treatment

>Sutherland's 'generous service' recalled at funeral

>'Repeal' jumpers stunt led to rule

>Mary Lou McDonald breaks silence on Kingsmill controversy and defends punishment of MP

>Senior gardaí to stop reform work as they're paid €6k less than their subordinates

>Mary Harney named chancellor of UL

>Irish Rail drivers reject Labour Court pay recommendation


Fair play to ye lads we actually reached the bump limit for the first time in a while last thread

we're on overtime


What will the the National Party do about the GAA's Caste system and rampant nepotism?


Keep it and make it more powerful


But it is based upon exclusitivity, not merit. Plus the GAA are a bunch of civic nationalists, they would have no problem with Arabs, Asians, and Negroes completely replacing them, as long as they support and play GAA.



Daily reminder

>With one of English race no friendship make;
>Shouldst thou,destruction thee will overtake;
>He’ll lie in wait to ruin thee when he can;
>Such is the friendship of an English man.”

Anyone else just home from the pub and drunkposting?

Stay calm and undermine the anglokike.


Same with all sports in Ireland, yet the GAA is the most nationalist

I have not been to the pub in a long time. I have become a shut in NEET and i don't want to go anywhere.

P.S Thanks for the pic yankie

>most nationalist

C I V I C - N A T I O N A L I S T

gaa needs to be kept but cut out the bullshit directors and chairmen
decentralized like the fai

at every 2 years every gaa club should have to to replace the commitee running it same people cant be in it twice

That will be sorted out when the National Party takes charge


nobody hates us, so we don't need to spend trillions on a military. thanks for the nice picture though


aka lybia to italy taxi service

>Replace the commitee running it same people cant be in it twice
That sounds like a good reform, but it's so entrenched within society, this would be akin to trying to create an ethnostate in America.

>at every 2 years every gaa club should have to to replace the commitee running it same people cant be in it twice
Simply aren't enough people in rural clubs for that.
>decentralized like the fai
No, look at the state of Irish soccer clubs, even though the GAA is amateur it still generates more money.

The GAA is very well run, why fix something that's not broken

get rid of all the cronies in the gaa
get rid of freemasons
get rid of babykillers
get rid of gay pedos
get rid of globalists
get rid of islam and shitology
ban hindus
fund catholic rebels in other countries
build colonies
kick out the banks

on it boss!

Views on scousers lads? Always wants to know the Irish opinion on us.
Everyone including every Beatle has a fuckin Irish surename (including me), do you see us as the typical Englishman or an exception? Even most scousers don’t like being called English (Pic related)
I see more Irish flags flying here then Union Jack or St George flags. I still don’t know how to feel about that...

Some much degeneracy, so little time.

cronies should be kicked tho

Well, you're practically the Irish capital of England.

I generally view Englishmen who call themselves English before British rather favourably, Being English is a nationality being a Brit is a state of mind so it depends on the person honestly be he Scot Welsh or English

Irish "Brits" are gaschamber material

i like scousers, the ones i've met have all been a bit of craic

Seems so laa!

What are you 12? Fish thieves were stealing billions from the industry for decades.

My grudge is with Protestants.


>Fish thieves are stealing billions from the industry and have been for decades.

>What are you 12
no, when your ma does her rounds i'm usually number 3 or 4

Ch**stianity has had it's day. It is dead now. We have adopted it from Jews who had a corrupt religion with a wrong concept of god anyways.

I suggest we now adopt a truly Aryan religion like Hinduism or something. It will also Gaelicize far better than Ch**stianity did i reckon.

My uncle got voted off his local GAA board before the new year, he was absolutely fuming because he reckoned some of the other people conspired to get him out.

>were stealing
>are stealing
One of these is past-tense. Can you figure out which, Richard?

Christianity had Gaelicized perfectally before the Norman Invasion

The GAA is where real Irish politics happen, at the community level.

True. But now look at the state of it.

To be honest mate, I’d call myself an Englishman, but with an understanding of my heritage knowing my English and Irish background, never forgetting it.

ya i'll stand with god and jesus
but no more turn the other cheek
now its kill em all and let god sort em out

india is in the state it is because of hindus

India is in the state that it is because their history and because they are inferior brown poo people

I made 30,000,000 trading digital currency last year. I'd like to invest 20% into Irelands growing economy. Which sector do you recommend starting a new business in, or buying in too?

are you legit


You illiterate retard

>or buying in too?
or buying into?

Love Scousers. I consider them Irish. They are the Irish capital of England. Lovely accent, lovely people.

My level of anti-tooth nigger trolling is far beyond anything you could ever comprehend. This includes molesting their language.

30mil sweet Zimbabwean dollas
Get asleep lads, and we'll go hiking in the morning

>Lovely accent
Not so sure about that one

> i was only pretending to be retarded

Imagine being a Red and a Mayo man.

he noes de wae to zimbabwayy

No coin niggers will cry.

Keep wallowing in your depression. Irish Americans are rich and immigrating back with the American entrepreneurial spirit. We're the ones behind this Western Populist fire spreading across Europe. Took you idiots 10 years to catch up to us.

Cork will be a nice place to set up shop. A little underdeveloped is what I'm looking for. Within 10 years I'll own the Fishing and Oil industry in that town. You'll remain disabled by permanent depression sitting in your own filth attempting to emulate the bongs.

So apparently one of my 3rd cousins over in Down is a lesbian. And also another lesbian 3rd cousin that lives in England. Wtf

You need to kill your family then yourself. Fag

>learn Irish

Well, third cousins are not too bad, if it was multiple second cousins then i might consider offing myself after them.

>rish Americans are rich and immigrating back
It's EMIGRATING, I'm surprised you can write at all.

Stay mad Sir Richard Schlomo III