So I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time, it was actually my first anime, although I've known all the memes about it for a while.
I have one question to ask? How the fuck does anyone like Rei? I don't want to be mean but holy hell is she boring, not only is she not even a fucking human, but she's like a talking corpse with no personality traits at all.
How the hell can anyone say she's best girl? Not that Asuka's alright, she's bitchy and a bit of a skank but at least she's a human and acts like one?
What exactly is it about Rei that some people like? I'm dying to know.
Charles Gonzalez
>my first anime Not even a Reifag but you need to leave.
Wyatt Ross
Get out
Colton Bell
But I need someone to explain it to me, it's not like I hate her, I just wonder how/why people even consider her a romantic interest when I got the feeling she was something akin to a clone of Shinji's mother or perhaps sister.
Adam Morgan
What part of get the fuck out you didn't understand? Ask Sup Forums or Sup Forums, maybe even Sup Forums will talk about it.
Come back once you've lurked for at least a year you rude crossboarder.
Christopher Gray
>even someone brand new to anime has a better taste then Reifags You can't make this up.
Jason Perry
Still better than Misatofags
Angel Evans
normalfags just don't understand. i'm talking about everything -- not just the rei thing
Noah Long
Because she's the safe choice. Rei will never reject you and she has no personality so you can project whatever you want onto her. That's not to say the other girls are better, but Reifags just want a warm doll to dress up.
Jason Jones
Real men like Asuka because she's fiery and feisty, OP.
Angel Thompson
>she has no personality so you can project whatever you want onto her normalfags don't understand this sort of thing
Aiden Garcia
I tend to act like Rei most of the time because I don't trust other people with my emotions. I know my own thoughts and feelings, I don't give a fuck if you want to know. I've given up on making that kind of connection with people.
Kayden Bailey
I'm starting to think Asukafags are co-dependents looking for a broken bird to "fix".
As I said, all the main girls are shit magnets.
Isaiah Johnson
Hi Sup Forums
William Gomez
What makes you think I'm from Sup Forums
Justin Nguyen
Only other board I see eva threads
Caleb Nelson
watch the movies vagina face
Cooper Reed
I am right now, sempai
Lucas Moore
The people that like her are friendless degenerate losers that can't handle real people, let alone women.
Austin Jenkins
nice senpai
Benjamin Watson
James Turner
Nice falseflag, Reifag. Not like we can't see your bait from miles away. 4/10 for the effort.
Josiah Sanders
But I'm OP and I like Asuka more, I just wanted to know what was going through the heads of reifags
Logan Lee
>he doesn't browse /anime/
Levi Hill
As I said nice falseflag. 4/10 made me reply.
Samuel Collins
OP you seem like a nice guy and you dont watch anime at all, so im going to be clear:
Weebs are a bunch of retards, they believe a unidimentional character is better than a three dimentional one. Why? because they love idealized characters, so they can have their fictional waifu forever and ever
Andrew Lewis
Yes that is why Rei is the best.
Ian Martinez
Just make sure to watch End of Evangelion. The Rebuild movies are trash.
Henry Sanders
Already did, watching Rebuild now. Good to see Asuka again :(
What a horrible death she had. If she died at all, the beach scene in the end was odd.
Noah Perez
When Rei went around turning everyone into LCL she also collected people that were dead. It shows Ritsuko's, Misato's, and a bunch of dead Nerv personnel's bodies missing, for example. So these people, including Asuka, went into Instrumentality too.
William Morales
Not really a fan of any Evangelion character myself, but I think the word you're looking for is not exactly "like", but "relate to" and "feel comfortable with".
Gabriel Sanders
Rei is a non-character
Christian Nguyen
And also non-human
Angel Foster
Regardless of your own feelings on the character you're just being ignorant in stating that's why people like her, if that were that case there wouldn't be such a backlash towards Rei Q who really is the hollow doll only fit to obey that you describe.
James Morris
Carson Allen
Shut up Norway
Ayden Hall
Rei is a deconstruction of the ultra-obedient housewife type sometimes referred to as the Yamato Nadeshiko. She was meant to make the viewer sick of her by being creepy contrary to populism in the world of anime at the time when the Yamato Nadeshiko was considered prime best girl material. Unfortunately this backfired on the Japanese at the time (and now band-wagon people in the west) and they worship her as an amazing thing. TL;DR: Your reaction is exactly what the creator intended.
Nicholas Wright
>So I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time I doubt it.
>I have one question to ask? How the fuck does anyone like Rei? I don't want to be mean but holy hell is she boring, not only is she not even a fucking human, but she's like a talking corpse with no personality traits at all.
Since when did it matter that a fictional character isn't human? We've got catgirls, monstergirls, aliens, all sorts of non-human characters and it doesn't matter, right? What matters is the character, the product of it's design, personality and actions in the story. This is where Rei Ayanami shines, and puts dolls like Asuka to shame.
Rei has the classic story of a person who is oppressed and subdued, goes through various hardships but meets new friends, learns from them, suffers self-disclosure and makes a change in herself which affects everyone around her and in Evangelion's twisted way, technically saves the day. So while you may say Rei doesn't talk much or smile a lot, the fact is that she CAN smile and talk if she wants to. She simply does not feel like it because she is depressed, and it's hard to get a smile out from her. When Rei tries to talk, no one really understands her since she's at a higher level than them. They may even respond with anger.
Only narrow-minded children don't understand that, so they gravitate towards more easy to understand characters like Asuka who talk and smile a lot. But the difference here is that Asuka can't stop being a bitch. She didn't develop. Rei developed and has a complete character arc throughout the whole story. Asuka is in the end, a foil to Shinji and Rei and a plot device.
To put it simply: while not human, Rei acts like a good, admirable human we can even look up to in some respects. On the opposite end is Asuka who is human, but acts like a shit human.
I think you're an Asukafag in disguise really.
Asher Baker
Parker Scott
Oh great, Norway autist is here
Alexander Ross
>a plot device You can't make this shit up. Well, he was bound to show up sooner or later. The fucking faggot.
Luis Clark
Wat? I'm from Canada
Owen Brown
>Because she's the safe choice. Rei will never reject you and she has no personality so you can project whatever you want onto her. That's not to say the other girls are better, but Reifags just want a warm doll to dress up.
This is Asukafags projecting. The facts are that Rei is the least safe choice in Evangelion, and I can explain why.
Asukafags argue that "Rei will never reject them", but this is equally true of Asuka, Gendo, Kaworu or even Keel. They are anime characters and cannot reject or object to any of your fantasies, whatever they may be. They aren't real. It's a strong example of how Asuka fans are deep into their own delusion about their favorite character, since they've ended up that one fictional character is more real than the other. They're equally fictional and equally real.
So what makes Asuka the safest choice then? It's quite simple: Asuka is a "protected" character in the franchise. It's a character that's the favorite of the director and several of the writers, one of them being Anno's protege of sorts, Tsurumaki. This means that over the past 15 or so years, Asuka has seen exclusively better portrayals of her character than she did in the original series. Not at a single point in any of them does she sink to a lower level than she did in NGE/EoE, and not at a single point does she make worse mistakes. What's more, aspects that are considered "unsafe" in her character are cut away, such as her affection for Kaji, which is no longer a thing for the latest Evangelion installment, Rebuild. Now otaku don't feel unsafe that their waifu offers her body to older men.
It's this except in reverse that makes Rei the most "unsafe" character - Anno and the writers do not like Rei. The past 15 years or so for Rei has never seen a better portrayal of Rei in any spinoff or story, only continuing to weaken and water down the character.
Asuka is a safe choice for weak-willed otaku who only wish to be catered to, a waifu with no personality.
Justin Wright
>Reifags are also leaves Sasuga.
Thomas Hughes
Nobody cares you herring-breathed fuck
Landon Perry
I think Rei is a lot more interesting than Asuka though, even if she doesn't say much. Quantity is better than quality, and that goes for words too. Asuka is just a bitch with mommy issues that doesn't ever say anything intelligent or true, but Rei has a lot of neat insights and actually feels more like a person to me because of that. Asuka is like an animal.
Christian Brown
But I like Asuka and I've only seen NGE and EoE
Caleb Allen
>Rei ranked no. 1 >Asuka ranked no. 6
Eat it fags
Kayden Jenkins
You like her because Asuka is the "safe choice". Rei is too big and scary for you.
Luke Sanchez
Rei is the best though. You'll never see an Asukafag seriously argue otherwise because they know it's the truth, which is why they have to make strawman/red herring threads like the OP.
Aaron Phillips
By your description it sounds you lack any sort of feeling of empathy. You will never understand why people like Rei the way that you are.
Jeremiah Turner
No, it's because she isn't very... I don't know, she never really did anything endearing to me, she just sort of seemed like background until EoE and even then she wasn't very noticeable.
Juan Lopez
He's just samefagging at this point, OP. Ignore him like we all do.
Speaks volumes that he's the only person on this entire board that ever "defends" Rei. He's her only fan.
Matthew Russell
>reifags It's amusing to see the low effort Anno put into Rei development
Nolan Wood
>I don't know, she never really did anything endearing to me Yeah, Big Mean Rei is too scary for you. It's better if you stick to your weak little redhead waifu.
Most people see it differently though, Asuka is hardly noticeable in the series next to Rei, Asuka wasn't even in the first six episodes while Rei is there all the time. In EoE she's impossible to miss because she turns into a giant version of herself that guides Shinji into salvation or somesuch. I think Rei is endearing because she's actually got a personality you know? She's got some individuality that isn't going to break no matter what. Subtle and refined.
Cameron Gray
What's your opinion on Misato?
Landon Anderson
You mean Asuka's, as he literally copied from doujins and other anime to make her. Rei had actual field study of schizophrenics, so I wouldn't say low-effort is the word here.
Jayden Murphy
>rei in a nutshell > Total silence. So much effort
Nolan Sanchez
>No, it's because she isn't very... Asuka is totally the safe choice man. She has no character arc so you can just self-insert into the huge gaps of her character, and since she has no ending you can just fanwank whatever you want instead of settling on the finality of it, hence the huge amount of post-eoe asukafag shipper fanfics out there.
Plus she's Anno's favorite, there's no way you can go wrong here, your waifu is safe and so are you.
Austin Evans
This Reifag sure is mad.
Colton Rodriguez
I like her, character flaws but she's a good and interesting character, even if she was a dick to Kaji. Kinda creepy how she kissed Shinji though, ain't she a little too old for him?
Christian Miller
>user lies because he can't defend his shitty waifu asuka
Sad thing I know that there was a lot of effort in your reply.
Connor Barnes
Those are things Reifags tell themselves in an attempt to justify their waifu. In reality both you and I know that you like her because she won't dump you and has zero resistance to your advances. Even Ikuhara understood that, hence why he asked Anno to make her "betray" you in the last episode. Of course I don't. Anno said that Rei just spouts things people with existential crisis may ask, yet he doesn't have any emotional connection to her. She's a "zero" in the emotional arc of the series. As for "copying", he did it to understand women better, which is the right thing to do, since you get your character just right. Except she dumps your so-called self-insert and calls him disgusting. Asuka is like a real person, so anything but "safe choice". Stop projecting your shitty bland waifu over her.
Caleb Perez
>Anno: The truth is, I have no emotional attachment to Rei at all.
>Anno: In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot.
>Anno: Episode 6 was too early.
>Anno: At the end Rei says "I don't know what to do," and Shinji says, "I think you should smile," and Rei smiles. ... Afterwards, when I thought about it, I cursed. In short, if she and Shinji completely "communicated" there, then isn't she over with? At that moment, Rei, for me, was finished.
>Anno: When she smiled, she was already finished, this character.
Luis Smith
Aha, so you had never watched Evangelion before, and now you're aware of different interviews and shit? Likely, it looks like your rei-hating ass just got busted. AGAIN.
Nolan Taylor
>so you had never watched Evangelion before Hey, nice argument right there, I totally see you proving your point and mentioning exactly how you made that assumption. Get the fuck out of Sup Forums.
Charles Wilson
>Anno: Everyone understands that it's a fiction, but precisely because it's a fiction you have a pure feeling, you fall for the character to an even greater extent. You assume that an anime character will not betray you. Iku-chan said [to me], "in the last episode, please have Rei Ayanami get married and become pregnant. Just please betray the Ayanami fans. The Rei Ayanami they are thinking of is not real. The real Rei Ayanami gets married, and her belly..." >Oguro: (laughs) Ah, if Ayanami really existed. >Anno: He told me something like, "please, make them realize that, If she were real, she would get married, become pregnant, have a child, and grow older." I was thinking, "we don't have to go that far..." (laughs).
>Nobi: Haven't there been a lot of boys saying "I want to ride an Eva!"? And yet, I thought Anno-san might hold malice towards them. At Comiket, there were some men in front of me saying "Rei-chan definitely looks best in bandages!" and I just kept silently cursing at them while passing by. (laugh)
>Anno: Hmm, that's a bit...Oh, but I have done similar things. I also thought "They should just die". (Everyone laughs)
Ayden James
>Anno literally says Rei a shit and Reifags are cancer >They STILL try to justify her How does it feel to live in lies?
Dominic Garcia
>Those are things Reifags tell themselves in an attempt to justify their waifu.
Nope, that's what retarded Rei-haters tell themselves in order to dull the pain that Rei is better than their waifu. Let's talk about reality for a second. Because those thing I said are facts:
- Asuka was in fact, NOT a character in the first six episodes - Rei is impossible to miss in EoE and makes up a larger part of the plot and story than Asuka - Rei does act as a guide which explains what's going on to Shinji and the rest in NGE, something that also carries over in EoE
all of these are facts, rei-hater-kun. Another reality is that >Those are things Reifags tell themselves in an attempt to justify their waifu. In reality both you and I know that you like her because she won't dump you and has zero resistance to your advances. Even Ikuhara understood that, hence why he asked Anno to make her "betray" you in the last episode.
this is false, because otherwise everyone would be over Rei Q. Which we again, know isn't the case. Reality betrays you.
Cooper Brown
Worse than grandpa dying.
Adrian Rogers
Should ask yourself that. Rei-haters (often Asukafags or Kaworufags these days) deny that Anno dislikes Rei but still spam interviews of him showing a distinct lack of appreciation anyway. So ask yourself what it's like living a life of lies.
Zachary Kelly
He can't dislike her if he has no emotional attachment to her whatsoever. It's complete indifference, which makes sense since she's just a background plot device character.
Nicholas Jackson
>Of course I don't. Anno said that Rei just spouts things people with existential crisis may ask, yet he doesn't have any emotional connection to her. She's a "zero" in the emotional arc of the series. As for "copying", he did it to understand women better, which is the right thing to do, since you get your character just right.
He copied, and that's low-effort. Drop the mental gymnastics. He copied some things line for line, copied settings, and copied entire relationships into his anime. From doujins. From other works. That is low effort.
>Except she dumps your so-called self-insert and calls him disgusting. Asuka is like a real person, so anything but "safe choice". Stop projecting your shitty bland waifu over her. Wow, how delusional. Asuka isn't real, loser. Get a life!
Cameron Richardson
If Anno told you Asuka was bad and to stop liking her would you? Asukafags are mindless sheep just like their waifu. The only people who struggled against NERV's indoctrination and asked questioms was Shinji and Rei, Asuka remained a puppet to the end. So much for the so called "genius".
Josiah Martinez
The absolute STATE of asukafags
Camden White
More mental gymnastics. I guess it must be that taxing to hate Rei? I mean you've clearly turned your life into a pointless crusade against a fictional character, so I guess that means you really don't have a life at all. Sad, really.
Isaac Myers
>caring about a fictional character over your family member's death Holy shit, Reifags are absolute trash.
Asher Cook
>Asuka was in fact, NOT a character in the first six episodes Right, because the series has a supposed traditional Japanese structure, in which main events happen at the right time, during the right "act". >Rei is impossible to miss in EoE and makes up a larger part of the plot and story than Asuka Rei is no longer Rei there, she's Lilith, more like a plot tool. Anno mentioned that he just wanted to make a "gigantic Ayanami", so there you go. Moreover, she doesn't even resist Gendo in the EoTV, so no character development whatsoever (although only Shinji "develops" there). I don't hate Rei, just stating the obvious. I never said Anno doesn't hate Rei. >He copied, and that's low-effort. He copied some things line for line, copied settings, and copied entire relationships into his anime. Yes, he copied many things, and that's not bad. >Asuka isn't real, loser. Get out of Sup Forums. >Reifags completely lost it and are now literally spamming "NO U" Oh man, feels good to be back.
Owen Anderson
Wow, Asukafags are really the most retarded of them all. On one end, Rei is the most "safe" character, but at the same time, Asukafags cling to the fact that Anno doesn't like Rei but Asuka.
Asukafags are yet again, projecting. They only like Asuka beacause it's the directors favorite.
Bentley Smith
How can other women compete?
Elijah Carter
>Right, because the series has a supposed traditional Japanese structure, in which main events happen at the right time, during the right "act". Wrooooong. Asuka wasn't there but Rei, Shinji and Misato was, if anything the most important characters of the story. Asuka is a foil, and even in traditional japanese structure the main characters are always present from start to end.
>Rei is no longer Rei there, she's Lilith, more like a plot tool. Anno mentioned that he just wanted to make a "gigantic Ayanami", so there you go. Moreover, she doesn't even resist >Gendo in the EoTV, so no character development whatsoever (although only Shinji "develops" there).
Haha, what fanwank! How does it feel to make up lies on the spot in order to defend your hate for a fictional character?
Rei was ALWAYS Lilith, you dumb tool.
>I don't hate Rei, just stating the obvious. The obvious is that you hate Rei, just stating the obvious.
Ian Garcia
>Anno put such low effort into Rei! but then >Anno is shown to put effort into Rei he never put into Asuka >Anno is shown to have COPIED parts of Asuka's characters from fucking fandoujins and other anime then suddently >COPYING IS NOT BAD, ITS NOT LOW EFFORT WHAAAAH >MUH ASUKA IS REAL; GET OUT
and so, yet another retarded Rei-hater exposed.
Jackson Nelson
Eh, I'm the same way. It doesn't mean you're cruel or cold hearted. Some people just have a bigger emotional attachment to things that speak to them.
Henry Morales
So did Asukafags ever consider the fact that Asuka being a low-effort, copy-paste character with no actual personality or even a good concluding character arc MIGHT be why she's considered to be lesser than Rei? She's obviously not as bad/offstage character like Kaworu or Toji, but when compared to Rei Asuka is just boring.
I mean, let's say an adult or even a mature child would watch Evangelion. Why the fuck would he like Asuka if he didn't just have a fetish for redheads? Rei is just that more interesting, she can speak about the human condition and show actual development, while Asuka only regurgitates anime cliches and regular slapstick. Yawn.
Lincoln Cox
Don't bother replying, it's an autistic asukafag that's been here since the date that image was posted and he keeps reposting it in order to make Reifags "look bad" or something. He is probably locked up in some mental institution with internet access.
Brandon Russell
> Rei; the tabula rasa of waifus there for you to perfect her like a piece of art. wtf? I love Rei now.
Ethan Williams
Only character in the show who's words are contradictory to the story.
Dominic Edwards
>Right, because the series has a supposed traditional Japanese structure, in which main events happen at the right time, during the right "act".
This is the worst excuse I've ever seen in threads like these. It's not even true, it's a literal made up nonfact made by a dumb asukafag that's already on the verge of tears because his shitty waifu was exposed as not even being in the first quarter of the show. Wow, being an Asukafag must be suffering, all those lies and escapism to get away from the fact that Asuka is shit.
It's like super simple. We've gone over this since the fucking 90's, and Asukafags just deny what happened like some sort of traumatized rape victim. Asuka is shit and Rei is a literal goddess you fucking dimwit! Lilith is the progenitor of mankind and her name is also REI AYANAMI.
Watch the fucking show some time. In EoE she regains her body she lost some time prior to the series, and is a huge figure EoE (no pun intended). In the meantime, Asuka is exposed as nothing more than a sexual fantasy of fucked up teenagers. Literally.
Look at how she gets treated like a cheap figurine, lying there resistless ready to receive the cum of yet-another-overweight-otaku-asukafag. This is you, user. Your shitty redhead waifu is nothing more than a doll.
Charles Fisher
>It's like >! >capital letters You need to go back.
Ethan Sanchez
>Asuka is shit and Rei is a literal goddess you fucking dimwit! >Aaaaah! AAAAH! Muh Rei is a GODDESS AAAH while your Asuka is exposed to human existential crisis and human irrtaionality AAAAH! MUH GODDESS!!! AAAAH! The structure isn't right because MUH REI!!! Christ, speak about the value of the work of art. I guess Anno was right about wishing death to the likes of you. By the way, Rei isn't even human and never was as you admitted.
David Taylor
It's symbolic, Anno wanted to fuck Asuka's seiyuu, but couldn't get her to, so he masturbates instead.
Carter Rodriguez
>no argument I know why you have no arguments or rebuttals though, it's because what I said was completely true, and even backed up with a screenshot. It happened. It's history, and you can't deal with it.
As expected of an Asukafag. Just accept that you hate the original Evangelion and only want to filter out the painful bits, in order to create your own waifu paradise. You were always the cancer.
Michael Bailey
>Anno wanted to fuck Asuka's seiyuu This never happened, dumbass. He wanted to fuck Jean's seiyuu.
Leo Watson
Rei didn't give two shits about anyone except following Gendo's orders and thats because he'll keep resurrecting her ass for his scenario and he promises he'll stop after he gets what he wants i.e. the Tangpocalypse
She won't follow your order's or anyone else's she doesnt give two fucks about you unless its some oblique way of bringing about her own demise
And as soon as she decided not to give a shit about Gendo she tells him to fuck off, gets his wife to eat half of him, then gives the reins of Godhood itself to Shinji
Anyone else that tried to get her to do anything was given annoyed stares or she ignored until they went away yet everyone thinks they could order her to do anything whenever they wanted
its like they have IQs equal to their shoe sizes
John Martinez
So what? Are you saying you wouldn't bang a hot alien chick if you could? Talk about small minded.
Jaxson Myers
So a seiyuu-ota that can't fuck his favorite and then jerks off about raping her, swedish style. Same thing.
Caleb Martinez
Pretty much. Innately, every rei-hating kaworufag and asukafag knows this, just like everyone else knows it, as it's the canon. Which is why they need Rei Q, an actual doll that only follows orders. It was made for them, just like everything in neo-eva.
Asuka on the other hand though, buckles under any sort of pressure and becomes a literal fuckdoll for anyone to use.
Asuka fans are notoriously unintelligent and small-minded. Almost as bad as kaworu fans, who have no brains at all. At least something of their brains are not working, like the threat centre or something.