Draw Thread

Make or request Sup Forumsrt

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Requesting More of Lebe in this!

Requesting stereotypical JRPG antagonists from the 90s-00s versions of these girls. Chitoge, Kajou, and Mine have been done by the way

Refs for ideas here: imgur.com/a/RrktD

Requesting kinky and sweaty frilly lingerie yuri between Akiba's Trip politician and Sophia Nishikinomiya. Massive breasts aggressive pushing up against each other and passionate tongue kissing is definitely good.

Anchoring this dank WIP from a previous thread Original request

Requesting this girl drawn in Mamoru Hosoda's art style

Requesting meaty Mito Ikumi getting literally spitroasted by Souma, dolcett style:

We will be abandoning these thread. Please do not use it .

Any new requests after this post are cursed

I want to be inside Lebe

Fuck off

Idiot, images bump the thread

Requesting Mimi Tasogare from Duel Masters giving Mimibro-tan headpats like she were a pet cat on her lap, please!

Thanks if you pick this up!


friend of yours?

Didnt you get a delivery with mimi and the tan?

If if was that request, then I missed it. If it wasn't then, no.

make me

No head pats apparently, just cuddlingnin sleep.

Ah yeah, you mean this? It was a patreon request that I colored.


Requesting a hairstyle chart of Zero from Grimoire of Zero.

Requesting anything cool, cute, or lewd with Jotaro and Daidouji.


Requesting Caster of Black/Avicebron from Fate/Apocrypha showing off some fine-ass legs.

Requesting Ritchie dressed as Roxas.

Requesting Satania from Gabriel dropout (on the left) doing the trick like the pic in the right.

I hope you do it drawbro.

Requesting Kamoshida sexually harassing Raynare and ending about as well as you'd expect it to.

OP of the thread here. I saw the Jack picture.

I am a faggot, I suck cocks, and I apologize for making the thread. I did not know

Requesting these cute idols as the sith lords from star wars.

>Jack picture

Which one?

who cares really?

Requesting Setsuna Tokage the lizard girl, Tatami Nakagame the turtle girl and Ryuukyuu the dragoon hero sexually harassing/teasing the hardening hero of hard virility Eijiro Kirishima.

This one

Dude, this is fantastic!
Neptune looks so fabulously badass in this style, I’m glad you went all out with the Jojoness.
And I see you kept in mind their heights. I’m really thankful for that, it only makes this even better.
Also, I didn’t expect the outfit swapping, but I gotta say I love the zipper detail and how goofy Jolyne looks with Nepu’s hoodie. And of course, I love how cooly Neptune displays Jolyne’s clothes.
Nice buddy poses too.
Just one thing: Neptune has an extra finger in her left hand.
Thank you so much, Dizzy. I fucking love it!
I hope you have an awesome week.
As a side note; Anything Jojo also fits Neptune since she yells “Muda muda muda” sometimes in the first game when you make a physical attack.

Well fuck. T-thanks OP.

Hey you. Yes you. How long have you been requesting? Do you think its likely someone will take up your request? Are you ever going to give up?

Requesting any Sup Forums related girls you like participating in the "Cool Biz" campaign. Essentially them wearing lighter clothes and possibly sporting shorter hair as well.


I know there at least used to be a couple of Sora no Woto fags around here so figured I'd post this here.

>yfw your deliver goes op but it was a mistake .

Requesting Mitsuha happily crying tears of joy with a look of disbelief on her face.
It can be a reaction to anything.

is Heikatsu lurking here? Do something lewd to Maeter from Eureka Seven!

Who cares. idk what the other anons are talking about.

Kanna Kamui from Kobayashi's Maid Dragon having a cordial chat with a Komodo Dragon

I thought it was a great delivery. Blog?

Requesting Cuuko from "Haiyore! Nyarko-san" frying an egg on her leg.

I'm working on a WWD request, which has my top priority right now but I already made the linework for the upper part of your request. You can expect a delivery on Monday

Requesting Goku Black wearing West Kaioshin's outfit (with her two earrings) alongside Future Zamasu.


Requesting a Hi-v Gundam in the vein of one of rakihiro or DB's mecha girls

Requesting a Crossover of Toramaru from Rurouni Kenshin and Notari Matsutarō from Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro both in a sumo match, possible grabbing the sides of each others mawashis. Full Color please.

Requesting Mowgli and Baloo from The Jungle Book: Shōnen Mowgli, in a scene based on the Disney movie where they are floating down the river with Baloo floating on his back, and Mowgli siting on his belly (and not singing "Bare Necessities"). Full color please. Mowgli has his sideburns and ponytail, and wearing his yellow loincloth.

thx man


Requesting Sakura gently brushing Rin's hair, with Rin's hair down like so:


Requesting an anime girl version of Charles Manson.

who is she user?

requesting a time paradox: old joseph with child erina

Requesting dawn from pokemon enjoying a nice warm spring day wearing her blue dress.

Counter requesting with old Joseph tonguing a teenage Tomoko Higashikata instead

See the warmth, hope and optimism on her smiling face? Thats gone for us user. All gone.


how come? I dont watch pokemon by the way.

Mikumo wearing various gags on a fashion runway! Refs: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gag_(BDSM)

>no pic

Requesting NGE angels cosplaying as Magirangers fighting Unit 01 cosplaying as Wolzard.

Mecha anime creators resembling number corresponded chaos gods, please.

Requesting Rebuild Shamshel taking a large dragon as a pet, bonus points if a bunch of knocked out smaller dragons are around him.


There's seven and aside from different heads and most wearing stockings they look exactly the same. Go nuts!

/r/ing Malvina, full body and gagged with eye to eye length duct tape, please. Not sure if in a lewd pose or standing or sitting or daki style. Head band optional.

Requesting Joseph and Caesar from JoJo in the "From Dusk Till Dawn" movie poster.

Requesting this but with your selection of a character.

Karina at a fast food place (like with her friends or whatever) holding an onion ring and imaging being married to Kotetsu (Wild Tiger) and even having it on her ring finger. And to request Blue Rose, her wearing the virgin killer sweater or something to do with her ice powers.

Dem Precure pics... Followed!

Requesting a Honda car modeled after Futayo or Futayo as a racegirl or model for some Honda car

Requesting Frenda and her sister, either brushing one another's hair or sleeping together under a kotatsu similar to this image:

Would a drawing of a succubus Kurumi Tokisaki be doable? I want to see a demonic, yet lewd, Clock is all.

Requesting Mashu getting mad jealous over Gudao ogling Passionlips massive milkjugs.

Requesting part 4 Jotaro using an onahole shaped like your favorite marine animal. No hat is a plus.

Mitsuha and Taki depicted as a proper couple, doing things lovers do. For example, I would like for them being or getting married as their adult counterparts.

I have two requests for Tamamo Lancer.
One is simply her with huge breasts with all her clothing on, wet shirt or not.
The second is her as a more proper Lancer class, with an actual lance or naginata and possibly on horseback. Thanks in advance.

Vert in sexy armor or a sexy leather outfit like a queen? Queen as in a dominatrix or as royalty.

What are you trying to say with that depressing text?

Requesting Tachibana Kanade with a Persona style cut-in. Emulating the drawing style as well or using your own personal style of drawing is all fine. Have fun

Requesting Princess Salvia from pokemon(the one in the blue outfit) nibbling on dawn's(the one in pink) hand without the glove on holding the glove in her other hand.
Dawn should have a lewd yet shocked expression.

imgur.com/a/9RggX Reference for both.

Im saying our hope and optimism is dead anons and I sometimes despise cute anime girls for having it. It reminds me of how hollow I am now.

Same same dude. Like i sometimes feel literally nothing like something happens and i am not even caring about it.

Funky-looking Stahlhelm.


Tamamo cosplaying Fox McCloud please. although her in Krystal's tribal 'armor' wouldn't be bad but if you end up doing the Fox one, I would really want one of her using the Shine too. Taunting like "COME ON!" would be cute.


Holy shit i said nibble not eating. It still is a amazing and super quick delivery so thanks.

Though i could seriously live without the blood+zombie salvia...

appropriate reaction?

You guys wanna see this maid dragon lewd I just drew?

Why not?

Hit it



Just put it in the next OP.


Chances for non zombie/blood version?
Like with same nice saliva while she nibbles on her fingers?

not same ffs brain

It's alright.

I bet she would double tap that. Interesting deliveries though.