Why don't we ever have One Punch Man threads anymore?
One Punch Man
Everyone's waiting for S2 that's why
aren't we having semi-daily threads to discuss the manga?
Why don't they just shoot him?
your head
Anime only kids have died off.
It's Japan. Nobody owns a gun.
It's not 2011 anymore user, such memes don't have the same effect on current Sup Forums. I bet half the board doesn't know of accel spammer.
I would venture way more than that. People not getting old references is fine. I know this format is of a transitory nature. I just feel people have gotten less savvy in detecting nuance. It's sad.
>Why don't they just shoot him?
His power is called imagine breaker because it breaks his opponent's ability to imagine reasonable ways of dealing with him
You mean plot armour.
Can we get some pictures of best character?
The biggest crime of this series is that she doesn't pay for all the food she eats with her body.
I was talking about Sphinx, you pervert.
No one cares about that pest.
That's funny; you could say the same thing about Index.
Not true. She has AT LEAST two fans, so take that.
why dont you guys write a fanfic with the punchline that says s3 when
Because we all started living out lives correctly.
But he rarely beats them with one punch.