Medoka Magico

Hello, let's have a civil Madoka thread.

What are you looking forward to in the next movie? How much do you think the plot will change based on whats been leaked so far?

Personally I hope Mami get's more screentime, something she was lacking in the original series and Rebellion

Personally I hope Homura dies in a dumpster fire like she deserves.

>What are you looking forward to in the next movie?
Homerun destroying Sallaca's ass.

What do we know of it so far? I wasn't aware another movie was confirmed.

also checked

>what I want

more mumi
a happy ending for her
mumi kicking homura's ass (again)

>what I'll probably get

more retarded asspulls and another cliffhanger
more fanservice

Best girl becoming a magical girl and wishing for all the dykes to submit to the power of the D.

There was a trailer on youtube, can't find it now

I keep having a dream of becoming a magical boy, what are my dreams telling me?

>not having dreams of becoming a magical girl

You're a pleb, that's what they're telling you

More best girl

Personally I just want Homura to fall deeper into her madness. I'd love to see smug, devil homura fuck everyone's days some more.


sorry, I've seen it, but can't find it


Why did they introduce a pointless new little cheese girl and force poor Kyouko to be with worse girl instead of just having Kyouko and Mami reconciling and living peacefully together?

>Kyouko to be with worse girl

Since when is worst a synonym for best?

This is the ideal female body.
You may not like it, but this is what perfection looks like

mami is not for lewding

did you mean like this?

Try and stop me



Question, do you think that if you shitpost hard enough about on Sup Forums that somehow TDS will magically become canon? If you're trying to do some magical karma thing here to will TDS into relevance, you might want to consider not attacking and harassing people on a daily bases.

You know what's funny? The other Madoka manga were more popular and long running than TDS, yet oddly enough, they don't get spammed about. Almost like you are only mentioning TDS to try and force KyouMami crack shitposting.

Really, don't even reply to this post, just let it be, and then stop posting in these threads and move on with your life.


The reddit lingo is stuck strong in you, huh.

If anyone's salty, it's you, the person who literally cries about having no friends. You know, because your tears from crying about having no friends have salt in them.

Damn, ACK actually sounds smart for once

This thread turned hostile pretty fast...

!Akemi, when will you accept that "ack" has not been real and never will be real?

How do I know you're !Akemi? Because I can see the future. I can tell exactly how you will react the image that I am posting, you will ignore it.

And your requirements for someone being "ack" is them being against your shipping cancer, yet, as you can see from this objective proof, many people hate you.

>Because I can see the future

whew calm down there Okabe

!Akemi, you realize how obvious it is who you are, right? You are the only person who tries to pretend that your samefagging is actually hard to do. You "battle station" image doesn't actually make sense, because you've never done anything that would require more than one PC and one phone.

And see? I called exactly how you would reply to that image.

>calm down
You never make anyone not calm, !Akemi.

ACK perma ban when?

!Akemi, you've been perma banned, for breaking the law no less, and you're still posting.
And posting in the most pathetic way humanly possible, I might add. Look at how you just bumped the thread from page ten, again.

By the way, I'm more than sure you've been asked this before, but do it, name a single thing that will make you accept "ack" is not real. Because apparently objective proof like won't do it.

!akemi BTFO!!
How will he ever recover?!

Aww, look at how mad you are, !Akemi.
Really, what's even your end goal here?
You're not making anyone mad, you're not out smarting anyone, literally all you are doing is make people hate you and the things you like.

I just want them to stop suffering

>Movie never
>Dead franchise
>Dead Meguka
>Homura did everything wrong

When you are a Hero/Magical Girl, you have to be prepared for some suffering.

I want to prevent her suffering

It sure must be nice to have your own personal mod protection.

The reddit lingo is stuck strong in you, huh.

If anyone's salty, it's you, the person who literally cries about having no friends. You know, because your tears from crying about having no friends have salt in them.

!Akemi, when will you accept that "ack" has not been real and never will be real?

How do I know you're !Akemi? Because I can see the future. I can tell exactly how you will react the image that I am posting, you will ignore it.

And your requirements for someone being "ack" is them being against your shipping cancer, yet, as you can see from this objective proof, many people hate you.

!Akemi, you realize how obvious it is who you are, right? You are the only person who tries to pretend that your samefagging is actually hard to do. You "battle station" image doesn't actually make sense, because you've never done anything that would require more than one PC and one phone.

And see? I called exactly how you would reply to that image.

>calm down
You never make anyone not calm, !Akemi.

!Akemi, you've been perma banned, for breaking the law no less, and you're still posting.
And posting in the most pathetic way humanly possible, I might add. Look at how you just bumped the thread from page ten, again.

By the way, I'm more than sure you've been asked this before, but do it, name a single thing that will make you accept "ack" is not real. Because apparently objective proof like won't do it.

Aww, look at how mad you are, !Akemi.
Really, what's even your end goal here?
You're not making anyone mad, you're not out smarting anyone, literally all you are doing is make people hate you and the things you like.

Question, do you think that if you shitpost hard enough about on Sup Forums that somehow TDS will magically become canon? If you're trying to do some magical karma thing here to will TDS into relevance, you might want to consider not attacking and harassing people on a daily bases.

You know what's funny? The other Madoka manga were more popular and long running than TDS, yet oddly enough, they don't get spammed about. Almost like you are only mentioning TDS to try and force KyouMami crack shitposting.

Really, don't even reply to this post, just let it be, and then stop posting in these threads and move on with your life.


You faggot.

>Jew spotted



What even is the male equivalent of a magical girl transformation?


Why doesn't Mami just find someone nice and have them move in?

Is the main cast still magical girls in Devil Homura's world, or did she scrap the concept entirely to dump everything directly on the QBs?

Is Mami a lesbian? Asking for a friend.

Mami's shown no interest in anybody period. Her sexuality is unsure.

When has the show ever hinted at her having romantic attraction to her fellow magical girls?

The year is 2017, over half a decade has passed since Rebellion aired. Can Sup Forums agree yet on whether or not Homura was in the right?

Homura did nothing wrong

She's just lonely as fuck and would probably accept anyone who would love her, man or woman, or child.

>no doujins of Mami finding a loving relationship
>it's all just faceless old man prostitution faggotry
why is this fanbase so shit?

There's the multi one where she fucks Madoka's brother when she's 30.

gibsmedat sauce