TLR Bonus chapter 2 Korean scans


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>it's literally that one Tsunken doujin



And that Mikan one is the follow up to this based on how it ends.



I know that's a nipple on the left but it kinda looks like a dick between thighs





Damn even Saki, it's been a while.





Where are my vagina-flections? I was promised vagina-flections.

check the belt buckle in


>dat Mea slit


That's just a slit, though.
Speaking of which, where is the vagina chart?



Feels like it needs 1 more chapter doesn't it?

Maybe in the Chronicle book in August.

Without the ecchi parts, seems more a Urusei Yatsura chapter.

Mikan, Momo, nemesis, and haruna getting the focus in the final chapter?

Why bother with a harem if you can just make multiple Ritos and give one to every girl?


No more chapters, it's over.

there isn't supposed to be another chapter is the thing.

yeah I know. For now.

No, no "for now". This is the last chapter of the bangaihen and YABUKI has said that he does not intend to write any more TLR stuff in the near future.


He said TLR will continue forever hes just taking a break for a year or two.

And there's still a book coming out in august.

No more darkness doesn't mean no more TLR forever.

>He said TLR will continue forever
He never said that.
>And there's still a book coming out in august.
It's an artbook with reprinted art and a few new sketches.

He did say that darkness isnt the end of TLR tho

All Yabuki said is that his next work is likely not going to be TLR related. He never said he was never going to do anymore.

Yes he literally did.

TLR isn't over forever. Yabuki even mentioned wanting to do a Magical Girl Mikan spinoff and there's plenty of things left to do in the world. He said TLR is like home to him. He just wants to give it some breathing room and do something else for a bit.

That he did say, but it probably won't be back for another 2-3 years. Perhaps longer, depending on Hatena Illusion's reception.

Oh god, after the Mayoi Neko bluder he's still trying that? Who the hell cares?

The author for it died so I doubt he'll do anything more for it. He was just the artist for it. They never said how long it'll be before it comes back so just have to play the waiting game.

>Magical Girl Mikan
Looks like I have a new reason to live.

Not laughing it off now, eh Risa?

No nemesis?

Mad as fuck.

>Mikan didn't get a couple of Ritos in the bath.

What a let down.

The only actually good panel. I knew this was gonna be a disappointment.

Seeing the girls being gang-tripped by Rito was nice, but I expected more of this tbqh.
Meh. I want Rito as harem king, that's all.

First time I seen him use that sort of mosaic.

Wonder if it'll be uncensored in August? Go out with a bang.

If Magical Girl Mikan happens, I will forgive everything.

I agree.

Yabuki's heart is in the right place at least. He doesn't want TLR to get boring and do it non stop so he's giving it some time.

>yfw Mikan becomes Magical Idol Girls Magic Idol Apprentice

Would a Magical Girl Mikan spinoff be like the Magical Patissier Kosaki from Komi?

I'd expect it to be Ecchi, so you'll likely still have the other girls involved, but with Mikan as the main girl/mc instead of Rito.

also obvious ecchi monster moments or ecchi transformation moments.

Sounds lame. Would Mikan just trip on every male out there, or would Yabuki go full /u/ ?
Either way it doesn't sound nice.

This makes me sad.
Sad and disappointed.

Mikan would never go ecchi for anyone but onichan.

I want Yabuki to make /u/ great again.

>implying /u/ was ever good

Thank you for this last Lala color page. One last time the perfect girl.
It was a fun ride, good bye everyone. Let's meet again in Yabuki's next work

dumping the few TLR-related pages from Jump SQ Crown


Didn't catch ch 1of the bonus chapters, will it be at the normal place?



the scanlation? yes.





Ok cool


Save for those two schoolmates. You know which one.


we have to meet again when chronicle comes out first user.

need to see if yabuki said anything different here.

I don't expect too much from that. The bangaihen chapters, the color pages we got since harem gold and maybe a few interviews

rito's lips are nice.

Yabuki wasn't the author of Mayoi Neko

My wife lala is so perfect

>rito gets cloned infinitely
>literally steals every woman on earth
>every other man becomes a bitter robot
>beta uprising happens
>every rito clone gets gassed, used up bitch roasties are fed to the pigs
>all of the remaining men unite around >tfw no gf
>real life fembot waifus are created
>no more war, hunger or conflict
>biological immortality is achieved
>everyone lives happily ever after
>Kentaro Yabuki is remembered as the man who destroyed the world and created it anew

At this point Rito had become the tentacles.

That belt was genius.

That belt buckle, he can't keep getting away with it.