
Why is Saber mad at Urobuchi?

their mode of transport doesnt vroom


Alice-chan is so cute

What Uro character wouldn't be mad at him?

why she won't shut up?

I want to shove a burger into her mouth.


So no action this week too, huh.

Didn't Nasu create Saber originally?

>producer died in a motorcycle accident
Can't catch a break

>even more irrelevant talking



Still here?

Next week can't come soon enough.

>finishing an RPG in one night
Bad game

Yet another great episzzzzzzzz

Well that's Final Fantasy for you

she probably used magic to speed things along

How will Hiroe destroy this /u/ OTP?

>finished the game in a day when she has never played a game before in her life
Must be a shitty casual game.

>this is your house on mecha
mecha, not even once

>Dialogue says literally the opposite of what people "translated" during live

>"fucking great, now I can't figure out the meaning of my existence"

Also I wonder how does it feel to have their creator die? Does it feel like a loved one or family member died?
Maybe when their creator died they get some kind of psychological impact, maybe that's why hime is pissed

She knows everything, she can speed run the first time

I liked this episode. It felt like a good setup for the rest of the future episodes to come, there was some character developments and the motivations of our characters are more clear. After this the plot will probably be moving more along.

She had a guide book, mate

>Meteora is happy that she's reborn over and over again to save her world in every copy of the game that's getting played
>The game being fun is enough for her
How can she be so best?
Also where is that "world dies when it's losing popularity" coming from?

Probably feel like a Christian who found out his god, angels and heaven don't ever exist and is just fiction derived from folklores and other religions to scare and make dumb people obey the religious authorities.

Did she met herself when playing?

she's a bad character from a bad game

I actually kinda glad they're not going to drag out the Meteora looking for her creator storyline.

Would you feel anything if someday an angel came to Earth and told you God died? Of course not, you don't know that fucker personally. Maybe if you are religious you might act like that's a bad thing, but you won't actually feel anything.
She feels bad for her creator's death because she wanted to know from him about her world, not because she cared for him particularly.


We get it, Sup Forumstheist, you wanna sound edgy

Thank god she didn't have to play her own lewd scenes. Imagine if an eroge character did that

We can all agree Meteora is shit now, right

Selesia wouldn't even watch her own anime because it's trash


That feels less bad than you'd think.

Was it masturbation?

>her face when it's produced by Kyoani

>Alicetaria February
What a fucking idiotic name
She should be mad at her creator for that if nothing else

I feel bad for Aliceteria.
Hime's taking advantage of her sense of justice and desire to save her world, and using it to trick her into doing the exact opposite of what she hopes to accomplish.

But Urobuchi didn't create Saber.

>I didn't know I had a R-18 moment

This is the face of the destroyer of all universes.

>boring as fuck dialogue
>Nothing else happens
They really want people to drop the show don't they? I literally zone out whenever Metoera opens her mouth and talks a lot without actually saying anything concrete

They could have made it a good show if they just kept it action packed
I doubt I will watch the next episode

That outta be weird.


Could be worse.


>Kyoani adapting fantasy LN
When did that ever happen?

What did they mean by this?

You are right but he is her real sugar daddy.


Doujins when?


Literally most of their adaptation?
Did actually watch their show or not?

what a beta cuck, if I wrote a novel and a hot chick came out asking me to change the story I'd tell her to suck my dick and I'll think about it

Are Creations retarded? The Creators quite clearly didn't intend to create anything tangible.

Before you started watching anime, apparently

>Are Creations retarded?
Exactly as retarded as their creators made them to be.

That's not Takeuchi, the man of a thousand Sabers.

But isn't the knight chicks story over?

The chuuni hime is manipulating them to be fair

trash show
muhhh creators have some epic meguca references and Fate xD

The plot is interesting but holy fuck is he taking it slow.

>user novel
>hot chick

Does not compute. You most probably will use a fat tumblr whale as your heroine for major marketing and liberal points.

Aliceteria is clearly retarded. Hime was lucky with her.

guys look
its a retard

Looks like she had five great cities to retake.

Mamika isn't that bad compared to February.

This ship has set sail.


can you retards keep your pol trash out of here for 5 seconds?

And she's Österreich

Maybe she's a Habsburg though


Urban fantasy is garbage.

Where did he park his Mecha?

Yeah, destroying their own world.

Was there anyone that didn't already guess everything that came out of Meteora's mouth?

This guy saw her throught immediately.

>It was fun seeing a caricature of myself

This deranged psychopath tries to force-feed you poison.
How do you respond?

*is a guide book

Fantasy is fantasy faggot-kun.

Don't think they know that, the princess is telling them that they'll save their world this way. And what Meteora said was her theory too, it's not necessarily accurate.

Will Mamika be able to save everyone?

Kick her in the head.

I thought this had potential but it's kinda not meeting it honestly. The lack of the characters being from existing series is just too much, it's hard to care much about the Creations.

It's like a watered down Fate where we don't really care about any of the Creations' background since it's impossible to know what their original story is like.

She's already healing Alice-chan.

Baseball Field near the parents of the Creator.

Well, yeah, it's been out for over 14 years. Everyone's long since listened to it.

Guess February will die in the next novel.

Befriend her

Mamika, explosion do not equal salvation no matter what the dark-skinned bearded man with a turban tells you.

Alright, you've won, you autist
>Kyoani adapting fantasy LN that isn't modern day fantasy trash
When did that ever happen?

Yeah but saberlancer is from a hellish world full of desperation, it's probably easier to get her with demagogy than some self centered gang leader from persona.

>Exposition: The Anime

Jesus, I wish some of these directors would learn some subtlety in narrative.