Is the manga worth reading?

Is the manga worth reading?

You don't have anything better to do.


Not at all. I read and finished the kumagawa arc and it was decent at best. The first arcs are extremely boring, predictable and is just a slog to get through in general.
Then comes the kumogawa arc with his all fiction. I was interested in seeing how he'll use it since its so broken, also the story really escalates at this point. While the arc had some good moments, it really wasn't worth the hassle. Also the arc just suddenly ends and leads into another shitty mediocre arc. It really felt like reading psyren again.
Go read dorohedoro instead

It's basically the adventures of a bunch of chuuni.

Can you fuck off and found out yourself? Retard.

It has the greatest character ever, so yes

pretty much

It's a fresh read.

It has a lot of fresh moments.

I thought it was refreshing to say the least.

I absolutely loved it, but I'm also one of those weirdos who thought the first arcs were great.

Pretty standard Nisio fare. Starts off acting like it's a fresh new take on old cliches, introduces characters and then immediately forgets about them so he can introduce more characters, and really milks meta-narrative shit. Read it if you like his other stuff I guess.

i dont really get it. i started reading but it was just about the council doing some stuff for people. when the fuck does this turn into a supernatural fight manga?

But the first arcs were, at least, good.
Only the beginning (forming the starting student council) was kinda meh, but starting from Unzen's appearence it went great

It's a wild ride

Reminder that Zenkichi deserved better

He still gets to fuck Medaka. That's a pretty good ending for him.

Medaka was such a bitch in the next arc.
I never loved so much a manga while hating so much the MC

>tfw Zenkichi could have made Medaka his cockslave after winning the election
Oh the Doujins that we'll never have


Your time isn't worth anything, so how can you waste time? Personally I didn't enjoy it much and dropped it, it was mostly a generic shounen with TVTropes-like dressing.

> I didn't enjoy it much and dropped it

Silly user-kun

Have never read this manga but that Kumagawa guys looks like a fucking faggot to me. Whe are you all so in love with him is beyond me.

If you like it, you'll be disappointed, and if you don't, you'll still be disappointed.

Until the election arc end.
Also maybe minus the Kumakawa cardgame mini arc.

That's not the best page for ajimu though

Kumagawa carried this shit so hard.

im not. I hated him. But the manga is also great if you hate him. Plenty of suffering for him

Why does the obnoxious prat speak almost entirely in Japanese quotation marks?

He is trying to look cool.

>Tripfag has shit taste

Like clockwork