Bitch be wacking her older brother with a 2-3 thousand dollar tablet. I'd beat the crap out of her.
Euromanga Sensei
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Those are available for under a thousand.
except hers is a wacom. cheapest version is atleast $1,500 if it isnt used.
sorry I mean 2k
they show that its a wacom one in one of the episodes.
I got my Wacom Cintiq 13 HD for 800 Euros, which is roughly the same in Dollar.
Well yeah, you're right, it's a standalone tablet.
thats not a 13hd though. it has speakers on it.
Kind of unnecessary to have a Companion when you also have a laptop and stay in your room all the time anyway tbqh.
its obviously paid advertisement from wacom.
Maybe it's used. Or even salvaged, kids are pretty crafty these days if given youtube instructions, maybe she got one with a broken screen and replaced it with a fleabay part. and is undoubtedly going to have to repeat the process after that, those things are fragile af
If I absolutely hated Oreimu, but watched through the whole show in one sitting out of pure rage, would this be watchable?
yeah, though I don't know why you'd do that to yourself. Why don't you go look in your backlog for something enjoyable to watch?
Yeah, sure, but a Cintiq would do the job. Then again it would probably look retarded if she walked the thing around the room when it has to be attached to a computer.
People in anime just got too much money.
Some people watched all of SAO just to complain about it
Oreimu was enjoyable in a masochistic way, like I kept getting, for lack of a better term, trolled by the show, and kept thinking that it can't get any more ridiculous, but it did.
If this is the same and just as crazy it can be fun, but if it's just "cute girl doing cute things and fucks her brother", then I'm not gonna bother.
I see I see, kinda like umaru. Hmm, I think this show is too early on to say for sure, but it is pretty fast-paced so far so maybe it can keep you watching?
meh, I'll give it a shot if only to have an extra show to shitpost about
I uploaded the Hi-Res opening days ago:
>I'd beat the crap out of her.
Do people that post in Sup Forums are even human anymore?
He's either a canadian or brazilian, plus half of america is shit so no.
>calls her brother a pervert
>draws lewd
I hate this shit
Don't worry tablets are p solid
Anime of the fucking year.
This is my Elf.
would you sniff these afterwards?
Obviously yes.
>>blonde hair, brown eyes, eccentric nature, weird name
Stereotypical anime half-euro
>blue eyes, white hair, rather large (for her age)
Stereotypical anime nord/russian
Needs a "ur a faget" edit
I think you mean Macom
You know what bothers me, that this is factually true, there's just no other contender for AOTY, at least so far.
>inb4 One Punch Man
Please leave.
Already done.
Rakugo S2 you fucking peice of trash
I first thought that was their shut-in marriage, and they skype with a priest or something to give them blessing.
>show about dudes
I'll pass.
of all the threads up for this show right now, this is easily the worst
>spent all of their money on the TV and speakers
>ring has to be virtual too
Kobayashi you nerd
Boring af
If you think that Kobayashi was boring, but this isn't, you have absolutely no critical thinking faculties whatsoever.
Or maybe she does cam shows for faceless old men for tips.
Completely different shows, go buy yourself a fucking mirror.
>harem/cute girl anime
>came out the same year
>both borderline ecchi
seems pretty comparable to me friend
Kobayashi is not a harem nor ecchi. My god you're an idiot but then again there's no reasoning with kyoanifags.
Reminder that Elf knows she lost and it's only episode 4
It definitely has harem and ecchi elements, just like this show. But you're too worried about disagreeing with me to be objective, so just keep on being delusional and thinking Eromanga is AOTY.
Honestly, I shouldn't have engaged someone who would say something that dumb anyways, so my bad really.
To be fair Elf was kinda shitty this episode. Last ep she was much more entertaining, so Sagiri deserves her win this time around.
>It definitely has harem and ecchi elements
Please do not post on Sup Forums if you've only been watching anime for a couple months and don't understand genres or lingo.
Don't bother with him.
This show always puts a big grin on my face.
>he seriously doesn't marry this girl
What a retard and/or fag.
Why would he lie?
This show always puts a big grimace on my face.
Your face turns into a McDonald's mascot?
Both of you, get the fuck out.
ayy lmao
This show is like unironically bad but this episode was good
He doesn't sound very convincing.
Why can't there be a single good incest romance anime where the girl isn't a massive fucking cunt?
Other than Recently My Sister is Unusual
How do neets affords expensive stuff like this?
she probably makes 3 times more per month, from camwhoring (draw-whoring ?) on her streams
Sagiri is fine, she's just autistic.
>constantly being a bitch to her brother
>straight up says she hates him
>always hurts him with her door
>ignores him
Yeah ok
None of that shit really matters when he knows she doesn't mean it.
Get off my website
Do you have any siblings?
She should be wacking his dick instead if you know what I mean
I find this show very enjoyable and Sagiri very cute.
Fight me
Holy shit, is that a a FAMAS?
you cant fit a dick inside a prepubescent pussy, stop sexualizing kids.
Make me.
its a .44 magnum shotgun rifel
Not him but that doesn't make it cute or endearing just because real siblings do it. In fact that makes it worse. If they can take out the worst part of 3DPD visual-wise, they should the same personality-wise as well. She's the kind of girl that you put up with anyone because she's cute, same with Kirino
She must feel pretty vulnerable right there...
Then the show and her character would be more boring than they already are.
desert eagle noob
Wacom Cintiq are way too fucking overpriced.
Still too high for the functionality and screen size it offers. You're paying that much money for what is basically a tiny touch screen monitor, which at the same price you can get a all in one computer or mid-high performance laptop or tablet.
>my wife's son