ITT closeted homosexuals
ITT closeted homosexuals
He said closeted.
OP is a blatant homosexual.
>male cast of Gundam Wing.jpeg
>First thing they do in the whole series is kiss
that is not closeted
Only CANON closeted homos allowed
It was an accident
Any MC from any bullshit ecchi romcom harem series
Ok maybe this will sound crazy but I think these guys could be gay.
You don't lock lips with someone for five full seconds by tripping on his face.
The shows gay anyway, that would explain it.
this is very gay.
>closeted homosexuals
>haruto raped that chick and eru-erufu loved best girl
they're bi/pan at best
lol i was going to post this
I think you might be wrong.
a denial so strong it leads to heterosexuality
Even had a harem of bitches to try and convince himself he wasn't gay.
Harems were a mistake
>not putting them literally in a closet
He even marries Rei in DD.