Someone in an earlier thread said Mikasa Ackerman is Jewish, is that true...

Someone in an earlier thread said Mikasa Ackerman is Jewish, is that true? I thought she was half German Aryan half Honourary Aryan.

I am sorry for your countrymen.

>I am sorry for your countrymen
What did he mean by this?

My thoughts are that he called her a Jew because she has a Jewish-sounding last name, I knew shes a minority in the Attack on Titan universe but now Im wondering if they were referencing her as a Jewish minority.

best girl

Agreed. But do you say so because she is Jewish then? Although technically she was Japanese from her mothers side so she couldnt be Jewish unless she formally converted afterwards.

Jewish surnames are just German surnames, blame the Habsburgs for forcing them take to take such names.
As for Mikasa she is in universe half-Oriental half-what ever the normal people that live in the walls are called/fantasy German.

I don't care

half german half asian not jewish

No, that's Annie.

I would still fug her despite being (((one))) though.

Ah I see, thanks for the answer user!

Makes sense. She is manipulative...hmmmmm

don't they live in madagascar?

wouldn't matter because where they are is an island they fucked off to.

I read the wikishit a while ago and none of them seemed jewish except the faggots using titans as carpet bombs. Ackerman family seems akin to the germanic tribes that would end up as roman/judean etc bodyguards and their super power sounds like berserkers. I dont think nips think this shit out that well.

If you actually read the manga, you'd know that all of the people inside the walls are Jews (Eldians).

that's wrong

false, the dude who was not brainwashed and who had a hat and shit was a jew

>In wartime, internees were brought out to be turned into Titans and released onto battlefields.

>To justify its exploitation, Marley indoctrinated both its citizens and Eldians with a revised history which demonized the latter group. As a result, the Marleyan populace saw the Subjects of Ymir as evil due to their ancestor Ymir Fritz's deal with the "Earth Devil".[15] On the other hand, average continental Eldians, such as Mr. Yeager and Gabi Braun, became convinced that they were genuinely indebted to their "merciful" Marleyan overlords, and that the only ways to redeem themselves would be through loyal service to the Marley Motherland and the extermination of "bad" Eldians on Paradis.[16]
>Marley has historically had a poor relationship with the Mid-East Allied Forces.
oy vey the titan holocaust, you goys need to go fight the sandniggers for us

Eldians, the descendants of Ymir, are chosen people oppressed by evil nazi analogues. The walls are built on upside down Madagascar (referencing the Madagascar project). Many of them are drawn to have large noses. They're Jews.

Jews aren't chosen nor are they wrongly oppressed. Nips draw westerners with large noses regularly.

the anime you watch features half white mongrels???'

Who would have thought the author of the manga would be so redpilled
She might be technically a mongrel but she's really cool, sensible, and likable. Not generic moe-tier, also one of the most talented characters in the anime.

(note: i know the image is from tumblr, i found it on google images and saved it, doesnt mean i use that gay shit)

do you also watch blacked/riced cuckporn if it is sensible and likable?

Is the SnK manga worth reading again? I stopped following it back in June because the chapters were just too slow.