Did anyone notice a cultural shift around 2007/08?

I've noticed multiple people say that everything went to shit after 2007, is this true? If so, what caused it? Obama? Recession? Social media?

Also general 90s/00s nostalgia thread

Other urls found in this thread:


That's the year Jagex removed free trade and pvp from the wilderness.

Yup, that's about the right timeframe. That was the peak of the internet, just like the 80s/90s were the peak of human culture and everything has been shit and cancer since.

Changes 80s/90s to 60s/70s and you have it right.

60's and 70's were the end
although 2007 and 2008 were a turning point for sjw-ism and cuck-ism

To me it felt like a fuse was lit on 9/11 and the bang happened when the Recession/Obama presidency hit.

Wrong. There is nothing good about drugged out froot loops.


pic related was a bretty big cultural event in '07, for what that's worth

>Drugs make bad music TV and movies

2007 was when the fall of the internet libertarian led to the rise of the mega progressive liberal/communist. "white privilege" and trannies were suddenly everywhere. Also rape became a really big thing


That was right around when the first generation to really grow up with the internet was starting to graduate from university. So you have a bunch of self important retards with unparalleled ability to project what they think are the most important and revolutionary ideas ever (when they were mostly just shit that their marxism 101 professor spewed) then face book, tumblr, and twitter gave them the good feels and recognition and group think and it all just snowballed into a shit ball that has taken until now for people to start pushing back against

Is there anarchive of old 2007 Chris Chan threads from Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

>it was the commies!
>things that happened
Pick only one.

Portal was released. TBBT aired as well, but it took a few years to get popular.

If anything it was the filthy libertarians and rightists who would eventually metastasize into gaymercancer and then trump shillery.

this thread again?
all I know is that once they handed out those smart phones to everybody it's all anybody is ever looking at

Yeah, 2007

>recorded history never happened

kys faggot

times gone by.

Both were released in 2007


my girlfriend watches this, should i be concerned?

Also these.

Tumblr was founded in 2007.

But check the viewership. Not popular until S3

Normies flooded the web with the start of social media. 2006 was the first year that everyone was allowed on Facebook.

Man she's pretty cute. Is there more? Preferably without CWC.


I bought my first cell phone.

Yes, it was the year that Sam Hyde was born.

Everything went to shit in 1988 when Bush 41 was elected. The populace did not notice then. We were too stupid to realize Clinton was a planned succession. Bush 41 announced the NWO in 1988. 2018 was to be Jacob Rothschild’s year.


facebook com/outofthewildfelts/

all i could find.

The iphone flooded the internet with people who had no business being there.

Smartphones nigger. They literally caused a cultural shift in the way cars did in the 50s. The internet had been around for years, just like cars were prior to the 50's. The smart phone truly brought the 24/7 everywhere access internet to the world just like affordable, mass produced cars brought transportation to every family and then to every individual in the family.

that fucking nigger Obama did it all

>Coal burner detected

Run, user

pic related

fuck me I hated that. On that day I became a nazi.

(un)fortunately I'm socially isolated enough to not have a facebook, but could you post what you find laddie.

it was super popular right away, the sjw's didnt want you to know until later
nope at all this

(((Yahoo))) bought Tumblr for a billion dollars. The CIA ruined Flickr.

Definitely that fag nigger Obama.

The Trayvon/Zimmerman is when I started to actually notice just how much they kept repeating this same mantra "white man shoot unarmed black teenager". Over and over and over and over. For months on end. Up until that point I really did not see race. I mean I would notice if someone was black or brown or asian but I just assumed they were just like me. After all this endless open hatred for white men and now everyone is the eternal victim and I am somehow this evil vile thing that must be destroyed.

Kind of sad really. I liked it better when everyone just knew the score and kept their mouths shut. Now it is just counting down the days until the inevitable unironic race war.

there's only 3 pictures of her.


last one.

good times.

Holy shit, my friends and I always have long conversations about this. It always seems to give me goosebumps every time we try and piece together what happened. We always try and pinpoint when this paradigm shift happened, and what led up to it. We always just come to the conclusion that it must have been the early 2000's and that the world hasn't been the same since that point. And the worst part is that it all happened so quick and everybody noticed it far too late.

Rolls Eyes at Variable Aperture Lenses.

Yes I noticed. I think it was the collapse of the economy. I graduated college in 2008

You call those, “Tits” ?!!

he kept the necklace on.

Yeah there is, it's on an old hard drive that CWC keeps stored inside his anus, are you brave enough to retrieve it ?

>crytodemocrat established circa 2008

No, FUCK OFF with your groovy 60s/70s bullshit, that's when all this degeneracy began. At least the 80s had you same boomers cutting your hair short and putting on proper clothes and going to work.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Ellen Degeneres coming out

There were a lot of weird moments when they were trying to FORCE homosexual acceptance seemingly out of the blue and I hated every second of it, because I could tell it was being forced.

Yeah if you were 10 years old

Obama was a Rothschild puppet, groomed for a quarter century prior to being installed as president.

I know he worked for the CIA. I get called a conspiracy nut job by lots of people but I don't really care. I just tell them to go read bout Iran-Contras and they don't even know what it is.

A quarter century? HOLY SHIT THATS A LONG TIME

Do you guys think we'll be piecing everything together 10 years from now, trying to figure out what led to Trump or whatever could happen from now?

why'doyou suppose "degeneracy began" then
let me ponder that one
because it was the fucking change, and sad to say but jew were probably not the cause then

Late 2000’s the global hive mind was formed. Humans have never been so cognitively connected while so emotionally cut off. This is uncharted territory that no one saw coming.

Rothschilds > CIA > MSM

Damn I miss the old boards
I used to post on the war-room on Sherdog back then when it was decent.

Life was great in 06 but somehow turned to shit in 07, everyone seemed to be more vitriolic and angry around the time for some reason. Of course it only got worse from there. I always thought it was just me user

Yeah I think we are the last generation of "normal" humans.

I’d put smartphones becoming common place at #1 for biggest paradigm shifter.
The 08 election was such a bummer tho because we already knew Obama was going to suck plus we were sick of W and his needless, expensive wars and patriot act.
That time represents a major shift to a modern reletivistic, self obsessied nihilism that currently rots us from within. Obama catylized and galvanized the culture marxists/SJWs. Everyone believed in freedom of speech back then. We were all a little more nieve then too.

Don't forget, just the year before google bought youtube and then turned it to shit.

That'd better not be cp you fucking cunt

>I’d put smartphones becoming common place at #1 for biggest paradigm shifter.
That and the parallel rise of social media (which it enabled)

If you can’t tell is there a difference really?
Woman=big child

>just like the 80s/90s were the peak of human culture and everything has been shit and cancer since.

Sorry friendo, human culture peaked before WW1. We've been in a downward spiral ever since.

Ironically, it's capitalism that fucking did it, but rightists are too god damn brainlet to grasp this. Youtube got swallowed up by jewgle, Steve Jobs worked his snake oil miracles on the masses and everyone decided to whore themselves out to social media.

Fuck off, faggot. That’s an adult, slow your roll retard.

The people bringing up smartphones are correct. I own one, but managed not to until late 2014, years earlier i had already grown not to despise tge technology but certainly its effect on the internet.

On top of making it easy for normies to colonise the web, a smartphone and all its social apps is just too much of a powerful tool to give to people who have no intellect and so little of substance to say.

Smart phones.


Let me count the ways:

>Free love
That's where swinging/poly bullshit and general sluttery stopped being shameful. Also bisexuality was trendy
>Drug use became encouraged.
In the span of Nuclear family started getting chipped away c/o feminism and the War on Poverty

White single moms didn't have to put their kids up for adoption if they had them absent a father because kike women like Gloria Steinem told them its "their bodies themselves" and "I am woman, hear me roar" while thanks to LBJ's ostensibly helpful food stamp/welfare/section 8 public benefit rollout black single moms could actually monetize having many many kids with Pookie, Jamal, and Tyrone

need I keep going?

The day after I turned 10 years old, Jane Fonda posed for photographs at a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun at Hanoi, and the first images were printed in a newspaper in Poland. Pictures of the actress, gazing through the gunsight of a weapon used to shoot down American planes during the ongoing Vietnam War, ran worldwide the next day.

it made me see how shit humans really can be. how self absorbed they can be. it made me really see who the people are around me who are worth my time or help

fucking christian w. chandler
amazing how it all boils down to three things
you're so wise, you commie faggot

>80s/90s the peak of HUMAN culture

Just had this thought today. It's about smartphones which I'm surprised I haven't seen yet.

Did you have a smartphone in high school?

If no, you're the last real humans.

Dude ... Just say “Jews” and be done with it, FFS.

You are a sick fucking pedo. No way that girl is 19. Burn in hell

>being a yuppie who works in an office is cool

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it is a fact that communism in one form or another, or one of its descendants (for example Foucauldian power analysis, 3rd wave feminism, Frankfurt school, etc.) accounts for the almost complete majority of ideology taught at elite universities today. Even when not explicitly so (or taught by people ignorant of the roots of their own thought), the classless, family-less "utopia" Marx heralded is held as the goal of progressive liberal politics.

And this came to a head in the US around 2008 because white liberals are so fucking retarded they think they can make slavery not have happened. When Obangles presented himself, they believed by voting for him they could expunge the guilt they felt for what they could not change. This in turn freed them psychologically to believe that any other dream they had could be realized.

These dreams took more or less communist form, in the manner outlined above. Millennials were on board because they are the most miseducated and spoiled generation in US history. Together the old gentry liberals, infused with the blind enthusiasm of ignorant youth, unleashed every political fantasy they could think of. This took the form of socialist economics and a culture formed by almost mathematical permutation of superficial characteristics.

And that's what happened.

Absolutely, the hardware and software bore sympathetic fruits and in full step with each other. The phone was the physical representative of the paradigm shift.

What a stellar argument. It must be that Ashkenazi IQ.

fair arguments

we reached the zenith of western civilization, and the rest is indulgence and excess.

I tend to assume that when I think some event or year was significant that it's the product of burrowing my head too far up my own ass, and that's usually a safe bet, but I definitely felt some kind of sea change after 2007. That was the year.

Many have elaborated on this and I need not add to the voices but to say I was there, I have 30 years on me now, and if there was a before/after point in the culture it wasn't 2001, it was 2007

hnngggg orange box

Both communism and capitalism are kikery. Natsoc is the only way out of the JQ.

NIGGERS. ARE ALL OF YOU TOO YOUNG TO REMEMBER THE ECONOMY CRASHING? That shit STILL hasn't recovered and we're basically in a great depression where people have to change the way they act and can no longer spare anytime for "old world" sensibilities.

>jamie pull up chimp dicks
Lel haven't seen that one yet.

Screaming "commie! commie! commie!" isn't actually an argument.