Seikaisuru Kado

Is this the Krusty Krab?

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Is shit gonna go down soon?

zaShunina is most likely planning to shock the world into rationality. We'll see how it goes.

Horribly but Id rather not have to wait till episode 8 to see it

How many more episodes do you think this can make it without going full retard?


I give it 3 more episodes.


it might be soon
The UN moving to military intervention so quickly is a stretch, especially when Japan is hosting an inter dimensional being of wild, unknown power.
Also it looks like they're going to shoehorn the obnoxious science chick into being an important plot device.

They're implementing sanctions; the military option is just a warning for now.

Man that character feels so out of place in this anime I hate her.

I pity the fools who can't appreciate best girl.

She becomes more tolerable if you imagine that the only reason she is allowed to run around act like she does is because she's really great at sucking dick.

>Being so fucking pleb you only care about cute characters and not how they play into the plot and themes
fucking neck yourself and go back to your waifu bait.

I can care about both.
A wacky scientist girl fits right in with the show's attempts at keeping a light tone, and it seems she'll be of use to zaShunina considering next ep's preview.
Unless he's got an anisotropic interest in flat chests, my bet is that he's giving her so kind of knowledge that will be useful in dealing with the wam or any other magic bullshit he'll pull out of his fifth dimentional hole.

>the military option is just a warning for now
In the preview Natsume mentions an aircraft carrier.
Wonder if they'd actually take the japanese civilian population hostage though. I doubt it but since this is pretty much the only card they have against Kado and Zashunina, who knows.

Isn't Japan filled with US bases and US military personal? Where are they in all of this?

Nobody has any real leverage against zaShunina. As Tsukai pointed out, he's not antagonistic but it's unknown if he has any concept of good and evil as we understand it. He's honest, accommodating and altruistic to a certain extent, but nobody can predict what he would do if things stopped going his way.

Either the writer would rather pretend they don't exist or they're restricted to dealing with problems in international waters and can't intervene on Japan's soil. Who knows. Either way there's no way they won't clear this up next episdoe.

I don't think the UN even seems to acknowledge Kado and Zashunina. The Wam seem like a much smaller deal then the inter dimensional being who may be able to destroy the entire solar system on a whim.

Some links for new thread


USFJ is tasked with protecting Japan; I don't think they're authorized to take actions against it.

Since when has America cared about whether or not they are 'authorized' to take military action.
Just say the Japanese government plan to use the Wam to gas children and move in.

>be alien benefactor
>gib humans free, renewable and clean energy
>some humans dun want it becuz MUH OIL
>some want to monopolize it for monies

I swear this would be the same scenario should it happen IRL. Fucking globalists.

But then again said inter dimensional being, a bookworm NEET living as a recluse in an airport seems much more harmless compared to his gift of infinite energy. Unlike the former it has direct consequences of cataclysmical proportions, good and bad, for the world as a whole.

zaShunina hasn't showed any indication of being that powerful yet. For now, the Wam are a bigger threat, especially if we take international tensions into account.

>fucking globalist
Being a globablist has absolutely nothing to do with that.

The American bases in Japan are there on mutual agreement. They are there because it's beneficial for both parties and the whole thing has a pretty strict legal framework.

Globalists are greedy fucks who want to rule the world with money and make humanity their money generating bitch. Unless they have control of something like WAM they'd always be against it or cry that they should be the one in control of it.

Of course they have to do with everything.

But he's not just a neet.
He has a big fucking thing that defies all logic as we know it.
He can materialize infinite energy spheres almost at a whim.
Even if Japan hands over all the Wam they have, Zashunina can just make more. For some reason the UN is fixated on Japan while ignoring the inter-dimensional elephant in the room.
Realistically their first order of business would've of been to demand that Japan allow an UN envoy to handle all contact with Zashunina rather then leaving everything up to Japan.

>zaShunina hasn't showed any indication of being that powerful yet.
Except remotely cutting all those powerlines in 5 seconds.

Kado itself is an indicator. He's way beyond the humanity's power.

Mutual agreement doesn't matter at this point. If the US decides its going to start rolling out tanks and put Japan on lockdown, 'mutual agreement' is no longer a factor.

>Seikaisuru Kado
>Sekai Suru

Holyshit, Space Jesus is literally biblical Jesus. It's going the way of EoE

I know complexity can be hard for your brain but still I have to tell you globalism is too broad a concept to apply it solely to the people you're talking about. Both communists and marketfags would consider themselves globalists. It's a buzzword designed to trigger nationalists and poltards. Nobody considers themselves a globalist or think the birth of a world nation is a priority nowadays.

And a ching chong dong to you, young lady.
Care to explain?

>Nobody considers themselves a globalist or think the birth of a world nation is a priority nowadays.

That's what you think. If this world has taught me anything is that any type of person can exist. Even the most vilest person you can think of. There's a lot of them out there and you thinking they don't exist is actual proof that their campaign to cloak themselves so people think "they don't exist" is working.


Just remember they're always right.

Cutting powelines is not the same as "may be able to destroy the entire solar system on a whim". And as said, for now he's content to sit in Kado, read books, and research human society.

Besides, what can they do about him? zaShunina does whatever he wants.

>edgy NEETs on 4chins
>right about anything

>There's a lot of them out there and you thinking they don't exist is actual proof that their campaign to cloak themselves so people think "they don't exist" is working.
You mean, just like invisible pink unicorns? Shit, guess those campaigns are very effective.
Though to be honest I wouldn't mind a world nation as much as I would invisible pink unicorns running around and fucking me in the ass on a whim. Guess I'm a globalist myself.

>Cutting powelines is not the same as "may be able to destroy the entire solar system on a whim".
He just did it to prove a point.
How do you know he can't cut all the powerlines on earth at once? How do you know he can't kill everyone on earth at once?

If you can materialize spheres of infinite energy and travel across dimensions you could most certainly destroy the solar system.
Try to imagine how much energy infinite energy is. Even if you converted all mass in the solar system into energy, those spheres would still hold infinitely more energy.

>how do you know he can't kill everyone on earth at once?
Even if he could, could you stop him?
It's pointless to worry about things you can't do anything about. I think it was Epicure who said that.

What kind of entertainment will they bring into the cube? Hookers?

It's not about being able to stop him.
It's about not being on his bad side, and you obviously can do something about that considering he seems to have come to Japan for a reason.

The Wam don't provide infinite energy. zaShunina outright said he called it that because Shindo insisted on speed and simplicity during their talks. It's "infinite" for mankind because it's more than we can use, but it's not truly infinite.

>You mean, just like invisible pink unicorns?
Look, I know thinking can be hard for your brain but are you really comparing imaginary being with actual people? That's beyond tumblr retardation.

Making up false equivalences just to win an argument on the internet is just sad. But, you know, keep being a sheeple.

Candy Crush and porn.

20 bucks Shindo is just gonna come back with an entire library's worth of books.

Is there a specific reason was Space Jesus look like this? did he copy how he looks off of Hanamori when he smothered him with his ooze?


You mean, beside targetting fujos?
Not that we know of.

Not that guy, but
>using the word sheeple unironically
Underage detected.

He copied the cloak from a book aboard the plane and his physical looks seem to be a blend of male and female human features.

>all of this high budget adapting a manga we never heard of

Why are you awful Sup Forums? why didn't you translate it?

anyone got a webm of tsukai disliking the video?

It's not a false equivalence, it's the exact same thing. You believe in a narrative that makes sense to you, a narrative that is flattering to you, a narrative that is full of things that either don't actually exist or exagerrate stuff to trigger you into sperging "DEATH TO NIGGERS" and "MUH COUNTRY FIRST".

>why didn't you translate it?

Scanlation scene is low on energy and people right now compared to years ago.
Honestly not Sup Forums's fault. Honestly, I blame those who are trying to open a digital western market for manga, like Crunchyroll, for the slow death of manga scanlation scene.

Him reading books was pretty cute
I wonder if it'll have a "I came here to enlighten humanity, but in the end humanity enlightened me" ending

The manga is the adaptation stupid. The anime is the original.

I think he meant that seikai suru ("answering correctly") sounds similar to sekai suru ("make a world"). Doesn't seem all that similar to me, though (正解 vs. 世界).

That manga started in march.
So obviously the anime isn't adapting it.

He should get him into gaming.

Do nips also think zaShunina is Space Jesus?
All the bread symbolism is probably more poignant to us Westerners.

I don't get it either, I mean, it's not like it was Jesus who made the world in the bible. Right? No bully, I never read the thing.
I think the pun is intentional though.

Well the official sight has "the end of the world is beginning. Can humankind answer correctly?"



They're more sensible to the Buddha references, at least from what I've seen on twitter. But I don't think they failed to notice the Jesus symbolism either.

Some think Yaha-kui sounds a bit like Yahweh, so they did notice some allusions.

Figures. A progressive.
Look I'd post a rant here about how you guys would think it's a "narrative" of some kind like its some kind of fairy tale and how stupid and blind you guys tend to be but I don't feel like getting banned today.

Weird, I thought christians didn't agree on the matter of the divine nature of jesus.
Either way, thanks for this, that actually helps. What the fuck is the holy spirit though

So huniepop?

>christians didn't agree on the matter of the divine nature of jesus

Medieval times. No. This only happened when Christianity reached America.

It's "the end of the world and the beginning", to be precise. There's definitely some future implied.

>i, alone, don't live in a narrative of my own construction
That's why you're naive. We all live in different realities of our own. Yours isn't the only one that exists, if it exists. The people you deem as blind just don't look at things from the same perspective as you do.

Hm, I see. Thank you user.

Thread died before I could respond so I'll do it here.

Honestly I wasn't considering things like desalination since I was thinking more in terms of weapons, since the original post was talking about things that would be dangerous for certain groups to have. Things like lasers and railguns still need a lot of progress in other areas before they can be viable, and if putting more energy could solve them then the military would have already done that.

>live in a narrative of my own
No one lives in a narrative except people who like to use the word "narrative".

>We all live in different realities of our own
Are you some kind of interdimensional being? Is that your "narrative"?

Look, just because you can't see reality doesn't mean that everyone makes up "narratives of their own". You should ponder on that. There are people who build ideas and beliefs based on others' experiences as well as his own.

>We all live in different realities of our own.
This is postmodernism, and it's correct in a sense. Yet an insanity, however common, would be to think that there's no reality that's independent of you and your perspective. Not everything is a "narrative" that's constructed by a person perceiving.

The guy is convinced he's some enlightened being, privy to transcendental truths unknown to the masses. Being fifteen tends to do that.

>We all live in different realities of our own
Nayrt but this sounds like TWEWY. It's not exactly a new viewpoint.

Wam is amazing. Why isn't the world rejoicing?

It's a matter of opportunity cost, too. Some things we already have could work if we put more energy into them, but the whole project and its operation would cost too much to be viable.

Well, if I don't try hard to be an enlightened being, how can I convince the aylien to marry me and bring me into his cube? I can't remain a poltard ape forever.

Because the energy sector will take a hit.
Oil producing countries will fall and they don't want it unless they control it. They want to keep making money after all. Greed is an evil humanity will never escape from.

Because everyone hates each other

I regret catching up on this now. I'm sure I missed a lot of speculah threads.

Bombs powered by infinite energy.

The ayylien doesn't seem to be particularly fond of nationalism and fearmongering of all stripes, so chances are he'd mindrape the Sup Forums out of you first.

It's not even a matter of greed, it's a matter of survival. Without oil Gulf monarchies would become postapocalyptic ruins, and Russia would become a poor frozen wasteland. However, latter has nukes.

Why didn't they go to a bookstore together?

Why are we afraid of nuclear power, transhumanism, gene therapy and so on? Some people are scared of anything new and what they don't understand, but most just don't trust each other enough to let them use it.

B-but wouldn't that be a date?!

is there anything that Shindo can't negotiate?

This is the best thread so far

They could easily just move their investment into a new venture and secure a future with that. Its not like the transition from what we are now to a WAM powered world is instantaneous either.

Its greed. There's no other reason.

because Zashunina has no clue how to interact with humans and letting him roam around would cause a lot of problems.

Besides zaShunina giving them infinite energy, how would humanity go about advancing technology without the knowledge and understanding to do so?

How can you reach another dimension if you can't even fathom another dimension?

>letting him roam around would cause a lot of problems

That's the opposite of what they would want to happen.