>bread on the grill
What did they mean by this?
Bread on the grill
Other urls found in this thread:
OP never tried yakiniku - the thread
That's a mushroom cap
Yakiniku is fucking awesome.
wish there were all you can eat(in a time period) places in American, like the one I regularly went to in Japan.
That's a big screw
>butter on the oil
what did america mean by this
>being a weeaboo
That shit doesn't even look like a mushroom.
There's literally nothing wrong with that, nerd.
That bacon looks a little thick
It would be nice, since Benihana is so much of an event. Sometimes I just want my food, man. The onion volcano was badass, but I've been here for half an hour I'm hungry.
>never having toasted buns
lay off the drugs
I haven't seen the source so I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that's beef
Get fucked.
Don't like your buns toasted OP?
That looks so fucking tasty.
>plebians only know champignons and think they know shit about mushrooms
Onions are a shitty overused meme ingredient, prove me wrong.
You can't.
Literally this.
Onions ruin everything they're in.
>I like my food bland and tasteless.
I bet you ask for fries without salt too.
You're just jealous you're not as multilayered and anti-bacterial as onions.
I've never seen someone try so pathetically hard to force a "meme".
Such a classic bait and still so many serious answers.
onions kill the cats, just like real world discussions the catgirls.
S3 never
TIL you have to be a weaboo to eat Japanese food
>not grilling the inside of a burger bun with butter so that it has a crispy texture
I smell a filthy Canadian in this thread that can't appreciate a good o' American burger.
You need to be 18 to post here.
>He doesn't know about the joys of a grilld burger bun
I feel sorry for you.
fresh onions: awful tasting meme ingredient
grilled onions: wonderful
Are onions the evangelion of vegetables?
Something that makes as many little girls cry as onions do, can't be all bad.
>this thread again
im retarded t. OP
I shat a thread t. retard
Wow, no wonder they are so fat.
fuck you onions are the best ingredient ever
literally nothing wrong with it
Garlic is better.
Garlic is honorary onion.
Holy shit this is disgusting
What's the point of saying yakiniku instead of grilled meat or bbq?
thats only first level shit
What's the point of saying katana instead of sword or two handed saber?
Because grilled meat or a BBQ is done on a grill, usually outside, and involves thick cuts of meat, whereas yakiniku is small thin strips of beef that are quickly grilled on a cooking apparatus that's right on the table you're eating on. How uncultured are you? Do you think gyoza is the same thing as ravioli?
unfair comparison