Hey, I'll be going on a long trip with no internet, is this any good?
I don't care about titty.
Hey, I'll be going on a long trip with no internet, is this any good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Just watch it
If you want something the complete opposite and upbeat I suggest TTGL
>and upbeat
Wait this isn't upbeat?
I only saw the opening, fooled me.
There isn't a lot of titty in it. You'll be fine.
if you up for sum good ol' existencial crisis, it's a 11
Yes it great, but you might want to have internet access to check some of the lore after you done. The series never explain some of it, and people get confused.
Its a drama, but ending is pretty upbeat
I shouldn't say too much
Eva is an experience
okay user i know im gonna be really pushing our friendship here but could you pls give me a short version explanation of the endings of both the anime and the end of evangelion?
It's fantastic but it's also too divisive, I'd go with something else if I were you in case I hated it because some people do hate it.
>Wait this isn't upbeat?
Never mind, I didn't realize this was a bait thread.
still pissed Toji is in that image and only got 2 minutes of being an Eva pilot
You OP? im not going to spoil it. I am willing to tell you the things that are never addressed in the anime (it was later released in a game and later in the manga). This might be enough to understand what is going on the endings.
There was a race of AYYs that wanted to ensure life would exist past the day they died, so they created creatures called "Seeds" that would spread life to the planets they landed. The Seeds of life had their power, the seeds of knowledge had their intelligence. They didnt want the seeds to mix and create beings as powerful as them, though.
2 Seeds ended up on earth, one would be called Adam, a seed of life, and other Lilith, a seed of knowledge. Adam used a contingency
plan and sealed itself with an item called lance of longinus.
Lilith them spread life as we know it, humans being her decedent.
Fast forward a few million years, humans found "scrolls of the dead sea", instruction manuals of the Seeds and the lance of longinus. A secret group of rulers (akin to the Illuminati) decide to merge humanity back into lilith, where they will all live eternally as one godly being. This process is known as "Instrumentality".
Following the steps of this manual, humans awaken Adam and he splits into 15 "angels". When all 15 angels are dead, the plan may continue. And with that the story begins.
if nothing else, it's not generic, and you will have an opinion on it
not OP but thank you man i had no idea that was the actual story behind those lsd finales, i still gotta watch the evangelion rebuild movies, i just hope they're not Anno's drug trips.
Hey OP, a few more things: You also need to watch the movie, End of Evangelion. There is discussion about if the movie and the TV ending (Episode 25 and 26) happen at the same time or if they are different endings with similar messages. I think they are different. And the tv ending spoils a lot of the movie. In my opinion most "spoil free" order to watch it:
>TV up to episode 24
>Then the story splits into 2 different endings: TV ending and movie ending. I recommend to go back to the TV ending, then go back to the movie.
Your choice of watching it on the release order or my autistic chronological order.
they're not, they're Anno's own fanfic.
>Any order other than release order
when will this meme stop?
>stopping in the middle of a show to watch the movie
>stopping in the middle of the movie to finish the show
Are you stupid or just pretending to be?
OP here.
What is there to this past the series and the film? Or is that it?
I was told Internet acces would be helpful to read up on the lore, does that just mean the wiki or what?
If you not OP, heres my interpretation of the endings: Big spoilers
TV: Instrumentality was ultimatelly a good thing. You still get to keep being yourself in that dream dimension,
but other people have access to your memories and thoughts. Given that, it turns into a group therapy session, as they dont have anything else to do besides to try to help each other. The last episode is dedicated to the cast helping shinji to accept the presence of others on his life and partake in the instrumentality. When he accepts it, we get the "Congratulations" scene. There is another cool thing in instrumentality: With a simple though, they can create entire new scenarios like the School one, so they can have adventures and fun inside their minds.
EoE: Instrumentality isnt as good, Shinji, being the "god" is the only one truly aware, the rest is unaware. Shinij refuses it, and wishes for the others to awake, even if in the real world there will be pain and suffering. Lilith-rei "kills herself" to unsleash all the souls and make shinji wish come true (her soul still going to be around, as we see later). All the people in the tang can return to life if they wish to do so, Asuka is the first one because she has one of the strongest "egos" in the world.
Just watch the series first then the movie, don't buy the other guys bullshit. As for the internet, you might want to check on things, but it's better if you process things for yourself rather than immediately go wikiing stuff. so it doesn't matter if you can't get to the internet for a while after watching EoE, if anything it's better, let everything stew in your own thought for a while.
Kaworu's in it too even though he's only in a single episode
There is the rebuilds of evangelion, a still going series of movies that reboot the whole story. It goes a very different route and so far, i say it is far worse than the OG series.
You might heard about "death and rebirth", but "death" is a recap of the series, and "rebirth" is the first half of the film.
There is a manga that retells the story of the TV series, but the characterization is pretty shit.
And finally there is a shitload of comedy spin offs.
>comedy spin offs
>comedy spin offs
Please tell me the cast runs a detective agency.
Angelic Days, Raising Shinji Ikari Project, The Legends of Piko Piko middle school, the super sentai CD drama,
Angelic Days, Shinji Ikari Raising Project, Petite Eva
>the super sentai CD drama
Isn't that the show that birthed power rangers?
Are they somehow thrown together?
>Isn't that the show that birthed power rangers?
You mean Sentai shows? Yeah, Power Rangers is basically a western Super Sentai show. In the Eva Drama CD it spoofs that at some point.
Watch it yourself
Yeah don't skip it is an entertaining watch (listen?) but do it only after watching the whole thing.
What the fuck is that?
That's not anime.
Is that the Japanese equivelent of those BBC DVD extras that's just what interns did with their spare time? Like: youtu.be
Or was this sold separatly as a full product?
>He never heard about japonese cd dramas
It is a product by itself. This one is comedy focused, the VA being selfaware and having fun.
But yeah, cd dramas are a thing in japan. Have never heard about the mewtwo cd drama for the first pokemon movie?
>Have never heard about the mewtwo cd drama for the first pokemon movie?
No... Please post.
That was surprisingly catchy.
I wonder why shinji tried to choke asuka
maybe cause likes it
Here's the original iygaf youtu.be
Long sad story about why mewtwo is pissed. Involve a bunch of deaths, from jessie's mom death, pokemons, and a loli.
Given how much choking, hanging and neck motifs we have, i think anno has a fetish for asphixiation.
Also after all that in quite sure asuka will develop one too.
Watch it. You'll be smarter.
no just watch Manime like gurren lagann instead of this waifufagotory show